Cell Arc Inconsistency/Bad Writing thread


May 30, 2015
But as far as I remember, in the Manga scenes only the images of Freezer and King Cold being killed are shown. Then in the image where King Cold dies, Cell says he was able to obtain the Trunks cells, but that does not necessarily mean that it is Trunks at the time of killing King Cold, it could have been at the moment that Future Trunks ( Line Cell) already fought against the Androids.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Talking about a Trunks from any time but the death of Freeza wouldn't make sense as that would be far too long into Cell's development and if the computer saw that as a good opportunity to achieve more cells, then why not bring up the same about Future Gohan?
Also, the way in which Freeza is shown to be killed in the panel is identical to what Trunks did, which would be impossible for Goku to do with his method of fighting.


May 30, 2015
It is a good point. Maybe I'm not talking about Future Gohan (Cell Line), because he already had his cells long before he fought against the Androids. I think the scene where Frieza was killed was a copy and paste of the way he died in Manga.

 I do not find Sense Cell impressed by the power of Vegeta SSJ (Androids), if he had already seen Vegeta (Cell Line) killed by the Androids. Also Cell talks about knowing 2 Trunks, that is Trunks (Cell Line) and Trunks (Future Trunks Line).

 I also remember that Cell at one point talks about the Main Line being different from his Line, since Goku had died and Vegeta had killed by the Androids. That means that Goku (Cell Line) died in some way that Cell did not know (Probably due to the disease) and Vegeta had been killed by the Androids. If there had been another Future Trunks that traveled to the Cell Line, then Goku could have fought the Androids and all the Z Warriors would have been as strong as in the Android Arc.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
SIAD said:
It is a good point. Maybe I'm not talking about Future Gohan (Cell Line), because he already had his cells long before he fought against the Androids.
Cell never mentions having Gohan's cells in the manga plus if he did, it would make his surprise when hearing about Gohan's rage boosts pointless.


May 30, 2015
Then the Time Lines are badly written. Even so, I think the Cell Lines and Future Trunks are similar, but with a different ending.

  It seems silly to me to show Freezer (Cell Line) cut in half by Goku, but it seems much more foolish to me than Cell to see Vegeta for the first time said that Vegeta is much more powerful than the one in his Line in case a Future Trunks will travel to the Cell Line. By showing a Future Trunks killing Frieza and King Cold on the Cell Line, it's a big mistake. That's why I think Goku was the one who killed Frieza and King Cold in the Cell Timeline.


Mid Class Warrior
Jul 23, 2015
SIAD said:
I'm pretty sure Goku is the one who kills Frieza in the Cell Timeline. Cell (Post Jinger) only knows that the Androids of his Line are stronger than his current I, not necessarily as strong as the Androids of the Main Line.

 If a Future Trunks had killed Frieza in the Cell Line, then he would have given the medicine to Goku and everyone would have trained just like in the Main Line. If that had been the case, Cell when he saw Vegeta for the first time on the Main Timeline, he would not have said "Vegeta is still alive, he has also become very strong". Therefore, Vegeta of the Cell Line is not as powerful as the Vegeta of the Main Line.

 When Cell reveals his identity to Piccolo in the Manga, they only show images of the death of Frieza and King Cold, it was more like a copy and paste the images when they had been killed by Future Trunks. Then Cell says he could get Cells from a Warrior named Trunks, but that does not mean he necessarily referred to the same time that Freezer and King Cold had been killed.

 In the Anime, it must have been a mistake to show Future Trunks killing Frieza and King Cold in the Cell Timeline. It must have been again a copy and paste that scene. It was a possible plot error.

I think the Future Trunks and Cell lines were identical, but with the difference is that in the Future Trunks Line, this was strengthened in the past and could kill Cell, while in the other Line did not happen the same.

No, a time travelling Future Trunks definitely kills Freeza in the Cell timeline. the art shows Freeza with a huge slice through him and King Cold dying exactly like he did in the main timeline. Not to mention, Cell brings up them not aquiring Trunks cells during that sequence of Freeza and Cold's death. The Trunks from Cell's timeline hadent even been born yet. To ignore this is blatant disregard for what was shown. And of course the anime does show Trunks.

How would Cell know Vegeta's power in either timeline? Vegeta would die before Cell ever even wakes up. You think he can sense powers around the planet when he's just a little fetus in a water tank way underground? I Don't think so. And as we know in the main timeline, Gero's data never covered Vegeta [since Vegeta was way more powerful than he anticipated]. So if Gero in the maintimeline doesn't know or understimates them despite the events that occur, there's no reason Cell should know. Cell does know the Androids strength though and so does Gero, as he knows can match Kamiccolo.

I think they did train for the Androids in Cell's timeline but they all got wrecked and killed, as the Androids are as strong as those in the present timeline. We don't even know if Gohan survived the intitial battle in Cell's timeline. It's an odd timeline. Perhaps the Androids in Cell's timeline were strong, but also vicious like in the Future Trunks timeline.


May 30, 2015
But even if Cell had been a fetus, he still saw how the Androids killed Vegeta in the Cell Line, so he knew his power. In addition, as CC says, Cell's project is parallel to that of Gero.

  It makes more sense to say that it was a mistake to show Trunks killing Frieza and King Cold in the Cell Line.


Mid Class Warrior
Jul 23, 2015
SIAD said:
But even if Cell had been a fetus, he still saw how the Androids killed Vegeta in the Cell Line, so he knew his power. In addition, as CC says, Cell's project is parallel to that of Gero.

  It makes more sense to say that it was a mistake to show Trunks killing Frieza and King Cold in the Cell Line.

He saw how the Androids killed Vegeta? I think he just knows that Vegeta was killed by the Androids.

Anyway, pick your poison. We have The Androids in Cell's timeline predicted to be = to the Androids in the main timeline and the blantent showing of Freeza dying by a sword and dying exactly how Trunks killed them, and Cell saying that they ignored Trunks cells during that sequences.

vs Cell just merely underestimating Vegeta. It's not like the flat out said "Vegeta is stronger in this timline" like Trunks does with the Androids. Just that Vegeta is stronger than he anticipated.

I don't think there's any reason that Cell has to know the exact powers of the Z Senshi. Gero didnt despite all the events that took place in the main timeline.

Anyway, Cell's presence in the main timeline does change the events of the maintimeline, and that never happened in the Cell timeline. All 3 known timelines are quite different.


May 30, 2015
I see more likely that Cell saw Vegeta being killed by the Androids, than when he found out at another time. Unless the Androids spent their whole lives talking about killing Vegeta. And logically Cell to see Vegeta killed, he knows his exact power, but he would not know the power of the Androids either.

  Perfectly the Trunks that did not extract their cells, was the one of their Timeline, when this one was fighting against the Androids.


Mid Class Warrior
Jul 23, 2015
Cell saw with his own eyes Vegeta getting killed ? When was that eve stated or shown? I'd imagine Vegeta was long dead by the time he was even up and walking about in his 1st form in his timeline. If he saw Vegeta getting killed in person he would have obviously absorbed. The Androids.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
What about Cell noticing that Vegeta has also become stronger in the main timeline? If Trunks advised everyone about the androids, Vegeta would also have the motivation to train, achieve SSJ and be as strong as he was in the main timeline, no?


Mid Class Warrior
Jul 23, 2015
A hill

Cell didn't say that, he just said Vegeta is stronger than anticipated. Gero (present) underestimated Vegeta and Piccolo too and we know Trunks did kill Freeza in the present.


May 30, 2015
Victorious said:
Cell saw with his own eyes Vegeta getting killed ? When was that eve stated or shown? I'd imagine Vegeta was long dead by the time he was even up and walking about in his 1st form in his timeline. If he saw Vegeta getting killed in person he would have obviously absorbed. The Androids.

I mean Cell's Spy Robot was the one who saw how Vegeta had been killed by the Androids. Does it make sense to me that this happened because if not, how would Cell have known that Vegeta had been killed by the Androids?


May 30, 2015
Victorious said:
A hill

Cell didn't say that, he just said Vegeta is stronger than anticipated. Gero (present) underestimated Vegeta and Piccolo too and we know Trunks did kill Freeza in the present.

But Cell's project is independent of Gero's project. Gero stopped investigating Goku after the Saiyan Arc. At least Cell (Line of Future Trunks and possibly the Cell Line), Cell observed the Z Warriors, even when Trunks had SSJ, but was still inferior to the Androids.


Mid Class Warrior
Jul 23, 2015
SIAD said:
Victorious said:
Cell saw with his own eyes Vegeta getting killed ? When was that eve stated or shown? I'd imagine Vegeta was long dead by the time he was even up and walking about in his 1st form in his timeline. If he saw Vegeta getting killed in person he would have obviously absorbed. The Androids.

I mean Cell's Spy Robot was the one who saw how Vegeta had been killed by the Androids. Does it make sense to me that this happened because if not, how would Cell have known that Vegeta had been killed by the Androids?

It's possible the spy robot saw, we don't know. It's never stated. Nor is it stated the robot recorded the battle power of Vegeta. So you are just making assumptions. All Cell says is "Vegeta is much stronger than I anticipated"..that's it.

Earth isn't packed with a bunch of people who can kill Vegeta, even pre Super Saiyan. So it's obviously either The Androids or no one.


Mid Class Warrior
Jul 23, 2015
But Cell's project is independent of Gero's project.

That doesn't even make sense. Cell IS a project of Gero. Gero has 2 main projects...the Androids as number 1 and Cell as number 2. It does seem though that toward the end of his life Gero abandons his Cell project and focuses more on the Androids. While the Supercomputer finished Cell, even well past Gero's death.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Cell also says that it's a surprise Vegeta wasn't killed by the androids, [mention]Victorious[/mention]


Mid Class Warrior
Jul 23, 2015
ahill1 said:
Cell also says that it's a surprise Vegeta wasn't killed by the androids, @Victorious

Well clearly in Cell's timeline everyone was killed by the Androids. No one is denying that.

Does Cell ever say he's surprised Goku hasnt died of a heart disease? Cause that would help the SIAD case.

Considering I believe in Cell's timeline Future Trunks came, killed Freeza, and then the Androids still killed everyone 3 years later. Future Trunks would have given Goku the heart virus medicine too. It's much more likely in Cell's timeline Goku was killed by the Androids.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Victorious said:
ahill1 said:
Cell also says that it's a surprise Vegeta wasn't killed by the androids, @Victorious

Well clearly in Cell's timeline everyone was killed by the Androids. No one is denying that.

Does Cell ever say he's surprised Goku hasnt died of a heart disease? Cause that would help the SIAD case.

Considering I believe in Cell's timeline Future Trunks came, killed Freeza, and then the Androids still killed everyone 3 years later. Future Trunks would have given Goku the heart virus medicine too. It's much more likely in Cell's timeline Goku was killed by the Androids.
So you think that the spy robot didn't inform Cell on how the Z warriors were killed and he just assumed that everyone was killed by the androids since that was the only logical scenario? Well, that makes sense. Hadn't thought about this. But it's worth noting that the spy robot was there trying to collect Kamiccolo's cell in the fight between Kamiccolo vs Cell, so it's possible it was there when all the Z warriors were getting killed... although that might be because Kamiccolo is kinda a "new being", which might have attracted the spy robot's attention and he had already the cells from Vegeta.

Cell mentions that it's a surprise Goku is still alive in that timeline, but he doesn't specify how Goku was killed... what is weird is that Cell doesn't mention that it's a surprise Kuririn, who appeared there, is also alive...


Mid Class Warrior
Jul 23, 2015
ahill1 said:
Victorious said:
ahill1 said:
Cell also says that it's a surprise Vegeta wasn't killed by the androids, @Victorious

Well clearly in Cell's timeline everyone was killed by the Androids. No one is denying that.

Does Cell ever say he's surprised Goku hasnt died of a heart disease? Cause that would help the SIAD case.

Considering I believe in Cell's timeline Future Trunks came, killed Freeza, and then the Androids still killed everyone 3 years later. Future Trunks would have given Goku the heart virus medicine too. It's much more likely in Cell's timeline Goku was killed by the Androids.
So you think that the spy robot didn't inform Cell on how the Z warriors were killed and he just assumed that everyone was killed by the androids since that was the only logical scenario? Well, that makes sense. Hadn't thought about this. But it's worth noting that the spy robot was there trying to collect Kamiccolo's cell in the fight between Kamiccolo vs Cell, so it's possible it was there when all the Z warriors were getting killed... although that might be because Kamiccolo is kinda a "new being", which might have attracted the spy robot's attention and he had already the cells from Vegeta.

Cell mentions that it's a surprise Goku is still alive in that timeline, but he doesn't specify how Goku was killed... what is weird is that Cell doesn't mention that it's a surprise Kuririn, who appeared there, is also alive...

Well first off I don't think the spy robot ever showed Cell directly anything. Cell would be a barely conscious fetus when the Androids killed just about everyone. I think whatever data or footage the spy robot collected went into the Supercomputer's database and the Supercomputer showed Cell.

Anyway, whether Cell just logically deduced Vegeta and Goku were killed by the Androids or the spy robot showed him the footage or whatever. I definitely think Goku in Cell's timeline was killed by the Androids and not a heart virus. I think the virus only took out Goku in the Future Trunks timeline.

As shown in the manga/anime. Trunks kills Freeza in Cell's timeline, so I don't think Trunks came to Cell's timeline to kill Freeza and say hello, his main mission is to give Goku the heart virus medicine.

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