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  1. Let's Go Fearless!

    Boohan [Enrage Vegeta Absorb] VS Super Vegito

    Is it enough for Boo to beat Vegetto?
  2. Let's Go Fearless!

    SSjin2 Vegeta VS SSjin Yadrat Goku

    Vegeta after his final Zenkai with SSjin2 against Yadrat Goku, if this is too much for Vegeta then make it SSjin Trunks.
  3. Let's Go Fearless!

    How Strong Cell Would Be...

    If he absorbed the Future Androids?
  4. Let's Go Fearless!

    DB/Z VS OP

    Which one is more popular?
  5. Let's Go Fearless!

    80% Freeza VS SSjin Vegeta

    No strain for either of them.
  6. Let's Go Fearless!

    Your Top 5 Favorite Super Episodes Of 2016!!!

    Rank your top 5 episodes of Super of 2016!!! Mine 1. Episode 57: "The God With the Immortal Body - Zamasu Descends" Main Event: Goku and Trunks VS Black and Zamasu 2. Episode 66: "The Climactic Battle! The Miraculous Power of a Relentless Warrior!" Main Event: Vegito Reborns 3. Episode...
  7. Let's Go Fearless!

    Broly's Popularity?

    Can anyone explain why this troll is so popular and has a huge fanbase to overrates him [DBM]? @Pakl
  8. Let's Go Fearless!

    Does Uub has a potential to be a main character?

    The way I see it, he could be the next Piccolo like in Freeza/Cell arc where Piccolo is one of top strongest character. I don't see anyway for Uub to get stronger like the Saiyajins does other than training which is enough as an excuse for him to get stronger like Piccolo. :troll The way he...
  9. Let's Go Fearless!

    Do you think that SSjin3 was mishandled?

    When Goku transformed into SSJin3, the hype was huge since his ki catches Gohan, Kaioshin and Kibito's attention from another realm and almost destroy the Earth. Later, the arrival of Gotenks post ROSAT, Super Boo and Gohan made SSjin3 look shit compare to them. I blame Gotenks on this. :trump
  10. Let's Go Fearless!

    ASSjin Kid Gohan VS FP Cell

    Is this close enough? :sponge
  11. Let's Go Fearless!

    Do you think Goku would use ASSjin if he had ate the senzu bean?

    Seems like he have no choice but fight Cell again after listening to Piccolo. Do you think he'll ASSjin form against Cell? How would the fight go?
  12. Let's Go Fearless!

    DBS Manga Confirmed Pure Boo > Super Boo?

    Goku used Pure Boo as a measure stick if a villain appears and stronger than Boo. :idk It's Toriyama's script. :troll
  13. Let's Go Fearless!

    Best Transformation/Power Up

    Not counting the canon stuffs or DBZ anime, just the movies and GTverse. Mine Goku turn into SSjin3 against Janemba. 16nKcRGYLzc
  14. Let's Go Fearless!

    When Trunks said this...

    How strong was Trunks at that time where he could fight decently against the Androids? Debut Trunks or after he got stronger and returned to the present timeline?
  15. Let's Go Fearless!

    SSjin Mr. Satan VS Goku 21st Budokai

    Is it enough to take Goku head on? :ladd
  16. Let's Go Fearless!

    LSSjin Broly M8 VS SSjin CG Goku and Teen Gohan

    I have Broly slightly weaker or as strong as FPSSjin CG Gohan. Can he take the duo?
  17. Let's Go Fearless!

    Is there any inconsistency power chain on M9?

    Seems like Toei didn't fuck up that movie.
  18. Let's Go Fearless!

    Why Goku didn't train Gohan to transform into SSjin?

    I'm talking about during their 3 years training before the arrivals of the Androids. Was it because Gohan was too young to learn it?
  19. Let's Go Fearless!

    If Fat Boo was close to SSjin3 Goku...

    Then how come Gohan, Kibito and Kaioshin couldn't sense Boo?

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