DBGT watch (first time)

Future Warrior

Dec 12, 2015
Episode 4

Didn't really expect Goku's ability to teleport would be negated by having a child's body. I think I did hear about in an interview that one of the reasons they made Goku a kid was so that there would more limitations placed on what he's capable of, probably to increase tension in the story. If so, then I guess that's one good reason for having Kid Goku back.

How the fuck does an empty can elicit that kind of reaction from Pan? Whatever lol.

Pretty decent introduction to Redjic, who'll end up being the first threatening force that the gang encounters in GT. Like I said, I've mostly seen all of the early episodes of GT before, just not with good memory. Although I already know how relevant he ends up actually being within GT as a whole, if you know what I mean...

Kind of a guilty pleasure of mine is seeing Kid Goku again with his innocent minded self, even though those traits had mostly lessened as he became older.

Pretty decent episode overall.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Future Warrior said:
Didn't really expect Goku's ability to teleport would be negated by having a child's body. I think I did hear about in an interview that one of the reasons they made Goku a kid was so that there would more limitations placed on what he's capable of, probably to increase tension in the story. If so, then I guess that's one good reason for having Kid Goku back.
Pretty much. It was an essential move if wanting to even delve slightly back into the adventure story arc, considering it'd otherwise take Goku probably just a few days of planet hopping with Shunkan Ido to find all the DBs. It does make keeping Goku a kid even after he gets SS4 a lot more forced though, considering he can access the technique in that form and some further limits are established to it.

Future Warrior

Dec 12, 2015
Just a thought, but do you guys think it would be better if Oob had tagged along on their space journey?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
I definitely think more should've been done in GT with Oob, considering he was meant to be Goku's successor. I'm not sure if his personality or skills would've contributed too much to the journey overall though when his techniques are the same as Goku's, so it may have been more appropriate to have him watch over Earth in Goku's absence as he was trained to do. On the other hand, journeying in space would offer him the opportunity to find ways to diversify his moveset and gain more experience; with journeying into the vast corners of the universe being a pretty fitting development for someone who was once so in awe about simply standing next to Budokai competitors.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
I think having Oob venture into space would've given him a chance to develop more of a personality. He was treated as the next big thing by the end of Z, yet GT never felt the need to flesh out his character and make the audience care about him. His few moments where he does contribute are very lackluster in the grand scheme, so letting him go to space might've given him the chance to actually do something notable.

Future Warrior

Dec 12, 2015
Episode 5

I kind of forgot to mention in my previous posts, but I really like the score used for GT. A lot of variety in tone and emotion, similar to how Kikuchi was. The opening is damn catchy too.

As I was watching the trio inside the old couples home and their story (which I thought was a pretty well written segment within this subplot), was if Don Kia had come from another planet and forcefully set his rule. Apparently all the races within the planet apparently came from their native planets with their spaceships.

It was nice to see more characterization from Pan in this episode besides just being a whiny brat, and has her own sense of justice. If more is done with her in the future then I might just end up liking her character more.

Ok, I'm starting to like this Redjic guy. That fight with Goku was straight bonkers, the last actual good one was back in episode 1 with Oob, which we didn't see much of. He generated his weapons out of some kind of energy, which I've never seen before. I like how he's supposed to be a ''bodyguard'' to Don Kia yet the dude is so afraid of him he calls him sensei.

So since Goku and Redjic declared a rematch between the two, that probably means we get to see him again later! Right...?

You know, I kind of find it funny how the main timeline Trunks shows deep respect for artificial intelligence. Considering his background in Capsule Corporation it makes sense, but what's interesting is when you compare it to Future Trunks who straight up has PTSD towards them lol.

This what possibly my favorite episode so far for GT. Honestly, I don't particularly find the plot line within this sub arc that interesting personally, but it wasn't necessarily objectively bad. I think it did a decent job in telling the story it wanted.

Future Warrior

Dec 12, 2015
Episode 6

Not much for me to talk about for this episode. It's probably based on some old fairy tale that I don't give a shit about. It seems that Pan's character is becoming more and more identical to Bulma's character with her whole lady shtick. I always thought she was more of a tomboy though...


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
I'd join in but nothing could compel me to watch the BSDB arc :ladd

All that dragging just to gather 3 or 4 of the UDBs :ha :ha

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Episode 4

Redjic immediately being able to tell that these humanoids using advanced Ki techniques says a lot. Either he's old enough to have had experiences with Saiyans prior to Planet Vegeta's destruction (which is surprisingly supported by the FnF manga cashgrab of all things) or he's met a few unaccounted survivors akin to Tullece. Despite not getting fleshed out any further, this does present an idea of a rich history for his character at least.
Goku's mind turning to food when Pan said "case by case" does seem to be regressing Galu's mental intelligence a bit, though I guess you could handwave it away when considering Pan was using an English phrase that would be difficult for him to understand. At least aside from this and Galu really dropping the ball later in the Super #17 Arc, there's nothing flanderising his character in GT to the extent of an average Super episode. On the subject of Redjic, it's also worth noting Don Kia refers to him as "Sensei". This could just be due to him wanting to get on Redjic's good side, though it does make you wonder what history the two have together.
As FW said, Pan's reaction to being hit by a can is overblown. I will say though that there might be some logic to it when all that coddling from Satan as well as her not being given the opportunity to really mature may have stunted her emotional growth somewhat since the EoZ.

Episode 5

Along with what was previously mentioned about Redjic's familiarity with Saiyans, he also presents significant experience in being able to discern Goku isn't using his full power. With his honour towards Goku and desire to do things for himself despite being hired muscle, it's easy to see why many draw comparisons between Redic and Hit; the difference of course being that Redjic got more characterisation in 2 episodes than Hit got in a dozen :troll2.
It would've been better had one of the DBs been on the planet though when considering the Redjic fight is seen as one of the highlights of this arc, since Gill being found and it being established Goku can't use Shunkan Ido are the only essential plot points on Imegga.

Episode 6

Not much happens in this episode, though the idea of a giant planet does make for an okay adventure episode and helps flesh out Pan's personality more than being solely a tomboy. I wouldn't have expected Goku of all people to be a brilliant dentist though :troll. It does seem Toei know little about spider anatomy though, considering space spider or not, the way real spiders devour their prey is a lot more terrifying than the one they have here.

Boo Brand Milk

Super Elite
Aug 13, 2016
Super Saiyan said:
I think having Oob venture into space would've given him a chance to develop more of a personality. He was treated as the next big thing by the end of Z, yet GT never felt the need to flesh out his character and make the audience care about him. His few moments where he does contribute are very lackluster in the grand scheme, so letting him go to space might've given him the chance to actually do something notable.

He had a couple of badass moments but then nothing happens. Big wasted opportunity.

Future Warrior

Dec 12, 2015
Sorry guys. I was going through a period of severe health anxiety during the whole month of September essentially (been going through it for months now, it's just that it's been worse recently), so I just really wasn't in the mood to be watching any GT. All my medical tests have been cleared so far fortunately, so I've been quite a bit calmer recently and can only assume that I'm healthy. I'll 100% get back to this eventually, don't know how soon, but fairly soon I'd say.

Future Warrior

Dec 12, 2015
That was all within the month of October, and I enjoyed watching that more than GT. I was watching GT because I'm one of the few people who never watched it, not because I was having fun following the show.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Kenshi said:
Most things are more enjoyable than GT


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Just heard about your brother passing away, sorry for your loss Yoshi.