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Eh, you're not wrong, but there's still some overlap there. Pretty sure Vanilla Ice was still relevant when Pac and Big were a big deal. Can't say for sure, I suppose.Fantastische Hure said:I swear Vanilla-Ice came out in like late 80's or early 90's, where-as when 2Pac & Biggie became big it was already like mid - late 90's.
I think I remember thinking that he was dope, although I don't really remember him. I don't really feel like bumping any tracks off The Chronic (iirc he had more than one feature on there) to remember, so I'll probably get back to you later.Fantastische Hure said:What do you think of Kurupt? I guess you heard him on the Chronic on Stranded on Death-Row. I think he might be a bit underrated to be honest.
r u in america or not americashchavkyossj2 said:I feel closer to u than ever.
lol. I guess I prefer any kind of written response if I know what I'm talking about, though even then there are some cases where multiple choice is better. Can't think of any examples. A great thing about free response type things in general (like, free response questions on tests for example) is partial credit, if the prof does that which they generally do I think. I might know enough to put something down which could net me some points, but on multiple choice I'll either get everything or nothing. So as long as I'm not totally clueless essays/free response are good.shchavkyossj2 said:Do you prefer essays or doing multiple choice exams? I def prefer essays if I actually know about the subject. If I'm wingin it then obv multiple choice is better. I totally winged chem 2001….turned up to the first lecture and then just the exams and read the book as often as that….lol dont do that.
It's generally easiest to see the board from the middle row. Best angle. Sometimes the lecture halls are also big enough that sitting on the edge of the front row is farther away than just sitting in the middle of the second row, lol.shchavkyossj2 said:Swear that's the opposite of me for the class seating. I tried to not sit near the front cuz the teacher might ask me stuff, felt kinda awkward having so many ppl behind me and the back was just closer to the entrances I typically used. It's good you sit near the front. Why do you try to sit in the middle of the rows though?
But yeah, middle is a good position in general. I always try to get a middle seat anyway, regardless of row, like in a movie theater for example. Also, since I try to get front row seats, I'll usually show up among the earliest crowd, so it's also just courteous to sit in the middle if you're early, so then other people who start to fill in the row don't have to step over you to get to an empty seat because you left the middle empty by sitting near the edge. This happens in my Shakespeare class all the time and it's super annoying since there's a class right before ours in that room, so unless I'm quick I sometimes end up having to step over people to get to where I want. And of course sometimes I'm just not able to show up that early and I don't have a choice. Fuckin punks.
Eh I remember reading something in my textbook about the difference. Don't recall exactly. I believe electrical just refers to things like circuits where those things just supply/receive electricity, and electronic refers to things like, for example, in a computer, that can interpret signals and be programmed and such. Hence the colloquial term "electronics/electronic devices" for things like phones. At least, I'm pretty sure that's the difference.shchavkyossj2 said:Instutute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers? Is that a national organisation? Sounds like a redundant pair. Is there a difference between Electrical and Electronic? Is electrical more the physical foundation side (cables, power supplies n stuff) and electronic more within the contact point equipment? Dunno.
But I also think that they just want three E's in the abbreviation. "I-Triple-E," "I-Double-E," idk, the former just sounds better.
yeh. Was listening to this track that coincidentally had him on it earlier today:shchavkyossj2 said:Do u like KRS-One?
naw. Do you? What do you recommend if so?shchavkyossj2 said:Do u listen to Bengali music EVER?
Machine language is just 0's and 1's (binary), the language that the computer can understand. Assembly language is "low-level language," meaning the instructions written in assembly language are mapped closely to the instructions that the computer understands (i.e., machine language), so it's quite specific, and this code is converted to machine language by something called an assembler. So if you had three instructions in machine language, the instructions in assembly language would basically be the exact same, but written in terms humans understand more easily so that we don't have to remember what the hell a particular sequence of 1's and 0's mean. Because assembly language is so similar to the machine language in this regard, it's usually only usable on whatever one particular architecture, I believe. In contrast, a high level language is more general and therefore closer to human language but farther from machine language (i.e. it's "higher up" from machine language than assembly). In other words, the level of abstraction with a high level language is high. This also makes high level language more portable across several architectures, although they need more interpretation to be understood by the computer. Or something like that.shchavkyossj2 said:What is machine language and what's assembly language? Is machine language like the constraints for assembly language? Tell meh. Best way to learn is ta teach.
To give an analogy, low level versus high level language is like telling a taxi driver exactly how to get to the airport versus simply telling him "go to the airport." Not exactly, but that's the general idea.
kithshchavkyossj2 said:What does this mean for me
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edit: spoiler
I can't tell tbh. Who?Fantastische Hure said:some funny shit i found somewhere
who or wat is this?:
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">![]()
yesshchavkyossj2 said:did u get arrested for making a clock?
do you wear a watch?
I have a watch (two watches, to be specific, one more fancy lookin that I reserve for special events at which I also dress well) that I intend to wear everyday, but I often forget to. This can be annoying when I make it a point to remind myself to wear it to an exam since it makes timekeeping easier, even if the prof has his own timer that he displays for the class because that would require looking up from my paper to that timer, but then I just forget the watch anyway.
youwithheldforprivacy said:If black widow spider kills her husband, who opens the jar with marmelade for her?
koaj wouldshchavkyossj2 said:if jars were made less sticky with marmalade being applied, would you form a civil partnership with charlie?
University. In the USA, the term college refers to a part of the university. So, for example, the engineering school at my university is a college of engineering. Pretty sure that's how it works. But that's in a formal sense. In casual speech, the terms "college" and "university" are used interchangeably here for secondary education, often, and we have another thing called "community college" or "junior college" that's different.SuperSaiyan2 said:Is your education taking place at a college or university? (I realize colleges are wayyy more credible than they are in canada. Up here, college is seen as a bad thing)
Yeah. I haven't formed too many new connections though. I'll often know a person's name and make small talk with them, but I still know very little about most of the knew people I've met and they don't quite feel like friends yet. But, from what I've heard from more social friends of mine, it gets quite easy if you just reach out a bit. Invite them to lunch or study and you'll be surprised at how often they'll oblige, apparently. Problem is that's just not my style. I'm more passive in those scenarios. But either way, this place seems like a great place to make a load of new connections, but I guess I have to actually try first. I'm thinking of joining some student organization to make that easier, although I need to get my time management under control first.SuperSaiyan2 said:Are you meeting a lot of people despite living off campus?
I guess. There are definitely shit parts to it. Past few days I've done mostly studying, for example. And although it's material that actually interests me, the fact of the matter is that I'm simply not "passionate" about it or whatever the fuck. So why did I pick this department? Because I'm still more "passionate" about this subject and similar ones than any other. Which is kind of shit given the workload, but eh.SuperSaiyan2 said:Are you enjoying yourself?
But college can be fun. And I find the material interesting, for once, although the classes make it so hard to actually enjoy the work since they focus on weeding people out. They pretty much just throw shit at you and see how much of it sticks. If you're willing and capable of putting up with that bullshit, then you're good, I guess. I get that classes designed this way to weed out those who don't quite possess the critical thinking skills to be engineers, but it's annoying nonetheless and very inconvenient for people who often have off-days or aren't great at taking tests (e.g. me).
Sell, so that I can get money to buy.Queen TD said:Buy or sell
Pancakes or waffles
Pancakes, though they're easier to mess up, I find.