Cell Arc Inconsistency/Bad Writing thread


Mid Class Warrior
Jul 23, 2015
Ahill, good i guess I was wrong.. I trust Japanese Anime > Herms

What was shown to Mecha Freezer and King Cold being killed by Future Trunks in the Cell Line, seems almost like an error, or maybe simply AT did not want to get entangled with the Time Lines (they are very tangled) and simply wanted to copy and paste the scenes.

I see it as it all makes more sense to think that it was Goku who killed Mecha Frieza and King Cold, but at that time AT did not want to entangle even more the tangle of the Temporal Lines.

I don't think it makes more sense. Neither way makes sense IMO, a 3rd timeline itself does not make sense. Cell came from his own timeline, AT throwing in a 3rd timeline [which is basically a parallel universe] opens up a whole can of worms.

For instance, the Trunks who's time machine he stole, why does he end up in the main timeline? Imagine Trunks hadent been killed by Cell. We'd have 2 Future Trunks in the maintimeline. How the hell does that make any sense?


May 30, 2015
It's the same thing. The androids are mentioned.

You mean that Vegeta was killed by the Androids or Goku and Vegeta according to the Japanese language?


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015

I dare one to read this entire thread, and know my in depth thought about the time lines.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
SIAD said:
You mean that Vegeta was killed by the Androids or Goku and Vegeta according to the Japanese language?
Cell mentioned only Vegeta.


May 30, 2015
ahill1 said:

I dare one to read this entire thread, and know my in depth thought about the time lines.

It was very interesting.

 The idea of ​​the Portuguese Forum Member seems pretty good.

T1: Goku kills Frieza and King Cold, then Goku dies due to the disease. The Androids annihilate everyone and Trunks travels to the past (T2).

T2: Trunks (T1) kills Mecha Freezer and King Cold, then the Androids appear (only having a time traveler, that is Trunks T1, the Androids are as strong as in the Main Line, but they are just as bad than the Androids of Future Trunks). Then all are killed by the Androids (including Trunks T1). Then Trunks T2 somehow discovers the devices that stop the Androids and when he was preparing to create a Timeline without these, Cell kills him and steals the Time Machine and travels to the Past (T3).

T3: It is the Main Line, first comes Cell (T2), a year later comes Trunks (T4) and everything that we know happened in the Manga happens.

T4: It is similar to T1, but with the difference that Trunks (T4) returns very strong for training twice in the Rosat and ends with the Androids and Cell.

 Also when traveling a Future Trunks to a Timeline it made the Androids much more powerful and when traveling a Future Cell, it made the Androids not so bad.

However, my real problem to believe in all that, is that when Cell saw Vegeta for the first time, just after Cell escaped from Piccolo, he was surprised that Vegeta was still alive, mentioning that he had died for the Androids in its Timeline) and that it had become even stronger than I expected. For while it only says that Goku had died in his Timeline, without specifying. Also Cell was not surprised that Piccolo was still alive and as in the Special Manga of DBS, we are told that Piccolo died some time later than most of the Z Warriors, since Gohan wanted to revive the Z Warriors killed by the Androids .

 Then fit with that in the Future Trunks Line, Goku died of the disease, Vegeta were not as strong as in the Android Arc and was killed by the Androids, Piccolo died some time later.

 As Cell revealed to us from his Timeline, not necessarily Goku was killed by the Androids (probably not), Vegeta was not as strong as in the Android Arc and was killed by the Androids, Piccolo died some time later.

Then both Timelines fit very well, so I think that the images of Trunks killing Mecha Freezer and King Cold on the Cell Line, were to recycle the images or a simple error and I did not think much about how I was doing things (and we already know that AT does not always think well about the things it does, for example it has Goku (BoZ) 100x more powerful than a common Human, when we know that it is unimaginably greater than that figure).


Mid Class Warrior
Jul 23, 2015

The Trunks who's time machine Cell stole. You believe it was the Trunks born out of Cell's timeline, right? Cause that's what I believe. We know by the time Cell matures into his first form, Trunks is all grown up..so that makes sense to me. What doesnt make sense though is how Cell ends up in the main timeline. This Trunks also figures out a way to deactive the Androids. Something which only happened in the main timeline and not the Future Trunks timeline. This is further evidence there's a lot of stuff going on in Cell's timeline that is similar to the main timeline.

The Future Trunks who killed Freeza in Cell's timeline comes from an unknown 4th timeline which presumably mirrors the Future Trunks timeline. My guess is he returned to his timeline, then returned to Cell's timeline to fight the Androids..and was killed.


Mid Class Warrior
Jul 23, 2015
Also Cell was not surprised that Piccolo was still alive and as in the Special Manga of DBS, we are told that Piccolo died some time later than most of the Z Warriors, since Gohan wanted to revive the Z Warriors killed by the Androids .

LOL, no. Why would anyone take that info over the History of Trunks special which shows Piccolo dying the same day as everyone else?

Also isnt it impossible for the pre Dende Earth Dragon to Revive Vegeta, krillin, Tenshinhan, Yamcha, etc since they all have died before? So this makes no sense unless he wants to use the Namek Dragon Balls. Which means Piccolo should be dead with the rest of them.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Victorious said:
The Trunks who's time machine Cell stole. You believe it was the Trunks born out of Cell's timeline, right?
Right, it wasn't the Trunks who killed Freeza, it was the Trunks from that own timeline, whose development coincides with the time Cell takes to mature.
Victorious said:
What doesnt make sense though is how Cell ends up in the main timeline.
That's also a mystery to me. It seems to be a convenient thing AT pulled off so Cell would end up in the main timeline, like pointed out by CC in the OP. Alternatively, Trunks just wished to create a world free of the androids and in which the population could live in peace. It's weird that if Cell hadn't killed and stolen Trunks' time machine, we'd have two Trunkss on the main timeline lol. So a Trunks would appear first, advise the warriors and give them the remote control (how Trunks presumably killed the androids) and then another Trunks would pop up to kill Freeza? Hahaha.
Victorious said:
This Trunks also figures out a way to deactive the Androids.
That also brings another question... if Trunks deactivated the androids from Cell's timeline witth the controller, how'd he even get the blue prints for the controlled in the first place? That only happened in the main timeline because Cell told them about the underground laboratory. I don't know how the Trunks from Cell's timeline would have knowledge about the underground laboratory in which the blueprints were stored.


May 30, 2015
Victorious said:
Also Cell was not surprised that Piccolo was still alive and as in the Special Manga of DBS, we are told that Piccolo died some time later than most of the Z Warriors, since Gohan wanted to revive the Z Warriors killed by the Androids .

LOL, no. Why would anyone take that info over the History of Trunks special which shows Piccolo dying the same day as everyone else?

Also isnt it impossible for the pre Dende Earth Dragon to Revive Vegeta, krillin, Tenshinhan, Yamcha, etc since they all have died before? So this makes no sense unless he wants to use the Namek Dragon Balls. Which means Piccolo should be dead with the rest of them.

The Manga Special that I am talking about, that Special where they explain how Pilaf, Shu and Mai became children. They explain that the Z Warriors were fighting against the Androids and Goan wanted to revive those who had already been killed. At least maybe Vegeta and Tenshinhan can revive, since they were revived earlier by Porunga and not by Shenlong.

  Cell's statement that Vegeta should have died and did not say the same about Piccolo, was the same day that the Androids had appeared. Maybe Piccolo died hours later.


Mid Class Warrior
Jul 23, 2015
SIAD said:
Victorious said:
Also Cell was not surprised that Piccolo was still alive and as in the Special Manga of DBS, we are told that Piccolo died some time later than most of the Z Warriors, since Gohan wanted to revive the Z Warriors killed by the Androids .

LOL, no. Why would anyone take that info over the History of Trunks special which shows Piccolo dying the same day as everyone else?

Also isnt it impossible for the pre Dende Earth Dragon to Revive Vegeta, krillin, Tenshinhan, Yamcha, etc since they all have died before? So this makes no sense unless he wants to use the Namek Dragon Balls. Which means Piccolo should be dead with the rest of them.

The Manga Special that I am talking about, that Special where they explain how Pilaf, Shu and Mai became children. They explain that the Z Warriors were fighting against the Androids and Goan wanted to revive those who had already been killed. At least maybe Vegeta and Tenshinhan can revive, since they were revived earlier by Porunga and not by Shenlong.

  Cell's statement that Vegeta should have died and did not say the same about Piccolo, was the same day that the Androids had appeared. Maybe Piccolo died hours later.

Wait, Pilaf, Shu, and mai become children in the Future Trunks timeline? Well that's really stupid.

Krillin and Chauotzu can't be revived by Shenlong, and neither can Goku. At least not pre Dende Shenlong. My guess is Gohan wants to revive all his friends and not some of them. So it doesnt make much sense. More than likely they could fly to New Namek and get Dende to do it.

I believe in the Future Trunks timeline, Piccolo dies the first day, along with SSJ Vegeta, Krillin, Chazou, and Yamcha. That's implied by The History of Trunks special.

Cell is not surprised to see Piccolo, because his timeline doesnt mirror the Future Trunks timeline, it mirrors the main timeline much more. We don't have any information on how long they lived in the Cell timeline. In The Future Trunks timeline, they were totally unprepared and had no idea the Androids were coming.

In the main timeline, Cell appears several days after the Z Senshi were wrecked by the Androids. I don't think he appears on the same day.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Victorious said:
Wait, Pilaf, Shu, and mai become children in the Future Trunks timeline? Well that's really stupid.
This is the portrayment of the Z warriors vs Future androids drawn by Toyotaro and likely monitored by Toriyama:




Mid Class Warrior
Jul 23, 2015
ahill1 said:
Victorious said:
Wait, Pilaf, Shu, and mai become children in the Future Trunks timeline? Well that's really stupid.
This is the portrayment of the Z warriors vs Future androids drawn by Toyotaro and likely monitored by Toriyama:



Ohh I see.

1. It seems Gohan is trying to revive Goku? not all the other Z Senshi. He takes off before it's mentioned they're killed. There's no evidence that Piccolo survives longer than the others. The last time we see him we see the other Z Senshi alive too. But it does discredit the idea i made that this could be Dende's dragon and not Piccolo and Kami's...cause once Piccolo dies the they turn to stone.

2. It makes no sense Gohan would use the Dragon Balls to revive Goku, since I believe Goku cannot be revived by Shenlong again [poor writing]. So what is he going to wish for? Maybe for them to be transported? What else could possibly "save the Earth?".

3. Just a small nitpick but I don't like how Vegeta is not an SSJ there. I figured he got SSJ in the Future, and The History of Trunks shows him as an SSJ before he dies by #17. Perhaps I could just say he hasnt powered up to SSJ yet?

4. This all appears to happen the same day, which means Bulma already had the Dragon Balls ready before they learn of the Androids.

Anyway, overall looks silly and pointless addition to the Future Trunks arc story.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Victorious said:
It makes no sense Gohan would use the Dragon Balls to revive Goku, since I believe Goku cannot be revived by Shenlong again [poor writing]. So what is he going to wish for? Maybe for them to be transported?
Maybe Gohan would wish for the world's salvation, only he didn't know that Shenlong couldn't grant such wish?
2. Just a small nitpick but I don't like how Vegeta is not an SSJ there. I figured he got SSJ in the Future, and The History of Trunks shows him as an SSJ before he dies by #17. Perhaps I could just say he hasnt powered up yet?
Vegeta was shown to be a bit injuried given the bruises on his face... maybe he couldn't maintain it anymore *shrugs*.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Anyway, overall looks silly and pointless addition to the Future Trunks arc story.
Its point was showing how Mai looks about as old as Trunks when she is seen since when Goku was a child... and not turn her into a pedo for dating Trunks :giraffe


Mid Class Warrior
Jul 23, 2015
Yeah but why couldnt they just show that in the main timeline? Why bring in the random Future Trunks timeline? That timeline is cut off and isolated..none of that shit matters for the main timeline.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Pilaf and Co. are still kids in the present timeline, so it can be assumed they made the wish in the present too before Kami was replaced by Dende.


May 30, 2015
Somewhere I read that Cell appears on the same day that the Androids appeared.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
They showed it in future Trunks' line as a way to make sure that they also made such wish there, I guess. It wasn't strictly necessary, but eh.

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