Cell Arc Inconsistency/Bad Writing thread


Mid Class Warrior
Jul 23, 2015
It seems like it takes a few days after they get their asses kicked by the Androids for Cell to show up.

The Androids go all around causing mischief stealing cars and cloths, Piccolo flys up to Kami and has this long drawn out discussion. The rest all.head over to Goku's house, then they transport Goku to Roshi's house. After that Bulma finds Cell's time machine and they all go wander around it.


Mid Class Warrior
Jul 23, 2015
Btw SAID you made a bunch of shit up regarding that Future Trunks timeline mini story.

There's no evidence Piccolo survives longer than any of the others in there, and also Gohan's wish is for the Dragon to somehow "Save The Earth", not reviving people. Gohan takes off for the wish before we can see anyone get killed.

So yeah that actually goes fine with The History of Trunks special.other than Vegeta not having SSJ.


May 30, 2015
That means I read an erroneous translation regarding Gohan's wish, then Piccolo died the same day. I wonder then why Cell was not impressed to see Piccolo alive?

 Regarding the discussion we have had. It was a Future Trunks who killed Mecha Freezer and King Cold on the Cell Line in case AT really wanted to do it and not a writing mistake. In case it is a simple mistake or to recite images, it would be Goku who killed Mecha Freezer and King Cold in the Cell Line.

 I believe in the second option for Cell's statement when he learned that Vegeta was stronger than he thought. I am also a believer that it was a mistake of AT, since he is careless, for example he has Goku (BoZ) 83.2x stronger than the Farmer, when we know that it is not so. Equal each one has the right to believe in any of the 2 options, until some day AT explains well the Time Lines.

 I'm making a list of power levels, but on a real scale, including feats and going through real life and using the Joules unit. Since the numbers Scouters are not the most indicated. I hope in a couple of days to have it ready.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Bump, since there's a few more worth adding.

- It's established those who have been brought back to life once can't be brought back again with Earth's Dragon Balls, despite the actual rule being that the same wish can't be made twice and should thus make Goku the only character who shouldn't be capable of being revived (unless counting him amongst Cell's victims in the wish).
- Following on from that, Gohan's statement that the only people who can be brought back are Trunks and himself is inaccurate when Yamcha, Piccolo and Tenshinhan were brought back via the Namekian Dragon Balls, not Earth's.
- The world becomes convinced all the feats of the Part 1 Budokai were mere tricks and someone barely above most real world martial artists is the reigning world champion, despite having skill in martial arts being enough to rationalise some of the superhuman feats in Part 1 and fantastical things such as numerous Kinto'Un still having been recent enough to have first-hand accounts available back then.
- The Namekians not informing the Z-Warriors where their new planet would be makes little sense, as does Kaio not adding it to his directory prior when keeping tabs on such things is part of his job description.
- Apparently, sensing someone in a completely separate dimension is easier and far less distant than sensing someone at the other end of the galaxy.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
The world becomes convinced all the feats of the Part 1 Budokai were mere tricks and someone barely above most real world martial artists is the reigning world champion, despite having skill in martial arts being enough to rationalise some of the superhuman feats in Part 1 and fantastical things such as numerous Kinto'Un still having been recent enough to have first-hand accounts available back then.
Rationalise which feats?
The Namekians not informing the Z-Warriors where their new planet would be makes little sense, as does Kaio not adding it to his directory prior when keeping tabs on such things is part of his job description.
While it'd make more sense to inform them about it, it doesn't change much in the grand scheme of things when Goku still ended up finding new Namek fairly easily.
Apparently, sensing someone in a completely separate dimension is easier and far less distant than sensing someone at the other end of the galaxy.
When was that? When Goku sensed Gohan from the other world? Maybe you can simply say Gohan's far bigger chi allowed for that, in comparison to the Namekians' fairly low chi.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
ahill1 said:
Rationalise which feats?
- Everyone being convinced that the superhuman feats of the 21st TB and prior competitors such as Chappa and Akkuman were just what expert martial artists were capable of, which was true.
- Blue questioning how Goku and Kuririn were able to beat his men, before seeing their performance against the Pirate Robot and them being martial artists suddenly explained everything.
- The fact so many people could attain superhuman strength in Part 1. Bacterian, Ranfan, Namu, Blue, Silver, Murasaki, Bora...the list goes on, yet for some inexplicable reason, the average strength of martial artists completely regresses by the time of the Cell Arc.

When was that? When Goku sensed Gohan from the other world? Maybe you can simply say Gohan's far bigger chi allowed for that, in comparison to the Namekians' fairly low chi.
Goku being able to sense where Kaio was. Even if his Ki is bigger than the average Namekian (though only slightly so at that if taking his V-Jumo level into account), Otherworld is outside of the same dimension, which should logically make it harder to sense people there than within the mortal realm, regardless of the latter's distance.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
^maybe Kami's palace (which is called Tenkai "heavenly realm" in Japanese) is just an easy place to detect other heavenly places like Kaio's planet? Galu did first teleport to Kaio's from Kami's place after all.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Whilst that could be a possibility, it was established as an actual ability of the Tenkai itself and not left as assumption, plus there's equal level of assumption for the Saiyan Arc teleportation between the two areas being purely part of Kami's abilities as a deity.
Also, if we were to roll with that interpretation of the Tenkai, it'd just create further problems in the Boo Arc of everyone there not being able to sense Gohan, even after his burst of potential, despite being thousands of times stronger than Kaio.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Kami was also able to immediately sense Galu crossing snake road from the Tenkai, so ki sensing being easier there makes sense. The Kaioshinkai is hidden even to the Daikaio, so it's possible sensing that place is only possible in the afterlife.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Kenshi said:
Kami was also able to immediately sense Galu crossing snake road from the Tenkai, so ki sensing being easier there makes sense.
Considering how no character was shown to be able to replicate this in later parts of the series bar the instance with Galu in the Cell Arc, I'd say this being part of a God's special abilities makes more sense, especially when considering Kami later being able to telepathically communicate with Kaio in the Freeza Arc.

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