How long?
If DragonBall Super is as good as it has been this saga, then I don't have a problem with it even running for maybe a few more years.
How long do you think?
Champa vs Golden Freeza & Super-Saiyan Blue Goku* (or Kaio-Ken x10 Super-Saiyan Blue Goku, if you go by anime.) & Super-Saiyan Blue Vegeta (Future Trunks Saga) & Hit & Goku-Black & Zamasu
*(Future Trunks Saga)
For me, I still think Champa one-shots everyone of them or at-least god-stomps them...
If Super-Perfect Cell got another boost that was the same kind-of power-up he got before (as in same boost in power), can he defeat Good-Boo?
Who wins?