DBGT watch (first time)

Future Warrior

Dec 12, 2015
So after finally finished watching all of DB/Z, as planned I'm finishing the trilogy series with GT for the first time.

Well, technically not the first time, I've only made it up the beginning of the Baby arc. Everything after that point I've never watched at all. I'm just making this thread to put out my thoughts per episode as a sort of diary. If you want to join in, go ahead. If not, don't care either.

Future Warrior

Dec 12, 2015
Episode 1

So after that wonderfully animated fight between Goku and Oob in that special room, they become so exhausted that Dende asks Popo to take care of their injuries. Feels like something doesn't quite add up....

I really liked how they tied the original Namekian prior to the split into the lore with the Black-Star Dragon Balls, which was pretty clever and makes sense within the series as a whole. I'm curious as to who Pilaf even got his sources from to know all of this info... but eh, it's DB so that doesn't get explained of course.

Not really sure how I feel about watching Goku as a kid again for the rest of the series. I heavily dislike how modern DB likes to trap the series in complete stagnancy with no sense of time and change, and this is somewhat similar in the case where I suspect Goku was changed back because I guess fans missed how he was as a child so this was the writers answer to that for the sake of fan service. I do find the interactions between Kid Goku and the rest of the casts reaction to his change pretty funny which makes me hope that ends up getting continued in later episodes. It's kind of interesting how even though Goku has a childs body with the mind of his adult self, he still naturally comes across as a young boy regardless. For now, I'm mostly feel indifferent to this decision and will form an opinion based on how well I think he's utilized in later episodes.

So... Pan has been going out with multiple men prior to this episode, and she's supposed to be like what, 9? Uh, they either fucked up big time regarding her age so she was written as a teenager or one of the writers needs to seek mental help... Also, Muten Roshi was fucking hilarious to watch, did the homie have too much to drink or something :ladd

Another thing I thought was weird was I expected Pan to be a lot more emotionally affectionate towards Goku considering how much she looked up to him when she was younger. Then I took a step back and thought it was somewhat realistic since it's been many years since she saw him and is older now, plus the shock of seeing her grandpa as a child probably had a lot to do with it.

Anyways, I actually thought this was a really great episode to start off this show. Can't wait to watch more.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
You're watching the funi dub version? Because I don't remember Dende asking Popo to take care Goku/Uub injuries on Jap version.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Future Warrior said:
I'm curious as to who Pilaf even got his sources from to know all of this info... but eh, it's DB so that doesn't get explained of course.
To be fair, Pilaf had enough sources to track down where Piccolo Daimao was imprisoned despite the best sources being ones he couldn't get hold of being second-hand legends that seemed to not even be sure of Mutaito's identity, so I wouldn't put it past him to have gained such information with potentially a few decades worth of digging for it.

So... Pan has been going out with multiple men prior to this episode, and she's supposed to be like what, 9? Uh, they either fucked up big time regarding her age so she was written as a teenager or one of the writers needs to seek mental help...
There's also a later episode that has a needless scene of a deer going under her shirt to try and be fed some milk :withheld.

The dating in her initial appearance is excusable considering it seems no different from typical childhood crushes and frivolity, with the guy's age being something you can handwave away as him looking a bit older than he is with how inconsistent one's age and appearance can be in DB. At least a lot more excusable than two guys who are obviously in their late teens at the very youngest trying to pick up Bra despite her being younger than Pan (and even considering she looks older, it's still apparent how young she is when she's not inherited her mother's "assets" at that point).

Fearless In Quarantine said:
You're watching the funi dub version? Because I don't remember Dende asking Popo to take care Goku/Uub injuries on Jap version.
He does. The dub changed it to the even less logical line of Dende telling Popo to get the first aid kit.

Future Warrior

Dec 12, 2015
Episode 2 (Would have watched it far sooner but was busy)

I really like how we see the characters lives evolving as it should. A big part of DB's charm was that the series never stayed in constant motion, the characters constantly changing and their appearances as time goes on. We see the same Trunks back in Z who went from a mischievous little brat to someone who has taken the mantle of someone who's leading Capsule Corporation, Gohan being a scholar and as well as husband and father, and Vegeta... with his new god awful haircut and ''Get inside my van'' mustache lol. Yeah, not really digging the new look for him but that's besides the point. Even the ages of characters like Bulma are demonstrated properly through their appearances.

But Bra though.... something is not right about her. If I ever see a 10 year old like that I'd probably feel pretty disturbed.

I didn't want to bring DBS up because I want to keep them separate when watching this, but very rarely I might bring it up to prove a point. Despite being about half a decade since the battle against Kid Boo, the show feels like it could have happened just days after the event. Trunks and Goten haven't even changed at all since then, still acting like the children they were despite being teenagers at this point. Bulma for whatever reason looks younger than she ever was when she looked old as hell at the 28th Tenkaichi Budokai. Gohan and Videl are really the only characters that have gone through any noticeable change in those years. I'm mostly ok with how Vegeta was portrayed but I feel it was a mistake to have him go back to his Cell arc battle suit. All of these things combined gives the feeling of DBS not really feeling like a natural conclusion to the series we all fell in love with. Alright, I think I'm done with my rant here...

The whole thing with Goku's shenanigans felt like useless filler that didn't add anything to the story. Not much of anything for me to talk about here.

So far, I'm already feeling annoyed by Pan but at the very least I can understand how she feels as someone who's just a child.

So that pretty much wraps up this whole episode. Also, has it been already said how they were going to find the Ultimate Dragon Balls since they are pretty much anywhere in the universe? Did they have a radar or something? If it gets brought up later then don't tell me.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Future Warrior said:
Also, has it been already said how they were going to find the Ultimate Dragon Balls since they are pretty much anywhere in the universe? Did they have a radar or something? If it gets brought up later then don't tell me.
They just use the radar Bulma gave them, so the Ultimate DBs have the same frequency as those on Earth and Namek. Beyond that, it's purely a matter of scouring the universe for them and getting lucky 7 times, which isn't a huge stretch when in a far better ship than the one that took six days to go to what's likely the other end of the galaxy.

Future Warrior

Dec 12, 2015
Episode 3

There really isn't much for me to talk about regarding this episode, which seems to be just be an introduction to a subplot within the arc, and for the most part I've been pretty fucking bored throughout. I think the issue is that the story is trying to be more grounded than it was back in Z, which honestly doesn't really work for me. I get that they are trying to get back to the more adventurous aspects of the first arcs of the series, but I feel like we are way past that point to where I doubt anybody would really be captivated from having that kind of type of story again. We just went from our heroes defeating planet destroying aliens, time traveling artificial humans, and a bubblegum demon that could threaten the entire universe. And then after all that time we get to this point, where we are supposed to be engaged in a plot about some random dictator that abuses the planets residents for $$$. I'm sorry, but tell again why I should care? I think I can see why I've given up on the series before delving into the Baby arc and beyond.

And here we go again with the sexualization of a fucking 9 year old, and I'm pretty certain this wont be the last of it. I would like to know the name of everyone that's directing this series please.

On top of that, she's even more unbearable than Bulma was, so really there's nothing for me to like about the character.

If we're gonna get more episodes like these for the remainder of the Ult. DB's arc (is that's what it's called?), then oh boy.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
The Blackstar Dragon Ball arc is among the greatest arcs in anime history. Those who lack intelligence don't understand the true beauty of this riveting adventure. It puts all of Dragon Ball to shame. Hopefully you'll understand after you meet Zunama.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Future Warrior said:


Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Future Warrior said:
I get that they are trying to get back to the more adventurous aspects of the first arcs of the series, but I feel like we are way past that point to where I doubt anybody would really be captivated from having that kind of type of story again.
I'd say the even bigger problem with trying to bank on nostalgia for the series' beginnings was Toei not understanding that the character interactions are what made it work. When the series started, everyone other than Goku (and even he had his moments) were mostly selfish and opportunistic beyond some friendships like Yamcha and Pu-erh or Pilaf's gang and would betray the others at a moment's notice if it got them ahead. By this point though, all the main characters on the adventure are so altruistic that this potential for shifting dynamics is completely lost (bar one bait and switch in about 15 or so episodes that I won't spoil).

And here we go again with the sexualization of a fucking 9 year old, and I'm pretty certain this wont be the last of it. I would like to know the name of everyone that's directing this series please.
Nope, nor is it the worst to come. Just wait until they get to the hospital planet in the Baby Arc :withheld.

On top of that, she's even more unbearable than Bulma was, so really there's nothing for me to like about the character.
In fairness, her annoyance plays a role in her character development just before the Baby Arc begins in learning to be more humble and kind to others. The downside is it's far from a dramatic change and her plot relevance starts to wane after the halfway point.

Future Warrior

Dec 12, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
Future Warrior said:
I get that they are trying to get back to the more adventurous aspects of the first arcs of the series, but I feel like we are way past that point to where I doubt anybody would really be captivated from having that kind of type of story again.
I'd say the even bigger problem with trying to bank on nostalgia for the series' beginnings was Toei not understanding that the character interactions are what made it work. When the series started, everyone other than Goku (and even he had his moments) were mostly selfish and opportunistic beyond some friendships like Yamcha and Pu-erh or Pilaf's gang and would betray the others at a moment's notice if it got them ahead. By this point though, all the main characters on the adventure are so altruistic that this potential for shifting dynamics is completely lost (bar one bait and switch in about 15 or so episodes that I won't spoil).

You may be right. So far, the trio haven't really exhibited any good chemistry for me to be drawn to their interactions. But the plot itself still leaves a lot for it to be desired even then.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
So, I inevitably decided to join in. I'll purposely stay behind Future Warrior's progress on the rewatch as to not spoil him on anything.

Episode 1

To add to what he already mentioned on Pilaf having a pretty amazing resource network to find out about the Black Star Dragon Balls, it's just as amazing that he was able to figure out that Piccolo Daimao's good half was no longer Kami. I guess there's some logic to be provided towards it when considering Dende would be far more lax about aircrafts and ships coming near the Heavenly Realm than his predecessor when Bulma bringing an aircraft up there had become a regular occurrence. It's worth noting Pilaf never explicitly wishes for Goku to be small again, so perhaps the desire of the mind matters more to Ultimate Shenlong than the words? What's just as surprising is that Kaio knew the basics of this set of Dragon Balls. It's not a stretch when he's been looking over Earth for thousands of years, but still surprising he'd have tuned into such a miscellaneous part of it.
Roshi notices that the Kid Goku indeed has Goku's Ki, yet Pan never picked up on that, showing her inexperience despite the great Ki control she had as a 4 year old.

Episode 2

The interaction between Pan and Goten is a natural one that establishes a fair bit about both (in other words, far better than most interactions in Super which tend to boil down to characters mentioning one-dimensional traits about the other). Goten's priorities being going on dates and having had many failed relationships provides more to his character than his kid self mainly just being "Prodigy kid who does kid stuff" and Pan's comments show both Goten's failings in romance and her own cynicism in having never had a successful date. It's unfortunate how Gohan going with Goku got scrapped so quickly. By the end of the episode, he seemed to have just swapped places with Goten once Vegeta and Chichi agreed on Goten and Trunks needing the experience.
As for Trunks, it's indeed good to see him be president of Capsule Corp. yet still desiring a carefree life, showing some maturity to his present self whilst still making it apparent he's the same character. It's also surprising Trunks would let Otokosuki, the man who was hitting on him at the 28th TB, to work at his company. I guess Trunks doesn't let personal matters enter into his professional life (or maybe he's not as straight as he's letting on :manabu). The establishing scene for his character also makes reference to companies called Tabure and Krate, the latter being mentioned as a new company. It's nice to see these details of DB's regular world be fleshed out more and makes you wonder if any of them are major rivals to Capsule Corp. like the RRA originally were or if they provide alternative technology.
The reason for the DBs not being used to fix the problem easily makes sense, considering how difficult it was to suggest a population of Earth that had all its evil people removed to help out against Boo 15 years ago. As we see later on, it takes a genuine planetary threat becoming public knowledge and Mr. Satan's approval for people to listen later on.
The plot line with Goku being taken by two criminals is a pretty pointless one to extend the episode, especially when it could've simply highlighted Pan more. The scene with her and Satan provide more insight into her personality, with the way he dotes on her helping show why she tries to be more rebellious in her attire and attitude, particularly when her parents (or at least Videl) are shown to not take her actions lightly. The scene with Videl and Pan is good in showing the range in her voice acting. Pan's voice is almost identical to what Videl's was in the Boo Arc, whereas Videl now displays a more matured tone to her.
I'll be the one to say I don't mind :what (the moustache, not the awful hair style). It does a good job in further showing how attuned Vegeta's become to an Earthly lifestyle when there were few other options to do so in his attire and we know that Saiyans can indeed grow facial hair. Still not really sure what Toei were thinking with his hair, but at least that's completely changed by the next time we see him. Him forcing Trunks and Goten into going on the ship also shows Vegeta's disdain at the kids getting soft in a more reserved and calm manner than his Pre-EoZ self would be likely to react.
The end of the episode has the narrator state the trio will be exploring "boundless galaxies", suggesting that the idea of there only being 4 galaxies rather than 4 quadrants was false long before the U6 Arc of Super debunked it for its continuity.

Episode 3

Pan's immaturity over viewing not being able to go on dates being more important than the fate of the Earth is annoying, but not bad writing when considering she's never had to face a villainous threat greater than bank robbers at that point and how unprepared she is for a conflict with actual stakes. I don't think it's unintentional how close her reaction is to Bulma's when trapped in the pirate cave during the RRA Arc, considering both characters go on similar journeys of maturing their priorities through dangerous experiences.
Imegga is fairly bland for an alien world. When considering the creativity both Toriyama and Toei have had in crafting alien civilisations and giving them unique appearances, making these people a race of green/blue Arabian marketeers is a pretty low bar in creativity. Also, Trunks is somehow able to pay them in gamets despite Earth's majority using Zeni. Was there some kind of bank he visited offscreen to convert the currency that coincidentally could perfectly convert the money of what's known to be a fairly backwater planet into Imegga's currency? :alex2
As mentioned by FW, the Imegga plot is pretty bad. The lowered stakes compared to the entirety of Z in itself isn't a bad thing, but what makes it bad is how forced the characters actions have to be for it to happen. It'd take any of the trio no time to catch Gill whereas another goes to stop the ship being taken away, yet they just stand around like idiots to drag it out for 2 more episodes. Would've been far better had Redjic been the one assisting in the ship being towed away to provide an actual obstacle.

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Papasmurf wrote on Yoshi's profile.
Just heard about your brother passing away, sorry for your loss Yoshi.