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  1. Fantastische Hure

    SSJ Gohan (FNF) vs SSJ2 Gotenks

    Who wins?
  2. Fantastische Hure

    Vegeta could have been candidate for Hakaishin in another universe...

    Does that mean he could have reached the level of Hakaishin from one or two of the universes or even surpassed them?
  3. Fantastische Hure

    SSj Goku (Cell-Games) vs Blow-Jack

    Not transformed. Who wins?
  4. Fantastische Hure

    SSJ3 Gotenks vs Lower half of Hirudegarn

    Who wins?
  5. Fantastische Hure

    If SSJ Broly is > Jiren...

    If SSJ Broly really was, then Bills'd be a monster compared to Jiren and some of the other Hakaishins.
  6. Fantastische Hure

    Ultra-Instinct Omen Goku vs SSJ2 Kefla

    The anime that makes no sense. Who wins?
  7. Fantastische Hure

    Akira Toriyama & Rumiko Takahashi interview

    AT & Rumiko Takahashi (Urusei Yatsura, Ranma 1/2, InuYasha) interview just before the animes for DragonBall and Maison-Ikkoku premiered.
  8. Fantastische Hure

    Favourite One-Piece Art-Work?

    You can post any image here. Whether that's a cover-page from Weekly-Shōnen-Jump or an image from an art-book or what-ever. I'd say Alabasta cover-art is kewl. The one where the Straw-Hats are all facing the Baroque-Work gais. That's all I could think of as a thread for now.
  9. Fantastische Hure

    How are they going to go forward now?

    A question. Now that we have Ultra-Instinct and it's not even really a transformation (kind-of but at the same time not) how is it going to go moving forward? Will Super-Saiyan Blue still be the standard and finding something that surpasses Blue in all ways or will it soon be Ultra-Instinct...
  10. Fantastische Hure

    Should we launch Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards into Space?

    Kaiba thinks so.
  11. Fantastische Hure

    Did Movie 7 take place in the unseen time-line?

    The only thing I can't make sense of is the implication of Piccolo being fused with Kami. And also maybe Trunks chillaxing there when wouldn't he be hurrying to his future to de-activate the androids?
  12. Fantastische Hure

    What will be Weekly-Shōnen-Jump's signature series after One-Piece ends?

    Is that series already in the magazine or has it yet to be created? Will the series over-take One-Piece before that even ends (very, very unlikely)?
  13. Fantastische Hure

    Top 5 Favourite Duels of each series. voted by Fans. The number next to the placement on the top left corner is the episode number.
  14. Fantastische Hure

    Kuririn was more of a joke in DragonBall

    He was always on the wrong side (or receiving end) of all the jokes and wasn't really to be taken completely serious until the 23rd Tenkaichi-Budokai (or maybe 22nd Tenkaichi-Budokai at best, I don't think I think so). @Void that's all I could think of. Please forgive me.
  15. Fantastische Hure

    InuYasha OST

    Is very atmospheric. When you listen to the music it takes you right to the Feudal-Era of Japan. Sets the mood very well. The creepy, mysterious or just mischievous song all work well and they all fit the setting in a way, I mean the Feudal-Era of-course.
  16. Fantastische Hure

    I like how in One-Piece...

    ...the story gets gradually more serious as it goes along and the stakes get higher (from what I've seen in the latest stuff or it seems that way). The series starts-out in a fun care-free kind-of way. They do have life or death fights, but the crew seemed more chill with each-other and have...
  17. Fantastische Hure

    Since Digimon Adventure Tri. takes place in the Mid-00s?

    Did they use IPhones? :mikey :mikey :mikey
  18. Fantastische Hure

    ImperialDramon Paladin-Mode (Revenge of Diaboromon) vs Rookie Level Lucemon (Digimon Frontier)

    I never watched the movie, but I heard he is the strongest. Who wins?
  19. Fantastische Hure

    Is there any-other manga/anime out there with...

    linear power-scaling like DragonBall? I can't think of anything.

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Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.