Ask The Sovereign Master Of Spamifestation Anything That Your Little Heart Desires

Mr. Popo Fan

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 30, 2015
I'm a die hard fan of the Dynasty Warriors series. So, yes, I have played the game entirely, including the expansion. I strongly recommend the game, especially since there were some fantastic QOL improvements over previous DW games, and spinoffs.

Life advice is subjective. Every perspective sees life differently. I can offer insight and suggestions so you can avoid the mistakes that I've made in the past.
I've played the main story but not the expansion. I actually lost my save and didn't feel like playing the whole game again. How is the expansion?

Mr. Popo Fan

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 30, 2015
I skipped the following games: Black/White 2, Ultra Sun/Moon, Let's Go. The rest, I've played up until Arceus.

I will be purchasing Scarlet within the coming months, as it looks extremely promising after Arceus.
Black/White 2 are very good.

Sovran Nila

High Class Warrior
Sovereign Master of Spamifestation
Aug 3, 2016
I've played the main story but not the expansion. I actually lost my save and didn't feel like playing the whole game again. How is the expansion?
The expansion was worthy of the asking price. The amount of added content warranted further gameplay.


May 30, 2015
Have you played Hyrule Warriors and/or Fire Emblem Warriors? If so, what do you think of them?

Sovran Nila

High Class Warrior
Sovereign Master of Spamifestation
Aug 3, 2016
Have you played Hyrule Warriors and/or Fire Emblem Warriors? If so, what do you think of them?
I played all 4 games of those series.

Original Hyrule Warriors = satisfactory Musou game.

Original Fire Emblem Warriors = satisfactory Musou game.

Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity = superb Musou game! The additions, implementations, and new aspects added into a Musou game were an extraordinarily top tier. Omega Force needs to continue improving the Musou formula just as they did with this game.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes = superb Musou game! They retained new elements from Age of Calamity, and also added some new ones in the Fire Emblem flavor.

These two most previous ones were top tier Musou games, in my opinion. They're worthy of the full MSRP of $60, and so is the DLC. I would argue that they are must play Musou games, especially if you love the franchises of Zelda and Fire Emblem.

Sovran Nila

High Class Warrior
Sovereign Master of Spamifestation
Aug 3, 2016
How does Dynasty Warriors stack up compared to them?
Dragonball Z
The Legend of Zelda
Dynasty Warriors

Hmm... Well, I am forced to believe that Zelda actually comes before DBZ. Majora's Mask has not yet been dethroned as my most favorite media, therefore Zelda is on top. If two were to disappear, and only one were to remain, it would have to be The Legend of Zelda.

Dynasty Warriors had a big impact on me, however, it's not nearly as much as DBZ and Zelda had.

I interpreted the question incorrectly at first, so you'll receive multiple answers.


I'm indifferent about Fire Emblem. The fundamental gameplay is Dynasty Warriors/Musou in those games. I played the games because of the Musou style, not because of the Fire Emblem Universe. Comparing Zelda/Fire Emblem to Dynasty Warriors is like comparing apples to oranges, in my opinion. They're different genres, and difficult to discern which is more profound over the other since they contain different, and unique elements.

The only way someone would like Dynasty Warriors, is not for the Musou hack and slash genre, but because of the Han Dynasty era events and characters involved. I actually like it, and not many people do.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
What initially led to you trying out the many various fasting routines that you've documented?

Sovran Nila

High Class Warrior
Sovereign Master of Spamifestation
Aug 3, 2016
What initially led to you trying out the many various fasting routines that you've documented?
I imagine when one begins to venture from the diet of SAD to alternatives, fasting is one aspect that the individual will come across over and over again. Firstly, it is dependent on the conditioning and the ideology of the individual. Depending on how open minded they are, will ultimately determine which lifestyles they are willing to try out. A Healthy Ketogenic/Low Carb lifestyle will always flood one with fasting protocols. Essentially, it's impossible to not be aware, since they go together so well, and are talking about extensively on every form of media. I also experimented with a blood glucose monitor to find out what truly affects me, and what doesn't.

(Healthy Ketogenic is different than the perceived "Keto" that media portrays.)

Low Carb led me to Intermittent Fasting. After some time, IF progressed into water fasts and experimenting with myself. Again, after some time, water fasts progressed into dry fasts. Short fasts, prolonged fasts, and combinations of all sorts.

At this point with my accumulated experience, I want to attain the next level of optimization. At the moment, dry fasting seems to be the pinnacle. I continually strive to research new information every single day.

I'm not sure if others are like me, however, after many years of sustaining my current lifestyle, it's impossible for me to revert back. If I don't agree with a meal, or product, I simply won't intake it. I'll wait until the next moment arrives where I can prepare my own meal, knowing with 100% certainty of the ingredients.

In retrospect, it seems "obvious" that this is the path I would have taken regardless when it comes to dietary lifestyle.

In my everyday life, I feel "invincible" with my current protocols. I feel at my peak performance 24/7. It doesn't fail. It'll be interesting to find out what occurs once I begin lifting again in a couple of months. I envision the results to be almost difficult to believe after I apply everything that I've learned thus far and combine it with exercise.


Jun 4, 2015
I saw Your Name on your shelf. Amazing movie, in my experience (because that movie's an experience). Where's it rank amongst anime movies?

Do you go back to Romania?
Favourite Romanian food?

Who was your favourite DBZ character as a kid and why? Who's your favourite now and why?

Sovran Nila

High Class Warrior
Sovereign Master of Spamifestation
Aug 3, 2016
I saw Your Name on your shelf. Amazing movie, in my experience (because that movie's an experience). Where's it rank amongst anime movies?

Do you go back to Romania?
Favourite Romanian food?

Who was your favourite DBZ character as a kid and why? Who's your favourite now and why?
Your Name and Weathering With You are my all time favorite Anime films. Pure masterpieces. I try to watch them once a year.

I haven't been back since I arrived in this wretched and grotesque hell hole that I now call home.

My favorite food... It has to be Mici/Mititei. Sarmale would be second.

A) Initially when the show began airing on Toonami, it was Goku. I don't know why since I was ~6 years old back then.
B) Once Vegeta was introduced, he became my favorite. His evolution from villain to hero is probably the best answer as to why. Vegeta remained my favorite for a very long time.
C) When I watched the Broly movies, he became a contender. I tend to like brutes. I went back and forth between Vegeta and Broly.
D) Then, DBS happened... Goku Black, more so the SSJR version, became a contender as well. Mainly due to the color pink, the scythe, and the attitude.
E) Then, DBS Broly happened... Right now, I believe DBS Broly is my favorite character.
F) But, wait! There's more! (Mira Towa absorbed, or final form) is also one of my all time favorites, merely because of the design.


Jun 4, 2015
That must be a long time since you've been back then. Was there not family to see there?
Is it in your plans?
How long did it take you to consider your current city/metro home?

There's a restaurant near me that has both of those on its menu. Now I have a bit of a better idea of what to have.

Favourite non-Romanian food? Favourite meal in general?

Is there something you learnt to do in your free time in the last few years that you couldn't do before? Could be anything. If so, what was it, how hard was it and how did you learn it?

Furthest you've driven?


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Would you rather live in Romania or where you live now?

Sovran Nila

High Class Warrior
Sovereign Master of Spamifestation
Aug 3, 2016
That must be a long time since you've been back then. Was there not family to see there?
Is it in your plans?
How long did it take you to consider your current city/metro home?

There's a restaurant near me that has both of those on its menu. Now I have a bit of a better idea of what to have.

Favourite non-Romanian food? Favourite meal in general?

Is there something you learnt to do in your free time in the last few years that you couldn't do before? Could be anything. If so, what was it, how hard was it and how did you learn it?

Furthest you've driven?
Nearly 25 years. There is. I suppose that I don't plan on going back yet. I didn't choose, I just haven't left yet.

If you decide to try them out, report back on your experience!

I suppose my favorite meal is the meal that I eat daily, which is a concoction that I make myself consisting of a base of either an omelette, or beef. I have a lot of spices that I add on top of my meals, which is what makes them superb.

This one is difficult to answer because I strive to improve every facet of my life daily. I also tend to forget what I was like X amount of years ago. "Things" just become my new normal. I suppose that learning the truth about the human body, and this construct that we call the world/universe, actually operate might be the most substantial if I have to ponder. Basically, push to the next level through experimentation, and trial and error. Only believe what you, yourself, actually experience to be the truth. You could say that I like to challenge what is perceived as the status quo, and "normal." I'm extremely abnormal in that context, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I can't imagine it any other way in this moment.

Furthest that I've driven by myself would be to Myrtle Beach, SC. It was part of a spontaneous trip one weekend. The total miles were 1,400-1,500 through various states that weekend.

Would you rather live in Romania or where you live now?
Because I immigrated when I was very young, I can't possibly know what it's like to live there compared to living here. Cleveland is all I know, essentially. So, the answer is here. I don't want to live here all of my life, though.


Jun 4, 2015
What I meant about considering Cleveland your home is like, when you first arrived were you like "I'm really from X in Romania, but I live in Cleveland" and then eventually felt happy to be from Cleveland and not add the "but I'm really from" in your head? Like when I moved areas at 13, it took me about 8-9 years to be happy to say I'm from here, a guy I worked with moved here from London when he was about 13, but at 21 told me still considers himself to really be from London and not here. Although, if you were only about 7-8 when moving, maybe you were too young to feel that way.

Is your nuclear family the only part of your family that lives in the US?

That's pretty interesting. When I was asking the Q I was thinking I myself forget things I've learnt, because they become your new norm, so I think I know exactly what you mean.

Do you look for cooking recipes, or just modify what you already know?
Do you like learning hands-on things, however minor?
Do you work on your car/motorcycle?
Do you read books? Or did you in the past?

Myrtle Beach, SC? Did you see any large balloons? Jk. It was spontaneous, so I'm wondering if it was much longer than other trips you'd been on prior to that? Did you encounter any difficulties or inconveniences, small or large, that would make you change how you would prepare for a future trip of that same length?

Sovran Nila

High Class Warrior
Sovereign Master of Spamifestation
Aug 3, 2016
I barely remember last year, let alone from 1998. I was too young. I acknowledge that I'm not American, however, I am Americanized.

I'm assuming it was a typo, as I've never heard of a "nuclear family" before. I immigrated with my parents.

I cook all of my own meals. I always look for new recipes to try out.
I love DIY projects.
I work on my own vehicles.
I read books on subjects that I'm interested in.

No balloons were sighted. That trip was primarily for the sake of driving than anything else, as I love cruising. I encountered some traffic in Atlanta, GA, which was more than you typically experience in Cleveland, OH. On the way back from Myrtle Beach, I had to stop to rest for a few hours since I was fatigued from being up over 24 hours. If I do another trip similar to that one, I don't know if there's anything that I could change.


Jun 4, 2015
Nuclear family means parents and children. As opposed to extended family. I was trying to ask you if you have any extended family in the US.

What's any recent DIY project you did, in the last few years?

What books have you read most recently? What subjects are you interested in?

When buying a new car/motorcycle, do you have a list of things you work on, on the vehicle? Or do you just work on it if something seems off?

Sovran Nila

High Class Warrior
Sovereign Master of Spamifestation
Aug 3, 2016
Nuclear family means parents and children. As opposed to extended family. I was trying to ask you if you have any extended family in the US.

What's any recent DIY project you did, in the last few years?

What books have you read most recently? What subjects are you interested in?

When buying a new car/motorcycle, do you have a list of things you work on, on the vehicle? Or do you just work on it if something seems off?
Interesting that I've never heard of the terminology before. Is it mainly a UK based term?

Technically, any modifications to vehicles can count as DIY projects. I've done a lot. My favorite one is the most unique one that I've been helped with: thermodynamics.




Recently, I've been reading books on consciousness. I'm consumed by consciousness and I can't get enough of it

I've never purchased a new vehicle before, as they've all been used. Even my 2022 motorcycle had 207 miles on it, and I'm the second owner. I have a list of a multitude of aspects I check over whenever I purchase a used vehicle, though. If the vehicle meets my standards, I purchase it. If it doesn't, I pass on the offer. There are facets that can be ignored and be remedied at a later stage.

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Father wrote on 最強のフュージョン's profile.
Bill Cosby will have the prep time that Pm. snake never had baby wooooooooo!!
Never watched that filler lol
INCORRECT, remember Princess Snake tried to sedate Goku and that shit didn't work