ask me stuff


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
wtf it is red lined for me.

Do you plan to go to Canada again?
Do you/family travel often?
What's the #1 place you'd like to visit?
What is the hottest place you've ever been?


High Class Warrior
Retired Staff
Dec 1, 2015
Kyo said:
Lost my fucking post fuck

Yes, extensively. Played some soccer in middle school, but less and less as I got older. Everything else, only in PE with maybe a few exceptions.

Recreationally. Hmm, no dotted red underline, seems like a word to me.

English or History. Probably History over English. At least writing is actually a skill. I have no idea what you'd do with a History major. Only viable options seem to be grad school and then teaching, or doing further research/studying and hope you can make some dough off a book or documentary.

I'm about 6'. Doctor always tells me bullshit like "you're about 5'11.75"," like fuck outta here with that shit.
There's always some museum jobs or suttin.
Most useless is women's studies.

What else interests you apart from engineering and computing?


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
I hope I can. I'm not sure when, maybe some summer sometime. So many "sum" sounds. I will definitely go back, but yeah the question is when.

I guess so. We tend to at least leave the city several times a year for the hell of it. Now that I think about it, it's been a while since we've done more than that.

I want to visit University of Waterloo and yell FUCK. YOU. down a hallway. But really, I'm not sure. Dubai, maybe, though I've been there once, albeit for a very short time.

Bangladesh in the summer. Would not recommend. Awful heat. That's why we go in the winter 99% of the time we choose to go there.


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
Uchiha said:
Kyo said:
Lost my fucking post fuck

Yes, extensively. Played some soccer in middle school, but less and less as I got older. Everything else, only in PE with maybe a few exceptions.

Recreationally. Hmm, no dotted red underline, seems like a word to me.

English or History. Probably History over English. At least writing is actually a skill. I have no idea what you'd do with a History major. Only viable options seem to be grad school and then teaching, or doing further research/studying and hope you can make some dough off a book or documentary.

I'm about 6'. Doctor always tells me bullshit like "you're about 5'11.75"," like fuck outta here with that shit.
There's always some museum jobs or suttin.
Most useless is women's studies.

What else interests you apart from engineering and computing?
Can't believe I forgot women's studies. Or gender studies. Yeah, stuff like that. My friends make fun of those majors all the time. Whenever some dipshit feminazi is going off on Facebook we assume that's her major.

Nothing really. Business maybe. Even engineering and computing were more like the best choice out of a bunch of dull choices for me.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Since when did you have Baccano at 8?
DB Kai = Death Note? :wat
If FMA > animu version, why do they have the same rating? I thought you didn't believe in decimal points? :wat
Why are you watching a show called Shinji? :wat


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
Idk I think I always had Baccano at 8.

Ok I made DB Kai a 3.

Uhhh I try not to dabble in decimal points just because doing so introduces more precision and I don't like being very precise because then that means I need to be stricter in sticking to guidelines, which I don't wanna do to just rate a show, but obviously at the same time not every 7 is equal to each other and such, and of course I can remember which ones are a bit better than the others. As far as FMA goes I always flip flop between 7 and 8. Idk. Weird situation there. Might have to reread again. I think I reread it, moved it back up to 8, then it fell back to 7 for some reason. I don't always remember these things.

Am I watching a show called Shinji? Am I really?


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Lol. You serious? There is only one Shinji, impostors won't get anywhere. You gotta hit dat blunt first and wear the chains.


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
I can't do it man, I can't take a hit off of Shinji's shit again.

"I want to learn to be a Shinji" is colloquial speak for "I want to learn to be a gangsta."


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Shinji is not your typically thug life gangster. You should know this by now, he's the ring leader.


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
You're right. It'll be impossible to emulate him. Calling him OG does not do his position justice. But I must do what I can.

Tonight, I take a hit. If I'm not back by the next day, don't do a thing, because I'm a fuckin hustler.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Ok. Make sure to send a postcard of you lookin' gangsta so I can verify that you are alive.



Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Get current on Op today. You are missing out.


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
History probabl isn't something you'd study hoping to make loads of cash but just to get to analyse history to find new theories/support or discredit old ones, publish documents etc and get good piew reviews with maximum resources to do it. At least for me. Journalism is another career I can think of. Would definitely say that for the everyday world History is easily one of the few most broadly useful subjects since you're analysing data and information from real world events rather than data just primarily from controlled experiments like in the sciences; basically the analytical skills'll cross over to a lot more careers or fuelds of study than those you'd use and hone in other subjects (edit: as in you can't control very well what data you're going to have available in most jobs; you just have to work with what you get, same as in History). Sorta imagine if you end up teaching HS or lower history you suck at researching and analysing or just always wanted to be a teacher for whatever reasons, but I don't know for sure.


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
Think that was the only thing I dressed up as. Have some Simpsons socks though. Did you give up from one "no"? No man, don't do that....go and dress up now. Reminds me of when I said to my friend when I was 11 that we should go trick or treating in July since I hadn't done it before and he said it was a stupid idea. No fun. Although dunno how well received you'd be anyway....

Wouldn't say it's great if you're trying to push a tight schedule in your life to maximise your use of time or do something that needs to be done in a very timely manner (like any full time sports training) or when it comes to dealing with people who don't work on that sort of timekeeping when it comes to business or even general relationships.

Since he was a good friend and understanding guy he wasn't mad or anything and just thought it was funny, although I still felt like I owed him a bit. But yeh there was no way to get out of it anyway since if I had really alredy left and started down the street he would have seen me when he walked from his to mine.

I know it's 2015 but to me 2012 or even 2010 is still like last year sometimes for whatever reason. Lol I think that could be ok a lot of the time because if your age is downplayed you could maybe skirt responsibilities a bit, although if he knows your age really but not by number so easily then I guess that wouldn't apply.

F that. She should be suggesting it first. You should meet her in an aisle with pancakes and honey in her trolley. Then a second time for your wedding. I nearly typed syrup there instead of honey (I just prefer the spelling tbh)....I am no longer worthy. Also just typed pancackes instead of honey wtfak herpe me. Also just spelt pancackes wrong. To the hospital I go.

I had a year 9 chem teacher when I was 13 who literally replied with "you should have learnt it last yeae when some I asked what a mole is" when I had just transferred holmes (using that word). Literally didn't learn the answer that class I think....doofus made chem - one if my fave subjects - into one of ma least fave. Tbh thougg later chem was just boring fir me because there's too much memorising and the experiments in HS didn't turn iut well normally and even when they did, in comparison to physics and even biology a lot of practicals didn't result in getting any actual data but just a general observation instead like "it changed to this colour".

Mistyped "observation" as "ibservation" (inconsistency with applying speech marks ik) which reminded me if the game Ib that I watched Harshlycritical's playthrough of several months (maybe even about a year actually) back. Do you play independrnt PC games much?

Talk about video games with em or something. Sorta safe but at the same type might find you like the same kinda games or like games in the same ways or for the same reasons. Dunno.
Yeh a few good, close friends can be enough generally. Was talking with my 18 year old cousin (well 18 on December 25th anyway. Not the Proctor guy btw) and was saying I wouldn't be marrying someone for their family since the only one who'd ve with you all the time would be your partner anyway and having a really good relationship with 1 close person is more for your "soul" and general wellbeing than 100 not so close ones.

Low battery so last bit for now. Yeh we're all here (cousins) for 2 of my older cousins (who're brothers) weddings. One's 23 and one's 26 I think (thought he was 25 but his dad's brother said he's 26 when he as telling me that the best age to marry is 25, apparently....because you're mature enough to be martied and raise kids and young enough....painting the world black and white much? As if everyone is ready at 25 or being 25 will stop you from maybe getting an incompatible partner). Was boring - oh so boring - until yesterday when me and 4 cousins planned a dance together for today (well yesterday now) for 4 of us to do (since the main guy planning half of it out was the guy who was the groom for the function do couldn't be dancing) and did it today and then there were about 15 boys/young men dancing for ages afterwards lol honestly not had that much fun in about 1 and a half years at least and not that much in just a few hours since idk when....few years anyway). My sister-in-law's (well, cousin-in-law) fam did some next level choreographed dancing for like 15 minutes straight to a bunch of songs of different types (we only did 2 choreogeaphed for 2 min each) and I know they prepped for ages in advance from what I heard but we went down well for sure. Tomorrow gona dance a bit to the dhol drum as my cousin walks in and then it's just a dinner mostly. 1% battery oh mang


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
How do you calculate GPA down there? Every school here is different.


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
Well, we have our general GPA which is calculated the same way in every department I think (don't know about other universities though), and then we have our engineering GPA which I don't think people care about as much, but it's still a thing.

Regular GPA is based on your grade and credit hours. So, an A corresponds to 4.00, A- corresponds to 3.67, and so on. You multiply that by the number of credit hours you got for a course in order to get the total grade points for that particular course (e.g. a 3 credit hour course in which you get an A contributes 12 grade points). Do that for every course and then divide by total credit hours for GPA.

So like this semester I had 13 credit hours total. My grades looked like this:

Calculus (4 hrs): A
Intro to Comp (3 hrs): A
Shakespeare (3 hrs): A-
Intro to EE/Circuits (3 hrs): B+

So it was like [(4*4)+(3*4)+(3*3.67)+(3*3.33)] / 13 ≈ 3.7692

Engineering GPA I don't feel like explaining, read this if you want (also explains regular GPA): I don't really get what makes a good engineering GPA but whatever.

Your school should probably have a page that explains it to you, if you haven't looked for that.

@wolffange, I'll get to responding to your post soon.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Good grades ^.

Thanks for the explanation. UW gives me "grade points" for each course, so I'd assume it works differently as my numbers are quite a bit higher.

Why'd you only have 4 classes?

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