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  1. Fantastische Hure

    Favourite Yu-Gi-Oh! Story Arc?

    What's your favourite Yu-Gi-Oh! Story Arc? You can say it from any Yu-Gi-Oh! series, doesn't only have to be the first one. You could also say your favourite from each show, but not hafta. ;) ;) ;) so kewl??? go
  2. Fantastische Hure

    Is DragonBall XenoVerse the best DragonBall Console Game?

    Is it, in your opinion?
  3. Fantastische Hure

    Captain-Ginyu vs Neiz

    The Captain of the Ginyu-Force vs the turtle fellow from Cooler's Armoured-Squadron Who wins?
  4. Fantastische Hure

    Dabura being Super-Perfect Cell's equal???

    I don't believe this, but doesn't this kind-of work with how the series been doing the old villain is fodder thing? Like in every new saga the previous huge bad's power is shown to be nothing: When Raditz came he was able to easily take-on both Goku & Piccolo at the same time. When Vegeta...
  5. Fantastische Hure

    Dabura vs SSj Goku (Cell-Games)

    Who wins?
  6. Fantastische Hure

    What do you think of the post-absorptions Androids?

    Not as much of a numbers thing, as much I just ask how high do you think they were? Weaker than Trunks when we first saw him? Higher than Trunks? Weaker by a lot? Higher by a lot? What?
  7. Fantastische Hure

    Which fight was closer?

    I haven't watched the new movie, but from what I heard Freeza was easily beating up on Goku, so which fight was closer? Goku vs Cell (pre-KHH/Ki loss) or Goku vs Freeza???
  8. Fantastische Hure

    SSj Gohan (Cell-Games) vs SSj Grade-II Goku (Cell-Games)

    Who wins? I still think Gohan wins easily.
  9. Fantastische Hure

    #18 vs Future Androids

    Can #18 from the main-timeline take-on both future androids at the same time? I think she can easily.
  10. Fantastische Hure

    Weak Movie Androids

    Anyone else think Android #14 & Android #15 are low? I think they are very low, if they were shown to be strong or relevant, I think they'd have cut-off the Base Saiyans fight sooner and would have them turned Super-Saiyan sooner. As is Android #14 couldn't even touch Trunks, and Android #15 had...
  11. Fantastische Hure

    Could it be possible?

    I wasn't sure where to post this, but this is about the new movie. I read something like this, and was kind-of inspired by some posts on Kanzenshuu, that this might actually be a possibility. (Here is the topic) Do you think it's possible that in the new movie, that all the the statements can...
  12. Fantastische Hure

    SSj Future Gohan (with 1 Arm) vs 5th Form Cooler

    Who wins?
  13. Fantastische Hure

    Whis vs Bills & Golden Freeza & SSJGSSJ Vegeta &

    Who wins?
  14. Fantastische Hure

    Ultimate Gohan vs SSj3 Gogeta (Boo Saga)

    Who wins?
  15. Fantastische Hure

    Where do you place Movie villains?

    like Vegeta (post-Zenkai) > Lord Slug (Giant) > Freeza (3rd Form) > Lord Slug (Young) > Freeza (2nd Form) > Lord Slug (Old) ~ Freeza (1st Form) or 5th Form Cooler ~ Mecha-Freeza > 100% Freeza > Cooler (4th Form)
  16. Fantastische Hure

    Boo Saga SSj2 Gohan & Power-Weighted Cell???

    Do you think it's possible for Gohan to have fallen to this Cell's level of power?
  17. Fantastische Hure

    Beautiful Zarbon & Dodoria???

    Where do you list these to MoFos? How high? I'd say higher than 18,000. :troll :troll :troll
  18. Fantastische Hure

    Did Gohan win the Cell-Games?

    I mean unofficially officially. Officially the world obviously thinks Mr. Satan won the Cell-Games, but we all know it's not real. Gohan is the real winner, but is he? Cell died that was never the condition to win, in-fact it was to throw him out of the ring, like the Tenkaichi-Budokai. The...
  19. Fantastische Hure

    What does DBZeta think of this?
  20. Fantastische Hure

    Gogeta (Early Namek Saga) vs...

    Vegeta (post-Zarbon Zenkai) & Goku (Arrival on Namek) <div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">100% Freeza SSj Goku (Namek) SSj Trunks (Debut) SSj Goku (post-Yardrat) SSj Vegeta (Android Saga) Future Android #17 Android #17...

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Nixon was really a mixed bag of a human being and a President. I do admire him for his intellect and breadth of foreign policy knowledge.
Ho Chi Minh was based