What's the gap in your opinion?
I'd say it's not that big, just enough where if they were to fight Android 17 would probably win for sure.
So maybe like 10% gap, if you were to put it in numbers.
I didn't know where to put this. Sorry, if it's better fit somewhere else, but I have a question...
Who did the Character Encyclopaedia on DragonBall Raging-Blast 2?
It's really well done, and most of it seems accurate. Some of it even seems like it's from the Daizenshuu.
They even got some...
Youthful Lord Slug vs...
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">Captain-Ginyu
1st Form Freeza
2nd Form Freeza
3rd Form Freeza</div>
Giant Lord Slug vs...
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div...
a Cut version of Movie 8?
Movie 8 was good (compared to most movies). It had an OK story (most movies had no story), and it was good. The biggest problem with the movie is that the fighting went on forever. It was like a one hour beat-down, with nothing exciting happening.
So how about they...
How high do you think he is?
I think, I go more with the idea that he is as high as Gohan from the Cell-Games, now. Like Trunks and Goten re-action and all.
What do you think? Do you think he is equal to his canon-self or stronger (like CG power maybe)?
I haven't watched this show in a long time. I just watched skimmed through some episodes on YouTube, and meng now I remember how kewl and good the show was.
The music was great, too. The series had a great OST.
The "Who wants to be a millionaire?" music was Epic.
But anyways tier list?