So you think Future Dabra is stronger than Fat/Pure Boo?
No. I am honestly conflicted on where I would put Base Saiyans in comparison to Z since I don't have a power level list to base it off of......ugh.. I might go with the fifty times multiplier just to make it simple.
Beerus and Champa were shown to be rivals in a flashback and the former wasn't suggested to have become far stronger since then.
Yeah, I think Beerus got stronger. Beerus knocked him away easily in the Hakaishin battle.
such as Sidra's barrier having better defence than the rest of them and Beerus struggling to escape from Mosco's grip.
They can still do things like that with a significant gap, when I say signficent, I mean like they are an 8 or 8.5 to Beerus 10. Something like, Vegeta vs Dodoria.
They did comparably well and Goku was even shocked that Hit had gotten so strong. Wouldn't make much sense unless Hit's power was already approaching PSSB tier..
Hit had all of his attacks blocked, with the only successful being an off-guard before resorting to had. Goku was shocked at how powerful Hit became
compared to before. Say, Hit is between Blue and Perfected Blue tier is a huge power jump from the same guy who not long ago wasn't much stronger than SSJG.
What's your reasoning for SSJ2 Vegeta > SSJ2 Black
SSJ2 Vegeta dominated SSJ Black (I don't think Black was a Super Saiyan 2 despite the artwork).
SSJB Goku/Vegeta > SSJ Rosé Black?
SSJB Vegeta beat on SSJR Black after learning to utilize Blue into short bursts to stay at full power.