ask me stuff


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
I swear Vanilla-Ice came out in like late 80's or early 90's, where-as when 2Pac & Biggie became big it was already like mid - late 90's.
Eh, you're not wrong, but there's still some overlap there. Pretty sure Vanilla Ice was still relevant when Pac and Big were a big deal. Can't say for sure, I suppose.

Fantastische Hure said:
What do you think of Kurupt? I guess you heard him on the Chronic on Stranded on Death-Row. I think he might be a bit underrated to be honest.
I think I remember thinking that he was dope, although I don't really remember him. I don't really feel like bumping any tracks off The Chronic (iirc he had more than one feature on there) to remember, so I'll probably get back to you later.

shchavkyossj2 said:
I feel closer to u than ever.
r u in america or not america

shchavkyossj2 said:
Do you prefer essays or doing multiple choice exams? I def prefer essays if I actually know about the subject. If I'm wingin it then obv multiple choice is better. I totally winged chem 2001….turned up to the first lecture and then just the exams and read the book as often as that….lol dont do that.
lol. I guess I prefer any kind of written response if I know what I'm talking about, though even then there are some cases where multiple choice is better. Can't think of any examples. A great thing about free response type things in general (like, free response questions on tests for example) is partial credit, if the prof does that which they generally do I think. I might know enough to put something down which could net me some points, but on multiple choice I'll either get everything or nothing. So as long as I'm not totally clueless essays/free response are good.

shchavkyossj2 said:
Swear that's the opposite of me for the class seating. I tried to not sit near the front cuz the teacher might ask me stuff, felt kinda awkward having so many ppl behind me and the back was just closer to the entrances I typically used. It's good you sit near the front. Why do you try to sit in the middle of the rows though?
It's generally easiest to see the board from the middle row. Best angle. Sometimes the lecture halls are also big enough that sitting on the edge of the front row is farther away than just sitting in the middle of the second row, lol.

But yeah, middle is a good position in general. I always try to get a middle seat anyway, regardless of row, like in a movie theater for example. Also, since I try to get front row seats, I'll usually show up among the earliest crowd, so it's also just courteous to sit in the middle if you're early, so then other people who start to fill in the row don't have to step over you to get to an empty seat because you left the middle empty by sitting near the edge. This happens in my Shakespeare class all the time and it's super annoying since there's a class right before ours in that room, so unless I'm quick I sometimes end up having to step over people to get to where I want. And of course sometimes I'm just not able to show up that early and I don't have a choice. Fuckin punks.

shchavkyossj2 said:
Instutute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers? Is that a national organisation? Sounds like a redundant pair. Is there a difference between Electrical and Electronic? Is electrical more the physical foundation side (cables, power supplies n stuff) and electronic more within the contact point equipment? Dunno.
Eh I remember reading something in my textbook about the difference. Don't recall exactly. I believe electrical just refers to things like circuits where those things just supply/receive electricity, and electronic refers to things like, for example, in a computer, that can interpret signals and be programmed and such. Hence the colloquial term "electronics/electronic devices" for things like phones. At least, I'm pretty sure that's the difference.

But I also think that they just want three E's in the abbreviation. "I-Triple-E," "I-Double-E," idk, the former just sounds better.

shchavkyossj2 said:
Do u like KRS-One?
yeh. Was listening to this track that coincidentally had him on it earlier today:

shchavkyossj2 said:
Do u listen to Bengali music EVER?
naw. Do you? What do you recommend if so?

shchavkyossj2 said:
What is machine language and what's assembly language? Is machine language like the constraints for assembly language? Tell meh. Best way to learn is ta teach.
Machine language is just 0's and 1's (binary), the language that the computer can understand. Assembly language is "low-level language," meaning the instructions written in assembly language are mapped closely to the instructions that the computer understands (i.e., machine language), so it's quite specific, and this code is converted to machine language by something called an assembler. So if you had three instructions in machine language, the instructions in assembly language would basically be the exact same, but written in terms humans understand more easily so that we don't have to remember what the hell a particular sequence of 1's and 0's mean. Because assembly language is so similar to the machine language in this regard, it's usually only usable on whatever one particular architecture, I believe. In contrast, a high level language is more general and therefore closer to human language but farther from machine language (i.e. it's "higher up" from machine language than assembly). In other words, the level of abstraction with a high level language is high. This also makes high level language more portable across several architectures, although they need more interpretation to be understood by the computer. Or something like that.

To give an analogy, low level versus high level language is like telling a taxi driver exactly how to get to the airport versus simply telling him "go to the airport." Not exactly, but that's the general idea.
shchavkyossj2 said:
What does this mean for me

<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">

edit: spoiler

Fantastische Hure said:
some funny shit i found somewhere

who or wat is this?:

<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">

I can't tell tbh. Who?

shchavkyossj2 said:
did u get arrested for making a clock?
do you wear a watch?

I have a watch (two watches, to be specific, one more fancy lookin that I reserve for special events at which I also dress well) that I intend to wear everyday, but I often forget to. This can be annoying when I make it a point to remind myself to wear it to an exam since it makes timekeeping easier, even if the prof has his own timer that he displays for the class because that would require looking up from my paper to that timer, but then I just forget the watch anyway.

withheldforprivacy said:
If black widow spider kills her husband, who opens the jar with marmelade for her?

shchavkyossj2 said:
if jars were made less sticky with marmalade being applied, would you form a civil partnership with charlie?
koaj would

SuperSaiyan2 said:
Is your education taking place at a college or university? (I realize colleges are wayyy more credible than they are in canada. Up here, college is seen as a bad thing)
University. In the USA, the term college refers to a part of the university. So, for example, the engineering school at my university is a college of engineering. Pretty sure that's how it works. But that's in a formal sense. In casual speech, the terms "college" and "university" are used interchangeably here for secondary education, often, and we have another thing called "community college" or "junior college" that's different.

SuperSaiyan2 said:
Are you meeting a lot of people despite living off campus?
Yeah. I haven't formed too many new connections though. I'll often know a person's name and make small talk with them, but I still know very little about most of the knew people I've met and they don't quite feel like friends yet. But, from what I've heard from more social friends of mine, it gets quite easy if you just reach out a bit. Invite them to lunch or study and you'll be surprised at how often they'll oblige, apparently. Problem is that's just not my style. I'm more passive in those scenarios. But either way, this place seems like a great place to make a load of new connections, but I guess I have to actually try first. I'm thinking of joining some student organization to make that easier, although I need to get my time management under control first.

SuperSaiyan2 said:
Are you enjoying yourself?
I guess. There are definitely shit parts to it. Past few days I've done mostly studying, for example. And although it's material that actually interests me, the fact of the matter is that I'm simply not "passionate" about it or whatever the fuck. So why did I pick this department? Because I'm still more "passionate" about this subject and similar ones than any other. Which is kind of shit given the workload, but eh.

But college can be fun. And I find the material interesting, for once, although the classes make it so hard to actually enjoy the work since they focus on weeding people out. They pretty much just throw shit at you and see how much of it sticks. If you're willing and capable of putting up with that bullshit, then you're good, I guess. I get that classes designed this way to weed out those who don't quite possess the critical thinking skills to be engineers, but it's annoying nonetheless and very inconvenient for people who often have off-days or aren't great at taking tests (e.g. me).

Queen TD said:
Buy or sell
Pancakes or waffles
Sell, so that I can get money to buy.

Pancakes, though they're easier to mess up, I find.


Low Class Warrior
Jun 28, 2015
Lions or Tigers?

Super Mario Bros or Super Mario Galaxy?

COD Modern Warfare or COD Back Ops?

Windows or Mac?

iPhone or Samsung?

GTA or Saints Row?

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Kyo said:
Fantastische Hure said:
some funny shit i found somewhere

who or wat is this?:

<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">

I can't tell tbh. Who?
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">


also l0l:

<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
Had to wait til today to listen to that song cuz think my bosses might be against listening to music....not sure though, maybe they're just joking. Now that's what I call a collaboration. KRS has a womanly face.

Nah I don't know any Bengali music. ADF are at least partly Bengali but they're not really Bengali style musically, don't sing/rap in Bengali and aren't from Bengal. I listen to random shows on the radio that are in other languages so I've heard some music but don't know any singers or songs. Scene seems pretty diverse from what I've heard, at least way more diverse than Punjabi music is. Shreya Ghoshal is Bengali if that counts, but her most famous songs are probs in Hindi.

Hmmm I remember using a computer program in school called LOGO, dunno if the language in that was basic assembly language.

Do you ever use ebay?

Do you have a written schedule?

Do you find that if you don't really have something urgent to do you waste time?

You gonna watch that Straight Outta Composing Hip Hop Music movie?

Draw a graph of your life over the last 1-2 years. This isn't extra homework, it's fun :)

What kind of movies do you like? How do you decide to read a book, watch a movie, read a manga or watch an anime, live action tv series etc? Which reminds me....of things you must read.

Go to you uni anime club 1 day. Tell me if it's weird.

Why has CC dissolved? That reminds me of Pokemon Gen 3. Why?


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
shchavkyossj2 said:
Do you ever use ebay?

Do you have a written schedule?

Do you find that if you don't really have something urgent to do you waste time?

You gonna watch that Straight Outta Composing Hip Hop Music movie?

Draw a graph of your life over the last 1-2 years. This isn't extra homework, it's fun :)

What kind of movies do you like? How do you decide to read a book, watch a movie, read a manga or watch an anime, live action tv series etc? Which reminds me....of things you must read.

Go to you uni anime club 1 day. Tell me if it's weird.

Why has CC dissolved? That reminds me of Pokemon Gen 3. Why?
I've actually looked to ebay for deals before, but I guess I'm just really unlucky since I always end up getting whatever I wanted off of Amazon. But I guess that's not indicative of much since I don't do much online shopping to begin with.

I don't have a written schedule. I don't even keep a school agenda. I got one for free from uni and filled in like one day and put it aside. Those kinds of things just don't seem to work for me. I can't function all systematically as I would with a day-to-day schedule, and even with something less strict like a simple agenda I tend to just forget that I have one and go about my business either way.

Yep. In other words, I procrastinate, a lot. But I've been working on it a bit more lately, so I've gotten better at it. As a simple example, I tend to get most of my homework done well before deadlines now. Well, at least one or two days before. But not always. For my Shakespeare class I tend to do things last second :/

lolwat. Probably not in theater since I sadly don't really know anyone who would want to watch it with me. None of my friends are into that sorta thing and I don't like going to the theater alone. So I'll probably watch it by myself at home sometime later.

Ahhh, graphs are hard though. And 1-2 years is a long time for graphs. Do you mean like a timeline? I might do it some other time, but I'm not sure what's significant enough to put on there. I'm a pretty boring person.

I like good movies :)

It's a bit random. Sometimes I'll just pick up an anime on a whim because I'm bored on my phone and it's on Crunchyroll and it looks mildly amusing, for instance. Sometimes I'll take a friend's recommendation, although a lot of the time I'll forget. Which reminds me....of things I must read.

Okay I'll go one day and tell you if it's weird.

CC has dissolved because the glue holding it together has fallen apart. It reminds you of Pokemon Gen 3 because that has a lot of water and water dissolves a lot of things.


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
Meant a graph of life quality or success or contentment

Correct on pokemon. Correct on life.

Ever played Sweet Home?

What kinda movies do u watch? If answer is good what constitutes a gd cowvie
eheres cowsy
Wheres jak
whrres nimflestein
mostly jak tho cuz drre was no warning ),:

Im readin berserk. Pr gd. Progo gd.

last video game u played

Next vidyagame release u lookin forward to
hat console u play
plz tell


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
Yes typed on fone while rushin to leave to home so I can mek sure ita in gd order b4 my mums brother nd daughters arrjve nd tk save data cuz ive used 5gb in nov so far and werk only got 10gb a munf


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
Where do you post nowadays
where does anyone I post nowadays
edit: anyone I know


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
shchavkyossj2 said:
Meant a graph of life quality or success or contentment

Correct on pokemon. Correct on life.

Ever played Sweet Home?

What kinda movies do u watch? If answer is good what constitutes a gd cowvie
eheres cowsy
Wheres jak
whrres nimflestein
mostly jak tho cuz drre was no warning ),:

Im readin berserk. Pr gd. Progo gd.

last video game u played

Next vidyagame release u lookin forward to
hat console u play
plz tell
K I'll make that graph, but later.

Nah, what is that?

I could cowvie eh? One that milks good milk, preferably.

One with well developed/relatable characters. Chrome thinks relatable is spelled wrong. Anyway yeah there are exceptions like in pure comedy or action movies that are just about fun, but as a general rule of thumb, if the characters resonate with me in some way then maybe the movie is good. Maybe. As for genre, I'm not sure what I really seek out if anything. I just watch whatever.

Idk where Cowsy be. I asked Accelerator/SSJ4 Gogeta/someotherweeabooassedname but he didn't even know who Cowsy was. Broke my heart. Maybe Tim knows. I'll ask SSJ2 to ask Tim on DBZF.

Jak has gone on to do better things. He is now officially a decent human being. I think.

Nimflestein still hasn't been heard from since he randomly and simultaneously posted in the shinden reborn shoutbox and then made an infinity account. I am confused as to where he is at the moment. Perhaps shooting him an email would clear that up, but I do not know if he would take kindly to that.

Progo good? Damn. I wouldn't have thought to describe the quality of a series with such eloquence as that.

Last vidya game I played...Rogue Legacy. I quit after 30 mins. It's hard. I'll try again later when I have time.

Uhhhh idk, not really lookin forward to anything. Fallout 4 I guess...but that's already Tomb Raider let's just say.

I play no console. At best I play Wii/Wii U when I go to a friend's place who has that stuff. I game on PC. I want a New 3DS though. So I will preemptively say New 3DS as well.

shchavkyossj2 said:
Yes typed on fone while rushin to leave to home so I can mek sure ita in gd order b4 my mums brother nd daughters arrjve nd tk save data cuz ive used 5gb in nov so far and werk only got 10gb a munf
can u pls
shchavkyossj2 said:
Where do you post nowadays
where does anyone I post nowadays
edit: anyone I know
I post here
Rarely post on DBZF now
koaj posts on Infinity, go talk to him there

Most people you know are on here I think. Few people still over on DBZF like some CC folks who haven't made their way here. plz go back to dbzf. Revive CC. It is your obligation.


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
Lol I killed CC. Weird though....posts that would've got a reply in the past don't get any.

I'm banned on Infinity for apparently spamming (3 fkin spam or troll posts out of how many? Dafuq duck) and apparently keeping Slayerslice's dupe a secret on Shinden which was bs so I dunno. Fk Koaj and SSJ2 both.

Aren't there any console exclusives you're missing out on?

Do you know any gd SNES games I can play on an emulator when I'm on my own? Already played a fair bit of Chrono, FF, Star Ocean, Tales, Mana, Zelda 1, Rudras, earthbound, kirby, donkey kong nd dunno what else.

Yeh I pretty much like movies exactly like that.

Ever gone to watch music live?

Ever gone to watch professional sports live?

Ever been in a police car?
In a Taxi?
In a limo (may have asked u this b4 in ur dbzf topic u locked like a coward mooooo *mocking cow imprsssion*

In an ambulance?
In a fire truck (not engine cuz that'd be impossiblu)

Enjoying DB Super?
Are u looking forwards to any movie/s being released?

I now think anything is possible after DB and Star Wars both returning. Perhaps Tupac is alive after all....discuss.

Are you frequently late to things?

Do u have a health problem/pain? If so go to the doctor. Command not question.

Do u watch 18 rated movies? (No not those kinda movies dummy)

Did u know Kobe Bryant is gonna retire at the end of the season? I do, cuz Yahoo shoved it mercilessly into my pupils instead of just taking me to my fkin email stupid nerds.

Just remembered to copy my post. Living on the edge 2015.
How did 2015 compare to 2014?

How's school?

someone was just lighting up outside and it was weirs cuz I could just see an orange light.

Have you seen Godzilla (the one which came out some time between 2012 and 2015)? Is sometime a word?

Fk I'm asking so many questions.

Do u and yoshi/kenshi call on skype still?

Last time you realised something and thought "holy s*** what have I been doing?" or "holy shit I understand so much more now" or "holy s*** this just replaced the old foundations/rewrote the laws" or sumin to the effect of those? Like I put on a red t-shirt about 6 months ago cuz I didnt have anything else to wear and was like dafuk I look better in red than blue why the fuck have I been wearing blue for fkin years?! Srsly wtf.

Do u like Workaholics?
Are u scared of bugs?
Are those related qs? They weren't but just remembered that one episode of Workaholics has them sleeping in their office due to a cockroach infestation of sorts at their house.

Can u draw much?
Can u sing well, wellish or in Welsh? Fk man that sounds like a Pelador question. Fk.
I feel a bit zoned out despite not using drugs.

a long-running takeaway near me (remember it from when I was a kid visiting) had remnants of s*** in their food and now get like no business whereas b4 they were ridiculiusly busy. This isnt leading to a question. Time wasting successful.

Study your book. Do nothing else for half an hour. Duet.

Well I better go walk home now. Fk my shoes are too small fks my ankles and knees up. Got like no arch support. Never even thought bout that crap in the past but now I do cuz of these.

what kinda shoes do u wear? Like sports sneakers? Fk that word makes me feel legit ill. Sneakers sound like what Snake or just a stalker'd wear. You played any MGS? Or maybe u wear flat shoes made of felt or whatever the f permeable crap it is. Mixing questions like I got no care but rly I do.

would u consider dying ur hair either temporarily or permanently? Provide details (gotta say that to eliminate potentually annoying answers cuz u b trollin sometimes. Not as bad as shc tho fk he doesnt answer sh**. That sounded like a havoc sentence. Angry havoc. Rarer than shiny havoc?).



High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
shchavkyossj2 said:
Lol I killed CC. Weird though....posts that would've got a reply in the past don't get any.
That so? Means you aren't putting in enough effort. Either that or you're not the only one we need to save CC :(

shchavkyossj2 said:
I'm banned on Infinity for apparently spamming (3 fkin spam or troll posts out of how many? Dafuq duck) and apparently keeping Slayerslice's dupe a secret on Shinden which was bs so I dunno. Fk Koaj and SSJ2 both.
Haha I barely even remember that, was quite a while ago. KOAJ misses you.
What's wrong with KOAJ and SSJ2 again?

shchavkyossj2 said:
Aren't there any console exclusives you're missing out on?
I suppose so, although the only ones I'm really interested in are on the Wii U/New 3DS. I intend to get the latter and I can easily play games on the former through my friends. Besides, overall there are more games on PC since the games that it does share with consoles are all on there (i.e. you don't need multiple consoles) and it has a high number of games that no console has. Not that I have too many at the moment but eh...

shchavkyossj2 said:
Do you know any gd SNES games I can play on an emulator when I'm on my own? Already played a fair bit of Chrono, FF, Star Ocean, Tales, Mana, Zelda 1, Rudras, earthbound, kirby, donkey kong nd dunno what else.
Well those are like the main ones I'd normally recommend.
Super Metroid? Super Mario Kart (idk how fun this would be alone though)? Mega Man X? Super Mario RPG? Those are a few off the top of my head.

shchavkyossj2 said:
Ever gone to watch music live?
Nah. Never seems to match up with my schedule well and I don't think I'd be a big fan of the environment anyway. Too many sweaty bodies all around you, no room to breathe, stuff like that. It could be fun with the right friends, but I wouldn't know. Could go to a smaller jig of some sort but I don't really seek anything out so yeah, haven't tried and don't really want to.

shchavkyossj2 said:
Ever gone to watch professional sports live?
Nope, although this is something I wanna do at some point. I still haven't even gone to a football (that's hand egg to you) game at my own university yet so maybe I should do that first though lol.

shchavkyossj2 said:
Ever been in a police car?
In a Taxi?
In a limo (may have asked u this b4 in ur dbzf topic u locked like a coward mooooo *mocking cow imprsssion*
Police car no.

Taxi yes. Forget where. New York probably. It's alright. It's a car.

Limo yes. Several times in elementary school, some hot shot dad brought his limo around to help drive kids to field trips so I rode in one several times before. Was some black limo that was set up a little like this: although the seats looked different, as well as the drinks area. Just showed the pic to give an idea of what the layout looked like.

Also there was this other white limo I got in once, although it had seats set up in rows, kind of like in a bus except more comfortable and stuff, so I dunno if that's common or not but it was a bit unimpressive in comparison to the black one.

shchavkyossj2 said:
In an ambulance?
In a fire truck (not engine cuz that'd be impossiblu)
Ambulance no.

Fire truck yes, way back in elementary school there were a few consecutive years during which the school would have some folks from the fire department come over in their fire truck to teach us about fire fighters and stuff and we all lined up to sort of get a look inside the fire truck for a little while. I don't remember it at all though.

shchavkyossj2 said:
Enjoying DB Super?
Are u looking forwards to any movie/s being released?
Only saw the first 3 eps so eh...from what I've heard it's not so great but I'll be sure to catch up when I'm done with these finals. First 3 eps not so impressive/not much going on/kind of set-up but feels like unnecessary set-up.

Uh, I'm not sure. Maybe the new Star Wars. Maybe. Nothing else I'm actually looking forward to much tbh.

shchavkyossj2 said:
I now think anything is possible after DB and Star Wars both returning. Perhaps Tupac is alive after all....discuss.
Something something Machiavelli, Makaveli, something something Cuba. Now Hail Mary nigga.

shchavkyossj2 said:
Are you frequently late to things?
If I am relying on my parents to get me to some gathering/party/dinner/etc., especially if they're also going because it's some family thing, then yes. Perhaps you can relate :elmo

Otherwise not really. I tend to be fairly punctual I guess.

shchavkyossj2 said:
Do u have a health problem/pain? If so go to the doctor. Command not question.
Not really. So I think I'm good. But this reminded me to sit with good posture in my chair in front of the comp, so I'll do that.

First part was a question. Should've made that clear. I was confused and thought the whole thing was a command. So I gave myself health problems/pains. Now I do have to go to the doctor. My answer above was given under the assumption that these events did not occur.

shchavkyossj2 said:
Do u watch 18 rated movies? (No not those kinda movies dummy)
Well now I actually don't know what you mean...what kind do you mean/not mean?

shchavkyossj2 said:
Did u know Kobe Bryant is gonna retire at the end of the season? I do, cuz Yahoo shoved it mercilessly into my pupils instead of just taking me to my fkin email stupid nerds.
I don't use Yahoo and have not kept up with basketball for a while, so no. Are you sad?

shchavkyossj2 said:
Just remembered to copy my post. Living on the edge 2015.
I wish you'd have lost it.
shchavkyossj2 said:
How did 2015 compare to 2014?
Bit better I guess. 2015 is when I started college, which despite the work is better than high school so far. Also early 2015 was the latter half of my senior year during which I just stopped caring and chilled out. So 2015 has been fun so far.

shchavkyossj2 said:
How's school?
Tough. But I'm doing alright. Should have decent GPA this semester if finals go well. Have 3 finals which kinda sucks. Bunch of people I know in other departments only have 1-2. Fuck em. It's nice that the semester is almost over though. One month winter break sounds good.

Also have made a few more friends at school. Thought that was worth mentioning. It's surprisingly difficult to talk to people besides those you already knew in high school. But it is easy to meet people, the harder part is just to keep meeting them and continue to hold conversations every time you do so.

shchavkyossj2 said:
someone was just lighting up outside and it was weirs cuz I could just see an orange light.
did you join them

shchavkyossj2 said:
Have you seen Godzilla (the one which came out some time between 2012 and 2015)? Is sometime a word?
Sometime is a word.

I've not seen it. Was planning on it but I might not after all since I keep forgetting. You seen it? How was it?

shchavkyossj2 said:
Fk I'm asking so many questions.

shchavkyossj2 said:
Do u and yoshi/kenshi call on skype still?
Not quite as often anymore. Usually it includes other people from this site, like SSJ2, Accelerator, KP. Although that's on Google Hangout. Also I think IRC has kinda cut into Skype time now that we often go there instead,

shchavkyossj2 said:
Last time you realised something and thought "holy s*** what have I been doing?" or "holy shit I understand so much more now" or "holy s*** this just replaced the old foundations/rewrote the laws" or sumin to the effect of those? Like I put on a red t-shirt about 6 months ago cuz I didnt have anything else to wear and was like dafuk I look better in red than blue why the fuck have I been wearing blue for fkin years?! Srsly wtf.
Not sure, probably have had that happen a bunch of times and then forgotten about it lol.

One example that's similar to yours, the first time I wore a jacket instead of a hoodie. So like instead of a hood it had a collar-like thing instead. It wasn't quite the first time I wore a jacket, but the first time I'd worn after years of just wearing a hoodie. I thought hoodies were like my trademark, but jackets suit me far more. Although I still wear hoodies most of the time because they have hoods. I just acknowledge that a jacket is far superior.

Something else that's not quite as similar...for a long time I'd eaten my pancakes with honey instead of syrup. When I had pancakes for the first time, it was at someone else's house and it was with syrup and it was pretty good. So from there my mom would make pancakes for breakfast from time to time, although for a while we used honey for a while instead of syrup, because the first time my mom made them we didn't have syrup, and then from there we just kept using honey because it just works. For whatever reason I had no problem with having the pancakes with honey instead of syrup, and then some time after I'd completely forgotten that my first pancakes were with syrup, and I thought that I'd always eaten them with honey, even the first time. So one day my mom bought syrup finally and said we'd have pancakes with syrup now. When I was a kid I had a very strong aversion to trying new foods (still do), so I was very much against it even though I'd already had syrup+pancakes before. My mom tried to tell me so, but I denied, but eventually she convinced me to try it.

When I had pancakes+syrup that time, I questioned what had been wrong with me up until then and never went back to honey+pancakes again.

shchavkyossj2 said:
Do u like Workaholics?
Are u scared of bugs?
Are those related qs? They weren't but just remembered that one episode of Workaholics has them sleeping in their office due to a cockroach infestation of sorts at their house.
Not seen enough of Workaholics.

Yeah I tend to get scared of some bugs. Cockroaches especially. Flying cockroaches even more so than cockroaches. They're awful.

They are related for the reason you stated, actually, so you're wrong.

shchavkyossj2 said:
Can u draw much?
Can u sing well, wellish or in Welsh? Fk man that sounds like a Pelador question. Fk.
I feel a bit zoned out despite not using drugs.
The closest thing I do to drawing is something I do when I'm bored (although I do it very rarely now), I just mark dots on a paper with a pencil randomly, and then connect them. Then I shade in the random shapes that are formed and end up with some weird artistic lookin..thing. I then stare at it for a bit to see if it makes anything, like a (fucked up) animal or something.

I'd usually do it when I got bored in class though, so I can't do it as often anymore.

shchavkyossj2 said:
a long-running takeaway near me (remember it from when I was a kid visiting) had remnants of s*** in their food and now get like no business whereas b4 they were ridiculiusly busy. This isnt leading to a question. Time wasting successful.

shchavkyossj2 said:
Study your book. Do nothing else for half an hour. Duet.

shchavkyossj2 said:
what kinda shoes do u wear? Like sports sneakers? Fk that word makes me feel legit ill. Sneakers sound like what Snake or just a stalker'd wear. You played any MGS? Or maybe u wear flat shoes made of felt or whatever the f permeable crap it is. Mixing questions like I got no care but rly I do.
I usually were Nike or Adidas running shoes. I occasionally buy Converse of Vans or something like that though, not as big of a fan of those though.

Played some MGS, not much. Never owned any of the games personally.

shchavkyossj2 said:
would u consider dying ur hair either temporarily or permanently? Provide details (gotta say that to eliminate potentually annoying answers cuz u b trollin sometimes. Not as bad as shc tho fk he doesnt answer sh**. That sounded like a havoc sentence. Angry havoc. Rarer than shiny havoc?).
Don't wanna dye my hair at all, sorry for lack of details there :p

Angry havoc is as common as shiny havoc but not as common as havoc_wreaker.

shchavkyossj2 said:
cya, i'm about to sleep now so yeh
accidentally hit f12
ok bai


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
What classes do you have next semester?
Are you fully used to the uni lifestyle yet?
Have you met many new people?


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
I am taking a class in differential equations, a class on matrices, a class on programming+embedded systems, and a class on theater (they require a visual and performing arts course and this is apparently an easy A). Two math courses, one EE course, and the other one.

Hmm. I dunno, somewhat I guess. I'm already used to not having 7 consecutive hours of classes a day, I'm used to just hanging around campus and wandering off downtown, I'm no longer weirded out by taking different classes in the spring. I think I'm missing out a bit on the social side, but from what I can tell, most engineers are.

Yeah, loads. Haven't gotten too close with many but that makes sense. Most of the people I've met are in my major and most are cool. Some people are twats though.


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
SSJ2 can't reply to a pm or follow through on his word on Infinity or seem to give a **** in general. Koaj says everyone he wants to talk to is on infinity. Gimme his Skype.

Tried a megaman game, was hard as fk to press buttons quickly on a phone. Guessin Super Metroid would be the same. Probs gonna be Super Mario RPG. Wonder if I'll actually finish it or end up with a new phone or without a phone and uppoading my files online to maybe play once again in the future by which time I'll have forgotten the controls/strategy, plot and the plot/characterosation I made up in my head.

That's helmet ball. I went to a uni game of it once for free (dunno if you can go for free too) and I watched the women's soccer team once since my friend (altho tbh he was a prick) wanted to go. I've watched football (soccer) a few times now, field hockey (since it's my dad's sport) and cricket.

Saw you already said you'd not been in an ambulance in the "how old were you when..." thread (or w'ever it's called). When you said you got in a white limo it made it sound like the start of a bad story. But yeh never heard of a limo like that. Maybe it was just their bus to rent out (since limo companies might get clients who want something akin to a bus but fancier....I remember when I was 8 the limo company I knew had coaches (can't remember how big and size perception at that age can be fked anyway).

Yeh I remember something similar with a fire truck when I was 5. With me dressed as Superman still thinking I might just fly.

Super is enjoyable if you like to see Goku and Vegeta being housemaids and Gohan looking like Harry Potter training for a marathon. So for me it does entertain a bit because I like seeing Goku etc doing more normal stuff and seeing Bulma and Chi Chi involved.

I can relate to that yes. My parents are pretty consistently the latest, mainly because of my mum and a general lack of belief/cooperation. Like my dad'll say he's ready when he's not but can be in like 1 min and my mum'll as a result take like an hour thinking she's ahead of him. I'm late as fk to everything more or less due to general procrastination/leaving stuff to the last sec and some anxiety. Good that you're punctual. Makes things easier since you can afford to do other things a little "wrong" if you don't already have that against you. That and being late often means you wasted time somewhere which could have been used for something genuinely fulfilling.

I meant not pawn shop movies. Brand new only.

Godzilla was alright. Has some cool moments and I like that it isn't set only in America, hss stuff in Japan (since its roots are in Japan) and that the humans despite being the mcs are clearly just in a side role as nature takes its course. Didn't really get where the f Godzilla came from and why people knew what it was. Dunno if I missed a beat.

Did you just call me a sado? Step outside. Then knock and come in politely. Nah I'm not bothered.

Make your next gf pancakes with honey. Blow her mind. plz no dirty jks.
I'm into trying new foods but usually if I go to a restaurant or supermatket I don't wanna risk wasting money. Had some Chinese food today (well what's marketed as Chinese food by an East Asian lookin guy), was a very good sized plate for the equivalent of like 4 and a half to 5 dollars US so while I wasn't enthralled by the taste the fact it was enough satisfied me and it was good to know what's out there. You never know if your fave dishes are waiting for you somewhere or ingredients that could be one of your staples some day.

Flying cockroaches shouldn't exist. First time I saw one properly flying I was honestly like "wtf how can I be safe now?". There are flying cockroaches in Texas? Fk I can't live in Texas.

So you don't get bored in class any more? That's good, unless it's due to it being a little bit too challenging at times for some reason(s). I've been trying to improve my drawing from basically ground zero (wouldn't've got a B in elementary school art most likely when I started....well at least if I just walked into the exam with no recent prior teaching).

f12 is help. Was considering saying I'm coming but now I remember Pedy saying "I'm cumming" in the "What DBZ characters would never say" topic. So ye....just dream of Saiyaman when you're feeling uneasy. Or don't cuz tbh you'd probs lose your pokeballs.

holy shit huge thick moth that makes noise when it flies.

Worth mentioning. Yeh I guess it might seem to yourself that you're overdoing it or something. Don't have advice really apart from defo carry on trying to hang out (apart from if u gotta study....think that should be the priority, dunno what you think though. Any of the new friends on the level of older friends or at least the same level those friends were at when you'd known them for only as long?
How friendships start is a weird thing. Just seems so unpredictable. Nowadays can't say I have any close friends, which is sucky since you can kinda lose yerself if you don't have people you can be yerself around.

Are you glad you did that for the second half of your last year of high school? And what makes uni more enjoyable than HS?

No I did not join them. I was "working" and that would be so cheap and kinda weird to run outside and ask for a cigarette. Like an addict or just a nutter (possibly me anyway). Smoking is bleh anyway. My cousin smokes secretly and thinks it's cool or something.

Google Hangouts is better than Skype or something? Which irc?

I had shoes that were sorta like plimsols but with less of a sole and they made my knees hurt (possibly due to being too narrow) so for now gonna go back to trainers/sneakers. I think even though they don't look as stylish a lot of the time. Would rather wear shoes I can actually run, climb, jump/dance about it.

And. Can you sing?
When you see your new friends where do you meet?

Gone to any frat type shenanigans? Or is it generally too late at night? Not that I think they're all that.

How do you choose your clothes both in shops and then also from home?

Do you have much extended family of a similar age?

Hmmmm I'll leave it at that. 10% battery left. Bet no charger's available.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
What was my word on infinity? How do you even remember stuff like that? lol


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Is downtown Austin a good place to hang out?
Are there gangsters like Shinji lurking around?
How do you get to and from school?
Do you use a laptop to take notes?
What kind of laptop is it?
Why don't you have an iPad yes?


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
Smoker said:
What was my word on infinity? How do you even remember stuff like that? lol

Why would I forget? I asked you to say some stuff on my behalf. Instead Yoshi did....but was crap at it.

Kyouks why don't you say no to drugs yes?