ask me stuff


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
Cuz I'm a baller and I don't need more than 4 classes.

Really though, I got a bunch of credits out of the way in HS. Along with the 13 I got this semester, I have 30 from HS and 6 from community college. Don't have to take a number of classes as a result. Normally I'd have taken a rhetoric course as my fifth for my first semester. My calculus course is also actually the second math course EEs take as I got the first out of the way as well.

So I guess my initial answer remains unchanged :king


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
That's pretty chill. So with all of that, you can be done a year earlier??


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
Nah I doubt it, maybe a semester earlier. Maybe if I really tried I could do a year early? I'd rather just finish at a normal time and go slowly.


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
Still lonely

Not hungry

shchavkyossj2 said:
Think that was the only thing I dressed up as. Have some Simpsons socks though. Did you give up from one "no"? No man, don't do that....go and dress up now. Reminds me of when I said to my friend when I was 11 that we should go trick or treating in July since I hadn't done it before and he said it was a stupid idea. No fun. Although dunno how well received you'd be anyway....
I dressed up as an 18 year old college student on winter break yesterday.

Last time I went trick or treating I was 16 I think. Junior year of HS. We were going around on Halloween collecting cans from houses for a food drive for my community service club. Figured we might as well trick or treat as well. We had pretty halfassed costumes though and some of us were just costume-less. Turns out everyone else doing the food drive had the same idea so when we met up at school that night we all just had a bunch of candy.

shchavkyossj2 said:
Since he was a good friend and understanding guy he wasn't mad or anything and just thought it was funny, although I still felt like I owed him a bit. But yeh there was no way to get out of it anyway since if I had really alredy left and started down the street he would have seen me when he walked from his to mine.
Damn straight you owed him. Take him out to dinner today.

shchavkyossj2 said:
I know it's 2015 but to me 2012 or even 2010 is still like last year sometimes for whatever reason. Lol I think that could be ok a lot of the time because if your age is downplayed you could maybe skirt responsibilities a bit, although if he knows your age really but not by number so easily then I guess that wouldn't apply.
Well sometimes I do think back to 2010 and think, "no way was that 5 years ago." Well, more specifically events that occurred in 2010, but I guess everyone is like that somewhat.

As far as responsibilities go he seems to be pretty in-touch in that regard. Oh well, not a big deal.

shchavkyossj2 said:
F that. She should be suggesting it first. You should meet her in an aisle with pancakes and honey in her trolley. Then a second time for your wedding. I nearly typed syrup there instead of honey (I just prefer the spelling tbh)....I am no longer worthy. Also just typed pancackes instead of honey wtfak herpe me. Also just spelt pancackes wrong. To the hospital I go.
herpe you? Well, I'll see if I can hook you up...

I dunno man, if I'm that demanding then I might not have a gf/wife. Then again, if my standards are not met then perhaps I am better off without a gf/wife? You tell me which route is healthier.

shchavkyossj2 said:
I had a year 9 chem teacher when I was 13 who literally replied with "you should have learnt it last year when some I asked what a mole is" when I had just transferred holmes (using that word). Literally didn't learn the answer that class I think....doofus made chem - one if my fave subjects - into one of ma least fave. Tbh though later chem was just boring for me because there's too much memorizing and the experiments in HS didn't turn out well normally and even when they did, in comparison to physics and even biology a lot of practicals didn't result in getting any actual data but just a general observation instead like "it changed to this colour".
Eh chemistry labs were still kind of cool for me though. Although it was annoying when it seemed like I did everything correctly but I wasn't getting the results I wanted, then it turned out there was some problem with the equipment or chemicals I was using.

Biology labs were just boring though. I don't even remember what I did in most of them.

shchavkyossj2 said:
Mistyped "observation" as "ibservation" (inconsistency with applying speech marks ik) which reminded me if the game Ib that I watched Harshlycritical's playthrough of several months (maybe even about a year actually) back. Do you play independrnt PC games much?
Eh, I've got a few although I haven't gotten around to playing them yet. I have played a few like Rogue Legacy although they aren't PC exclusive. Thing about indie games is that there's honestly no telling if it's gonna be a good game or not because either the developer actually did a good job with it or it's kinda trash but everyone is okay with it because it isn't too obviously trash and everyone loves the retro graphics. That said, sometimes I buy them just cuz I can since they can get real cheap during sales.

shchavkyossj2 said:
Talk about video games with em or something. Sorta safe but at the same type might find you like the same kinda games or like games in the same ways or for the same reasons. Dunno.
Yeah. Funny thing I sometimes worry about when bringing up video games though is what if the person I'm talking to turns out to be a huge hardcore fan of gaming/the particular game I brought up in comparison to me and I'm just lost as s/he goes on about whatever tf that I sadly cannot comprehend in my inferior state. Or superior state depending on your view of the situation.

shchavkyossj2 said:
Yeh a few good, close friends can be enough generally. Was talking with my 18 year old cousin (well 18 on December 25th anyway. Not the Proctor guy btw) and was saying I wouldn't be marrying someone for their family since the only one who'd be with you all the time would be your partner anyway and having a really good relationship with 1 close person is more for your "soul" and general wellbeing than 100 not so close ones.
don't tell me you're planning to elope with your loved one to escape her disapproving parents??? or his disapproving parents, I don't discriminate...

Speaking of marriage, I may have mentioned this before but I'm legitimately worried about when my parents start to ask about marriage for me because I'm worried that they'll want to do an arranged marriage type deal. Nope, nope, nope, no chance, not doing that.

shchavkyossj2 said:
Low battery so last bit for now. Yeh we're all here (cousins) for 2 of my older cousins (who're brothers) weddings. One's 23 and one's 26 I think (thought he was 25 but his dad's brother said he's 26 when he as telling me that the best age to marry is 25, apparently....because you're mature enough to be martied and raise kids and young enough....painting the world black and white much? As if everyone is ready at 25 or being 25 will stop you from maybe getting an incompatible partner). Was boring - oh so boring - until yesterday when me and 4 cousins planned a dance together for today (well yesterday now) for 4 of us to do (since the main guy planning half of it out was the guy who was the groom for the function so couldn't be dancing) and did it today and then there were about 15 boys/young men dancing for ages afterwards lol honestly not had that much fun in about 1 and a half years at least and not that much in just a few hours since idk when....few years anyway. My sister-in-law's (well, cousin-in-law) fam did some next level choreographed dancing for like 15 minutes straight to a bunch of songs of different types (we only did 2 choreogeaphed for 2 min each) and I know they prepped for ages in advance from what I heard but we went down well for sure. Tomorrow gona dance a bit to the dhol drum as my cousin walks in and then it's just a dinner mostly. 1% battery oh mang
Sounds like a lot of fun. More fun than I've had at any wedding anyway haha. So did both weddings happen yet? Was there a party separate from the wedding? What was the dance like if it's not too difficult to describe? Has this become an ask shchavkyossj2 thread? How dare you lose to the other side.

About marriage, yeah do it whenever you're ready. Some people aren't mature enough at 25 and some are before then, so it's up to the person. But I guess with older people traditions like "this is the age you do this" die hard (or am I generalizing as well? :elmo )


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
How social are you?
When you're in a large group of people (that you k ow), do you act like yourself?
If you're with friends, but you end up meeting with people that only they know but you don't, would you handle that situation well? (not worded well)


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
Social enough I guess? I'm not the life of the party but I can do plenty more than merely function in society, not that I still don't have plenty of my own awkward moments. Hard to answer the first question so more of my answer will come from the other two questions.

Yeah I act kind of like myself. There's a certain jokey side that only comes out when I'm with closer friends though. That isn't to say that I can't joke with other people, but I'm sure everyone's got those silly jokes that only closer friends would understand after being together for a long time, and making that joke elsewhere would just be weird. (I'm assuming you mean I know this group of people, but just not particularly well). I guess that applies to everyone, but I think some people are so open that they'd do it anyway and just laugh with the ones who get it even if it looks weird. Otherwise I generally act like myself, mostly.

Nah I honestly wouldn't handle it super well, although I am better at it now than before. If it's just a quick encounter, like a "hey" as we pass by then I just keep quiet, nothing else to do. Otherwise it depends a lot on the number of people I think. If I'm with one friend and he sees one other friend, then it's pretty easy to handle and get acquainted/talking. If it's one friend with me and he sees a group of people, then I imagine it would be more difficult, but I also imagine that a situation like that would still be a little accommodating to me by nature, since my friend would still introduce me and such but the fact there's a group would make socializing a bit more difficult. If the number increases then it gets harder, basically. The most difficult would be if the number of friends I'm with increases as well and they all know the other group, then it's not "this group found their friend and his friend," it becomes "this group found their other group of friends and this one guy." I don't think I'd be bad at it though, I used to be pretty bad with new people in general a long time ago but lately I find it easier and easier to fall in line with new people even when I don't really want to. Obviously the "only I don't know them" situation makes it tougher by nature but I can manage. Oh yeah, the hardest would be if they met up and talked about themselves, like how they go back and shit. Hard to join in on that unless it's specifically directed at me (as in they're doing a more detailed introduction than just "this is x, this is y").


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
I'm similar in those situations.

What kind of PC do you use?


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
At the time everything (including power supply, hard drive, etc) was a little under $1000 USD. There were a few sales and rebates at the time and I found some coupon codes online, though they didn't change the price that much.

Haven't played anything too intensive on it yet, most intensive game I've done is Saints Row IV on Ultra at 120+ FPS. According to online benchmarks though I should be able to run the likes of GTA V at ~44 FPS at max settings.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Nice nice.

Do you use it to game often?


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
Probably not as often as most PC gamers, but yeah I do. Recently though I've mostly just been playing when other people play and invite me (multiplayer). Playing "Worms Ultimate Mayhem" with Grid and his friend Ash right now.


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
Nah. I did play basketball for a little while in high school, but I ended up not trying out for the team. For one thing, there was this new coach who came in at one point who was an ass and by the next year (sophomore year), almost all of the players in my grade quit the team. Not really worth it since I didn't have any particular passion for the sport (the one kid who stayed did, and he got a scholarship for basketball in college; good for him for sticking it out the way he did). Aside from that, I probably wouldn't have made the team anyway as I wasn't too great at the sport back then as is, not to mention that physically speaking I was well below the standard at the time compared to most of the others who wanted to play.

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