ask me stuff


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
You lost your job?

edit: lol didn't even read the first half of the sentence :alex2


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015

I'd like to get back into it myself but between work and job hunting I feel pretty lethargic in my free time
Once it becomes a habit it's gonna feel weirder to not do it, tbh. Even just a half hour a day helps immensely.


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
You lost your job?

edit: lol didn't even read the first half of the sentence :alex2
lol I'd have to try REALLY fucking hard to lose this job so no worries on that front.

Once it becomes a habit it's gonna feel weirder to not do it, tbh. Even just a half hour a day helps immensely.
Yeah that's how it was back in the day. Hope I can get into that groove again.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Any specific reason why you're looking for a new job?


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
Any specific reason why you're looking for a new job?
Because I'd like to move back home to Texas, and because I'm bored here and will likely see little to no opportunity for career advancement here.


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
I wouldn't mind if someone said something to me about a shirt I'm wearing, as long as it's something I'm actually into somewhat and they don't hold me up more than I can afford, time-wise.

Curtis'll be able to translate that Lain one-shot one day.

I've watched all of Saiki and Reawakened on Netflix, apart from the last episode. The subtitles are pretty awful (white text on white backgrounds and never subtitles on-screen text eg written jokes) I'm on the last ep of a cool Brazilian show with lots of character-driven twists, called 3%/três per cento. I'm on the last ep or so of quite a few series actually lol, mostly kdramas. The one I got to the final episode of last night was a romance kdrama (lol) about a woman who pretends to be a robot/android and goes to the house of a chaebol guy who is allergic to human touch (as in he has to inject adrenaline after touching anyone or he dies) to convince him not to sell off the robot development team of his company (the real robot is being repaired so they send a fake one instead). Sounds pretty absurd but so far I still really like it. The FL puts in as much (if not more) effort and drives a lot of the relationship as much as the ML and the pacing is good, with the last few eps still feeling like they have enough left to happen and enough uncertainty to be worth watching. Still over the top asf like almost all of them, but enjoyable.

I've watched 2 eps of Komi Can't Communicate this week and watched Detective Pikachu. Pikachu was a funny movie throughout imo (PG rated, but it has a bunch of more mature jokes that would go over a child's head) and gave me a healthy amount of gen 1 nostalgia. Plot was meh and the villain was an idiot, but fine for a kid's movie.

Made any friends from work or in MD in general? Come across anything cool that wasn't in TX? Anything that sucks, aside from less family/friends?


May 30, 2015
Have you read the Neon Genesis Evangelion Manga?


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
I wouldn't mind if someone said something to me about a shirt I'm wearing, as long as it's something I'm actually into somewhat and they don't hold me up more than I can afford, time-wise.
Same. I realize now, though, that I misremembered when answering your question before, though that's because I was only thinking of the Eva hoodie. I did get a comment on a Cowboy Bebop shirt I had on once when I went out to eat with my friend, but that one had a pretty obvious design so not quite what we were talking about.

Curtis'll be able to translate that Lain one-shot one day.
Cutrees will never be Japanese.

I've watched all of Saiki and Reawakened on Netflix, apart from the last episode. The subtitles are pretty awful (white text on white backgrounds and never subtitles on-screen text eg written jokes)
Oh god, yeah, I remember that. I watched Reawakened on some other streaming site but they had just ripped the Netflix subs. Whenever there was overlapping dialogue they just stacked the subs on top of each other instead of utilizing the top of the screen, if I recall. I wonder if that's just a limitation of how their closed captioning is implemented? And to think that they comprise a part of FAANG.

Have we spoken about Saiki before? Either way it was pretty good. This still gets me:

I'm on the last ep of a cool Brazilian show with lots of character-driven twists, called 3%/três per cento. I'm on the last ep or so of quite a few series actually lol, mostly kdramas. The one I got to the final episode of last night was a romance kdrama (lol) about a woman who pretends to be a robot/android and goes to the house of a chaebol guy who is allergic to human touch (as in he has to inject adrenaline after touching anyone or he dies) to convince him not to sell off the robot development team of his company (the real robot is being repaired so they send a fake one instead). Sounds pretty absurd but so far I still really like it. The FL puts in as much (if not more) effort and drives a lot of the relationship as much as the ML and the pacing is good, with the last few eps still feeling like they have enough left to happen and enough uncertainty to be worth watching. Still over the top asf like almost all of them, but enjoyable.
Gimme the name of that romance kdrama. I will probably forget to watch it since I just don't have the time right this second, but it'll be good to have. That premise sounds tricky as the dude would be oblivious to the woman actually being a human, so I guess a lot of the plot is centered around that facet? Or did you mean that she's still an android but not the right one.

I've seen a few decent Korean films but haven't really sat down for very many series (Korean or otherwise), hell of a time commitment these days.

I've watched 2 eps of Komi Can't Communicate this week and watched Detective Pikachu. Pikachu was a funny movie throughout imo (PG rated, but it has a bunch of more mature jokes that would go over a child's head) and gave me a healthy amount of gen 1 nostalgia. Plot was meh and the villain was an idiot, but fine for a kid's movie.
I've read like one chapter of Komi lol. I know it's been pretty popular for a little while, though it didn't quite grab me right away. I did take a liking to cute/fluffy school romcom manga at one point a few years back though, they can be charming if a little repetitive. Rarely a satisfying conclusion though (these two daily ones I read, Tomo-chan and Mousou Telepathy, had pretty poor endings imo that soured me on the genre for a good while).

I don't remember Detective Pikachu too well, beyond the plot twist being kinda obvious. But it was cool seeing some of the Pokemon in that film (and freaky for some of the others).

Made any friends from work or in MD in general? Come across anything cool that wasn't in TX? Anything that sucks, aside from less family/friends?
Sort of but COVID kinda fucked that up as I just stayed at home for the better part of a year or more. Not that I mind if I'm being 100% honest.

Overall the food is way worse than I was used to in Austin. The crab is better, but that's about it and that's to be expected (not like I ever went out of my way to eat crab in Austin, but holy shit does MD have some good crab cakes). That said, once I'm able to move back to Austin, I'm going to miss my commute. It's a short 10 minute drive that's never too bad even when there's heavy traffic. Pretty much anywhere I work in Austin I'll be stuck dealing with horrific traffic during rush hour unless I can go fully remote.

What've you been up to anyway? Like work-wise, if you've been working, or recreationally outside of TV. I should probably ask in your ask thread but I'm lazy so fuck it.

Have you read the Neon Genesis Evangelion Manga?


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
Yeh he doesn't know she's a human. It's called I'm not a Robot

Forgot to say I did watch Squid Game too. It was nowhere as good as the Liar Game manga or Kaiji in terms of the games and intellectual conflict, but it was an easy watch and the character relationships were good and just the fucked upness of the whole situation was interesting. It only dipped out of the top 10 here on Netflix last week. A couple of other thriller/action kdramas have got into the top 10 since Squid Game, so maybe it's opened the floodgates, although idk if they already occasionally were popular before, since I only started using Netflix around September.

You been watching/reading anything in general? What do you do outside working hours, for the last couple months?

Speaking of Bebop, I'm sure you've heard there's a live action Bebop now. Not checked it out, but it seems mainstream popular, although Cowboy Bebop anime fans aren't as into it, judging from what I've briefly read online. Could still be good, just different from the anime in ways that turn off hardcore fans.

Oh yeh you're right about the Saiki subs all being mashed together at the bottom. Sometimes it randomly puts one line of the subs at the top of the screen though too, in the middle of someone talking, so I'm like "wtf there's no subtitle!" but then rewind it and see it or attempt to, because it's probably camouflaged against a cloud in the sky or something. We haven't talked about Saiki, nah. I checked out a couple eps 1-2 years ago, but only watched it properly after I saw it was on Netflix/because I knew you'd watched it too. It was more of thing to watch when I can't be bothered to watch something serious (along with Trailer Park Boys). It ended up being way more consistently funny than I expected, hope there ends up being more episodes. One bit I remember the most making me lol was when they all go to Saiki's house for his dad's birthday and Saiki makes his dad appear as him while Saiki watches from a distance and then Nendo turns up late to the door, walks past Saiki and then sees Saiki's dad as Saiki too so is like "why are there two?" and turns back around, but Saiki's put a mirror there to trick Nendo into thinking the second Saiki was just a reflection lol.

What's a daily one? A manga that releases every day? I've found myself increasingly moving away from school-based and even teen-focused stories in general, during the last couple of years. Not totally, but I definitely seek out stuff with adult characters.

Long commutes are awful. When you think about how much you can do in like half an hour at home (eg if you cooked, exercised, watched something, phoned someone, studied for 30 min) it feels ridiculous. I've had 10-20 min commutes before, but I've had a 1.5 hours or so commute as well and it annihilated me mentally and physically being out from home for so long (f, for a while I went to an mma gym after work, so I was outside from 7:10am to like 9/10pm) and I always felt like I was playing catch up trying to get things done. After leaving there it took me a couple of months to feel recovered. I'd never touch a more than 40 min commute again (ideally under 30 min), unless I know it's a field I really like/is long-term worth it and it's only for like a year. Experiencing a stupid long commute has made me way more picky about commutes in general now. Reminds me of when I ate cheese sandwiches almost every school day for years in primary school and then it took me several years to be able to eat another cheese sandwich. Random, idk.

I've been working in a small kitchen 6 days a week lately. It's owned by my uncle and it's alright - the 7.5hr shifts go fast somehow and the staff get loads of free food, but I'd probably dislike the job if I was working with strangers. Plus it's evenings, which means you can't do any evening activities like join a club or whatever, although at least shops are open while I'm not at work. Doubt I'll stay there far into 2022.

Otherwise I've been running sometimes after work and doing other training at home. Trying to get back into combat sports training, although I hurt my rib boxing last week so probs can't do anything contact for another couple of weeks. Defo need a new gumshield that doesn't have hard plastic parts, gotta go to the dentist first time since pre-covid before I order one though, in case I need anything done at all. Not done much else really, although I've been learning Portuguese for like 7 months.


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
Yeh he doesn't know she's a human. It's called I'm not a Robot
Thanks bro.

Forgot to say I did watch Squid Game too. It was nowhere as good as the Liar Game manga or Kaiji in terms of the games and intellectual conflict, but it was an easy watch and the character relationships were good and just the fucked upness of the whole situation was interesting. It only dipped out of the top 10 here on Netflix last week. A couple of other thriller/action kdramas have got into the top 10 since Squid Game, so maybe it's opened the floodgates, although idk if they already occasionally were popular before, since I only started using Netflix around September.
Yeah I've heard basically the same from other people pretty much (people who are informed on the media Squid Game's inspired by that is, not normies). Still sounds like a good watch though. I definitely think Squid Game's helped open the floodgates to westerners discovering more Korean media, yeah, although Parasite from Bong Joon-ho probably kickstarted things a little as well two years back.

You been watching/reading anything in general? What do you do outside working hours, for the last couple months?
Applying for jobs :)

I was playing a lot of Pokemon Emerald for a while. Barring completion of the national dex I've pretty much 100%'d it (maxed out my trainer card level which requires beating the game, completion of the regional dex, scoring high enough in every Master rank contest category, and beating the Battle Frontier). That took a while, have been working on it on/off since early last year but made the last push to get everything done recently. Pokemon's also something I can easily play off to the side while I work, up until I get to the higher streaks in the Battle Frontier where I have to pay more attention at least. You still play any games?

I keep up with a few manga but haven't read anything extensive in a good while. Same goes for anime but I did just start watching the newest JoJo part. Seems cool.

Speaking of Bebop, I'm sure you've heard there's a live action Bebop now. Not checked it out, but it seems mainstream popular, although Cowboy Bebop anime fans aren't as into it, judging from what I've briefly read online. Could still be good, just different from the anime in ways that turn off hardcore fans.
I have heard. And yeah, anime fans aren't really into it I've heard. Cowboy Bebop does lend itself to live action better than most anime given its sources of inspiration, though Netflix has honestly given me little reason to put any faith in them. Death Note was ass, as was Fullmetal Alchemist (pretty sure that one was Netflix too at least). It's a series so I've decided not to bother with it.

Oh yeh you're right about the Saiki subs all being mashed together at the bottom. Sometimes it randomly puts one line of the subs at the top of the screen though too, in the middle of someone talking, so I'm like "wtf there's no subtitle!" but then rewind it and see it or attempt to, because it's probably camouflaged against a cloud in the sky or something. We haven't talked about Saiki, nah. I checked out a couple eps 1-2 years ago, but only watched it properly after I saw it was on Netflix/because I knew you'd watched it too. It was more of thing to watch when I can't be bothered to watch something serious (along with Trailer Park Boys). It ended up being way more consistently funny than I expected, hope there ends up being more episodes. One bit I remember the most making me lol was when they all go to Saiki's house for his dad's birthday and Saiki makes his dad appear as him while Saiki watches from a distance and then Nendo turns up late to the door, walks past Saiki and then sees Saiki's dad as Saiki too so is like "why are there two?" and turns back around, but Saiki's put a mirror there to trick Nendo into thinking the second Saiki was just a reflection lol.
I'm pretty sure the anime has adapted all there is to adapt from the manga but who knows. I found myself wanting more after it ended and the resolutions to these kinds of shows seem to never sit right with me, but it was pretty good otherwise. Writer had a knack for good gags that never really got old. I feel like I could revisit it years down the line just episode hopping and have just as good a time.

I don't know if you'd like these but check out Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun and Asobi Asobase if you haven't.

What's a daily one? A manga that releases every day? I've found myself increasingly moving away from school-based and even teen-focused stories in general, during the last couple of years. Not totally, but I definitely seek out stuff with adult characters.
Yeah, specifically it's one page that gets released every day. It's a great format as far as just having a little something easy to digest every morning or evening or whenever it happens to release. There was one that I would read every day about this guy and his weirdo wondrous cat, but things happened and I ended up falling behind and I don't feel too inclined to binge-read it now to catch up. Still, was a good thing to wake up to for a while.

I definitely prefer stuff with adult characters too these days, stuff aimed at a younger demographic just doesn't sit right with me as much and I think that's totally natural. Can still be done well of course.

Long commutes are awful. When you think about how much you can do in like half an hour at home (eg if you cooked, exercised, watched something, phoned someone, studied for 30 min) it feels ridiculous. I've had 10-20 min commutes before, but I've had a 1.5 hours or so commute as well and it annihilated me mentally and physically being out from home for so long (f, for a while I went to an mma gym after work, so I was outside from 7:10am to like 9/10pm) and I always felt like I was playing catch up trying to get things done. After leaving there it took me a couple of months to feel recovered. I'd never touch a more than 40 min commute again (ideally under 30 min), unless I know it's a field I really like/is long-term worth it and it's only for like a year. Experiencing a stupid long commute has made me way more picky about commutes in general now.
I had to deal with a long commute when I did my internship during college, and when I was commuting to college in general. For a while I took the bus to college which took anywhere from 45-70 minutes, definitely a huge waste of time. Took less time when I started driving there myself but I still didn't drive the full way because parking at my campus was a huge pain.

When I worked a summer internship my commute could end up an hour long with terrible traffic, although without traffic it'd be like 20-25 minutes. Crazy how it makes such a difference. The day feels wasted once you're back home, have to eat dinner and it's already well into the evening. If I do end up with a commute that long at my next job I'll probably start looking again after a year for that reason alone, yeah, it's just not worth it in the long run.

Reminds me of when I ate cheese sandwiches almost every school day for years in primary school and then it took me several years to be able to eat another cheese sandwich. Random, idk.
Lol. One time I got sick and threw up after eating some fried fish and I refused to eat fried fish for years. Trying to do so just made me feel sick to my stomach again (placebo probably).

I've been working in a small kitchen 6 days a week lately. It's owned by my uncle and it's alright - the 7.5hr shifts go fast somehow and the staff get loads of free food, but I'd probably dislike the job if I was working with strangers. Plus it's evenings, which means you can't do any evening activities like join a club or whatever, although at least shops are open while I'm not at work. Doubt I'll stay there far into 2022.
The people you work with definitely make up like half the job if not more, if that makes sense. Half the reason I can stand my current job at present is because I work with pretty good people (though I still want out ultimately). In any case, doesn't sound too bad for the time being.

Otherwise I've been running sometimes after work and doing other training at home. Trying to get back into combat sports training, although I hurt my rib boxing last week so probs can't do anything contact for another couple of weeks. Defo need a new gumshield that doesn't have hard plastic parts, gotta go to the dentist first time since pre-covid before I order one though, in case I need anything done at all. Not done much else really, although I've been learning Portuguese for like 7 months.
I respect anyone trying to learn a new language into their adulthood. I'd like to but I've just got no patience for it. Good that you've kept yourself physically active. I've been lazing about for the better part of a year but have been trying to get out a little more at least. Being a potato is fun though.

I haven't been to the dentist in forever too and they've been texting me about it. Was planning to go next month.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
What kind of job are you looking for that's closer to home? Something in the same field? How many types of jobs are there within your field that you could feasibly do?


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
What kind of job are you looking for that's closer to home? Something in the same field? How many types of jobs are there within your field that you could feasibly do?
Yes, I’m looking for another software engineering role. I don’t intend to work in any other field unless it’s at least tangentially related.

Austin is a tech hub so there isn’t really any shortage of software engineering positions on paper, I’ve got a lot of options. The challenge in my case is twofold. One, the demand for senior engineering positions is far far higher than any other, so someone earlier in their career like me has to dig around a bit more. Two, my current role has not really required the use of many modern technologies and skills that are in high demand these days (cloud, databases, various APIs and frameworks), so in this regard my skillset is lacking as I didn’t take it upon myself to self-teach very much. So it can be tough to sell myself at times compared to other hypothetical candidates.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
So what can you do about that? Is it too late to become educated in those skills?


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
So what can you do about that? Is it too late to become educated in those skills?
It's not, but I'd rather hop jobs sooner rather than later so I'm just trying to see if I can get by with "I've just started looking into learning XYZ."


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Did you get the Amazon job?

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