xmysticgohanx said:
It's that episode that is "wrong", at least face value anyway. The episode was spent getting gohan to his former power. However, as we seen from:
1. the feats Gohan performed vs Piccolo, who is far above ultimate Gohan
2. the feats a far weaker SSJ Gohan did vs Tagoma, when compared to SSJ Gotenks
3. the feats Gohan performed vs Goku, a couple episodes later. (this one isn't as good as a proof because Gohan and Piccolo trained after Gohan got his ultimate back)
We can make the reasonable conclusion that the episode just meant his ultimate state rather than the actual power he had
1. That can be chalked up to Piccolo's clones' power working much like the Shishin no Ken, in other words, diving his power.
2. Irrelevant, considering SSJ Gotenks is still far inferior to Ultimate Gohan. Gohan's hair also suggests he was a SS2 at that point.
3. As you even said, that evidence is shaky at best and likely as qualifiable as most contradictive DBZ filler.
The way Piccolo talked about whipping Gohan into shape and about his power against Boo in general definitely seems to suggest he wanted to have Gohan retain his old power, rather than just the form itself. Ultimate's main benefit beyond just training his SSJ forms is better stamina, hardly enough of an asset if that was purely what their 2 days worth of training was to work towards.
The statements surrounding the episodes definitely point to Gohan regaining his Boo Arc power rather than just the form, whereas most of the feats can be chalked up to typical Toei nonsense.