shchavkyossj2 said:
Did you tell Koaj that quite a few people use Skype to message? Ask him to be clearer and not act like a pothead. That word is weird. How did you even ask him? On Infinity (looks dead btw. Was gonna try n fresh start on there if Grid'll allow it).
I just told koaj. I'll report back with results soon. Maybe.
Yeah I told him on Infinity. General Chat Topic. Yeah it is pretty dead. Just us outlaws on there talking to each other from time to time. If anything Infinity is more of a thread where a few people chat than it is a forum at this point.
shchavkyossj2 said:
When I went for free we could only sit on a specific grassy bit. Went to some sorta baskwtball for free too now I think about it. Pretty sure we got creamed. And wtf just realised someone (old lady who's my dad's sister's husband's mother) is sleeping in this room.
Yeh that makes sense that you wouldn't get great seats or whatever for free I guess.
Kick her out.
shchavkyossj2 said:
My mum's brother I think it was got me it when I turned 4. Got video of him "flying" me in it so holding me and running around. gd guy. It was an annual school fair where you could wear your own clothes (as opposed to the navy blue shirt/sweater uniform). Hopefully that answers your question. Fk man just noticed the charger unplugged and the battery dropped from 7% to 6%. Charges so damn slowly.
It doesn't answer my question, please try again.
I never really dressed up as superheroes when I was a kid, never had any costumes. Don't think I even had any shirts that said "Superman" or had the "S" symbol on there or anything like that. I remember one time I asked for SpongeBob shorts or something when I was at the store and my mom said no. That must've been the end of that, I suppose.
shchavkyossj2 said:
Lol in the office I work in most of the clients are South Asian people and they'll be chatting and get a call from a customer at their own business and be like "yeh I'll be there in 10 minutes" and then just stay for another 10. One time I told me friend at uni I was walking down the street to where he was living when really I was just in the bathroom about to leave (and probs check dbzf again first) and then planning on running down to him but he was like "I'm waiting outside your door" or something and I was like "fuck". One time I met my aunt but was gonna be 15 minutes late so she just pushed it back an hour....was like "wtf thought she'd consider that 'on time'". When I meet friends if they text or call me to say they're gonna be late I'm usually relieved. And yeh actually my dad does that with the clock lol. In fact my cousins do it too....tell me it's "like 2pm" *they look at the clock* "yeh it's 2pm", then when I look it's 1:20pm. When I turned 11 I think it was literally by the end of August (my bday's mid-august) my dad was like "you're nearly 12". I know that people sometimes tell me and my mum that things are earlier than they are so that we'll arrive on time. The dinner thing could possibly backfire if someone just takes it to mean that they're too late already so there's no point rushing or no point coming.
haha that's so typical of South Asian people in general it seems. That's just great. Or not, depending on your perspective. But for now I say it is.
Don't just leave me hanging, what happened next in that story? Did he know you were lying already? Was he angry when you walked out of the door? Did you go out the back door and sneak up behind him and pretend you turned around?
Haha, as far as age goes my dad would always downplay my age by accident. Would usually happen near my birthday, like when I turned 13 my dad must've had trouble adjusting to that fact and still thought I was 12 (although he didn't forget that I had my birthday recently, so he's still in "Kyo is 12" mode, but he knows my birthday happened recently, so I must have turned 12 recently, even though I was really 13). Kinda like how when a new year comes you might have trouble adjusting to the fact that it's now 2015 or something. Like in school I used to always accidentally write down the wrong year if I wrote down the date for an assignment, like when it turned 2014 I was still writing things like "January 13, 2013" on my papers before realizing my mistake and fixing it.
shchavkyossj2 said:
Or if she doesn't like the honey she's just not good enough/right for you.
You're right. Unacceptable. Complete deal breaker. In fact, first date with any girl I should make her pancakes with honey. If she likes it, she gets a chance. If not, no bueno.
shchavkyossj2 said:
Had teachers in the past who did that unstructured teaching shit. Idk if they're normally new or just passionate about their subkect and spontaneously decide they're interested in that part of the curriculum/programme that day. Also had a HS Physics teacher who literally forgot a whole chapter and said we were done and just gonna go over stuff and then realised he needed to teach magnetism. He also used to always ask us "do you think I'm doing a good job?", to which I really wanted to say "no" because if I asked him a question 1(b) he'd answer with an explanation of 1(a) instead to which I'd reply "yeh I knew that" and then he'd think he'd actually answered my question and leave it at that. Well done on that A and any other good grades. Keep it up.
Yeh I think this class just had more to do with poor scheduling than anything. Professor kinda admitted it one day. Whatever, I'm over it (not that it was a huge deal anyway I guess, making it sound like something that offended me kinda).
Damn, sounds worse than my Physics teacher. My Physics teacher was more of a jerk though. Would ask her for help on the problem and she'd be like "it shud be in ur notes." Tf do you think I haven't checked those yet? Didn't do a great job of teaching us overall.
Thanks man. I legitimately had some confidence issues over the semester regarding my performance so I am happy that my work is paying off satisfactorily now that the semester's over.
shchavkyossj2 said:
Hmmm yeh not too sure how to bridge that gap with friends. Guess it's a trust sometimes you randomly have a convo about something close to you and then feel like you can say a lot more to that person. 1 deep convo normally does it I think, altho can be slow n steady sometimes (like u n me, I feel). What kinda stuff do you normally talk about now? Stuff you rly care about or no?
Yeah. We tend to talk about classes the most. Some other stuff sometimes. Nothing I really care about too much no, but that isn't to say I'm not invested in the convo at all or anything.
I'm not trying to rush into being super good friends with everyone anyway so it isn't a big deal to me or anything if new relationships are somewhat superficial for lack of a better word for a little while. I'm cool with that. Sometimes that's enough as long as you've still got a few friends that you can keep close, I think.
shchavkyossj2 said:
For me right now wouldn't say there's anyone offline I can rly talk to about anything. Like right now all my dad's side 1st cousins are here (7 boys, 1 who's 13, 3 15-18 and 2 23-25, 1 toddler/maybe 4 year old) but there's nobody to actually talk with beyond small talk, partly because of language barrier I guess. Sorta frustrates/full on enrages me tbh that they're my main relatives and my dad's put so much emphasis on them as important relationships/being above friends.
Are they there because of holidays or something? That's a lot of family you have over. I've got one cousin coming over over the winter, soonish. Yeah sometimes my parents put emphasis on the importance of these familial relationships. I get that, but sometimes it's just hard to connect when you're apart 99% of the time (at least in my case, idk how often you're around extended family but I figure the sentiment is still somewhat similar).
shchavkyossj2 said:
Yeh you have more freedom. Even if you have a bigger workload those setting it give you more freedom to choose how to handle it. It's cool for me now mostly not getting told what to do ever. My cousins'll ask why I'm doing something a certain way and I can just say "I want to". Doing uni is better tho.
lol @ the example with your cousins. Yeah I still wouldn't say I'm totally "free" (then again, are we ever? philosophy yo) but it's nice to have somewhat of a feeling of "I'm in school but I can kinda do whatever I want...within reason).
shchavkyossj2 said:
Could you actually get shitfaced like ssj2 downtown at your age?
Well no, I'd have to turn 21 first. I'm sure there are ways around that tho...
shchavkyossj2 said:
My cousin's 18, although whenever it comes up I'm gonna go with 17 to annoy him and because he acts too high n mighty. Secretly because his parents wouldn't approve nd would probs slap him, at least according to him, although his dad smokes (but only in secret because it's a bad influence) and both his parents are ridiculously lenient compared to mine, which makes me get more annoyed if he acts like a prick. Found this sash he has that says "proctor" on it and it basically signifies that he's meant to snitch on people and enforce rules but I asked him for stories of rule breakers and he told me of the time he caught 5 boys (in an all boys army kids school so ofc pr much) smoking in the bathroom and he let 3 of them go because they were his friends and the other 2 got suspended for 2 weeks.
lol sounds like a brat. Or is it prat? I dunno with you Brits.
Hated favoritism like that out of kids in positions of responsibility in school. Not as bad as favoritism from teachers though. That was the worst. I was never the favorite.
shchavkyossj2 said:
I'm on that irc sometimes. I get scared Tim is watching me be 4ebenezaalone
It's okay, Tim doesn't bite..usually. Yeh Yoshi's prolly linked you to it a lot I imagine.
shchavkyossj2 said:
Is the next podcast on Tuesday or something? Was hoping you'd roll info about the quality of your singing in for free.
Well, it's technically Wednesday now but it's 2 a.m. so it is kinda still like late, late Tuesday night, so here's some more info: No I can't really sing well.
shchavkyossj2 said:
Bloody hell white t-shirts. That's next level basic. At least everyone knows you can keep your stuff clean (I guess). I used to just wear t-shirts but been mixing it up now. Within a year wanna have nothing but clothes that make me go "wow" when I wear em in my "wardrobe" (which right now is just a pile of clothes and some jackets hanging around wherever. Wanted to buy some inexpensive good clothes here but eh everyone's useleas and takes a few extra days to actually follow through on their verbal commitments.
I should probably mix it up more myself. I have a sufficient amount of clothes to do it too, I just choose not to wear most of them most of the time :/
shchavkyossj2 said:
a thug
shchavkyossj2 said:
Do you use youtube(lol or should I do a throwback nd say rofllmaocopter) What kinda stuff do you watch?
Yeah sometimes. I'll watch funny stuff my friends link me to, or just video game/anime stuff. Some channels I keep up with. Here's one I got into somewhat recently, think you might like it:
shchavkyossj2 said:
That just reminded me of me mentioning "lmao" to a cousin on my mum's side (13 year old, female like all of them) and her saying something along the lines of "that's somethinh old people say". Had anything somewhat like that happen?
No, that's weird. Something old people say? What'd ya say to that?
shchavkyossj2 said:
Thought of a better epiphany example. Was hanging out with some people in their home for the first time in 10 years like 3 and a half years ago and felt like nothing had changed/I'd never left and some while later (months or years) it got me realising that all the relationships (or possibly barring a couple, also not considering online ones) I had were 2nd rate compared to what was possible and that I shouldn't settle for those relationships.
1 other one I thought of was from a couple of years ago when someone was talking positively about jobs and business and to just go for it etc and honestly I just felt like my mind had cleared and new pathways were there and any depression or anxiety was gone for the first time in about 6 years and from that I realised how clouded my mind was and that there's hope to make that level of brain activity the norm again. Just sharing.
That's a good epiphany, I think. There's some saying out there like, "never settle." Like never settle for something when you could do better. I don't know if I agree with it fully but it's a nice saying sometimes I think. Yeah it's healthy to have close relationships.
As for the second. That's good as well. Which now (kind of) begs the question, something I ought to ask since I probably haven't asked it for a few days, how are you doing?
shchavkyossj2 said:
Yeah. Chocolate or ice cream usually. Need to stop doing it as much as I do but it's hard. Usually have at least a little chocolate every day. Not good. But so good.
shchavkyossj2 said:
a thug
shchavkyossj2 said:
What are some main passions you've always or near enough always had?
Sleeping. Sleeping is a passion I have. I still stay up late at night, but once I try to sleep, I really try to sleep because sleep can be awesome.
I guess the internet in general. Guess that makes me sound like a loser huh? I often just waste time on the internet, like seriously waste time, but a lot of the stuff I do on the internet is just cool to me. Keep up with various forms of fictional media, dick around online, play games. I spend most of my time doing this, so while I often don't think about it this way, I suppose that makes it one of my passions? Not quite a passion in the way you'd think about it though.
Aside from that, eh. I like writing sometimes, but it's a pretty on/off thing.
shchavkyossj2 said:
mofo logged me out, gd thing I didnt lose ma post
Yeah that's an issue on mobile sometimes. You seeing this, Q? Get on that shit
Schutzstaffel said:
What is holding you back from getting your license?
Nothing right now. Before, time. I'm sure I could've made time for it somewhere, but I don't have the time management skills to do that. But I'll get it sometime during this break for sure when I'm not being lazy.
Schutzstaffel said:
I thought you said your dad was going to get you a car?
He is. Did I say anything that contradicts this? Sorry don't wanna read my last post lol. Well, he'll either get me a new one or just give me his and get a new one for himself or something. Which I don't mind at all, since either way I'm not paying a thing, although I would obviously prefer a new (or used, whatever, newly bought is what I mean) car for myself.
Schutzstaffel said:
At my uni, they force you to pay an expensive parking permit that allows you to use their lots, I'd imagine yours would be similar.
Most likely. I wouldn't really mind I guess, I could just take the bus if I ever felt like saving money. Bus would probably be more convenient on my lighter days anyway (most of my classes are M/W/F, I have like one class on T/Th).
Schutzstaffel said:
You watching or reading anything right now?
I keep up with this whenever I can: It's like a battle shounen with cooking replacing the battles. I'm not too fond of it and I get tired of it sometimes but it keeps me entertained overall which is enough. I'll probably read more manga in general over the next month.
I'm also watching this right now: Almost done with it. Accelerator can tell ya all about that one.
Animu shit aside I'm also watching Dexter. Barely had the chance to watch it during college lol.
Schutzstaffel said:
How do you plan to spend break?
Chilling. I'm gonna dick around online, catch up on fictional things, hang out with friends. Watch Star Wars and shit like that. Will probably also try to get back into the habit of working out since my gym time was really inconsistent over the semester. I need to develop better habits there. I know I can fit it into my schedule during school, I just did a shit job of it.