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  1. ahill1

    Death Note's doubt

    A doubt ragerding the part 1 from Death Note: Why didn't Light control Ray Penbar through the Death Note (he knew RP's name) rather than threatening him personally to write the others FBI agents names? Threatening him personally was way riskier.
  2. ahill1

    Goku base (U6 Tournament/ Manga) vs Vegetto SSJ (Boo saga)

    Who wins? Toyotaro manga U6 Goku, not his anime self.
  3. ahill1

    Was Gotenks SSJ (pre RoSaT) sensed from the Kaioshin realm?

    What the title says.
  4. ahill1


    I've heard that's also a pretty disturbing manga. For anyone who has read it, is it worth? Also, is it more distrubing than even Berserk?
  5. ahill1

    Berserk Golden Age

    What is your favorite moment of the Golden Age arc?
  6. ahill1

    Which other mangas/animes have you read/watched besides Dragon Ball?

    You can include the ones you are reading as well. As well as some you have started but abandoned. Mine: One Piece (watched the entire anime up to Dressrosa and read the manga of Thriller Bark, Marineford and Dressrosa) Hunter x Hunter (watched the 1999 anime [until its end] and have read just...
  7. ahill1

    Slam Dunk (spoilers)

    I then finished reading it. I found it a pretty good manga in general, despite feeling a bit bored while reading it sometimes. But it kept my interest and made me wish a part 2 for it. The final match with Sannoh was really thrilling and intense... that was the 1st time I was REALLY cheering up...
  8. ahill1

    Did someone watch the Death Note's movie?

    If so, what did you think of it?
  9. ahill1

    Sakuragi Hanamichi (Slam Dunk)

    I was searching for character's names meaning, and found the meaning for Sakuragi Hanamichi: Sakura = cherry blossoms Gi = Tree Hana = Flower Michi = Path, way So, how do those meanings relate to Sakuragi Hanamichi's personality? Does someone have a clue?
  10. ahill1

    Was Beerus' power retconned throughout Dragon Ball Super?

    We do have him initially saying he used 10% or so against Rage Vegeta: Minute: 10 Context: After Beerus defeats angry Vegeta Beerus: "It's been a long time since I've used 10% or so of my full strength. Well, this was more fun than with that Saiyan over at North Kaio's place." But we also do...
  11. ahill1

    75% gap

    Vegeta vs Kaioken x3 Goku Cui vs Vegeta Vegeta vs Recoome Are those all examples of 75% gaps?
  12. ahill1

    What if Dragon Ball Super was made in the 90's?

    Would you have liked the designers more?
  13. ahill1

    Did Casca enjoy being raped by Griffith?

    I've seen some people saying she did.
  14. ahill1

    Yamcha's power (Androids saga)

    Okay, some interesting point about Yamcha's power in the Androids saga, and probably, the other humans as well (unless you assume they are wayyy, like hundreds of times) stronger than Yamcha. I was also the creator of that "Dr. Gero + Z senshi > SSJ Vegeta", which puts the humans really high BP...
  15. ahill1

    U9's angel laughing at the destruction of his own Universe

    At the end of the episode 98, we see the angel of the erased Universe laughing at this... does this strengthen the theory of Daishinkan being behind all that, with the angels (or at least some of them) being aware of his malicious plans?
  16. ahill1

    Base Saiyans > Piccolo experiment

    Cell Games Piccolo 75 Trunks SSJ 90 Vegeta SSJ 94 Cell Junior 100 Goku SSJ 150 Gohan SSJ 200 Boo Saga Piccolo 80 Base Gohan 80 ~SSJ 160 Base Vegeta 100 ~SSJ 200 Base Goku 120 ~SSJ 240 How do those look?
  17. ahill1

    Goku's farewell to Piccolo and Kuririn/Roshi

    I think it was very well done. It showed a moment of Goku having his farewell to probably his best friends. With Kuririn, he remembered the old days where they went chasing that stone back in DB, and also made note of how Kuririn cheated. With Piccolo, he showed consideration towards the green...
  18. ahill1

    DBZ debators --> who are the most hard to convince?

    I think Hitiro is a strong candidate. Even freezamite gave up arguing with him:
  19. ahill1

    3rd form Freeza vs Final Zenkai Vegeta

    What if they actually fought in the manga?
  20. ahill1

    Which is better? OP manga vs OP anime

    For pre timeskip, as the answer should be obvious for post TS :CC

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