SSJ2 said:Yea, I mean I'm not trying to discredit what you're doing man. Mad respect to people like you and ahill who can go at length with someone like that. I certainly can't.
Having watched that guy for over 5 years, I just know I will be wasting my effort on him. If he wants to act like an arrogant dipshit then I will simply discuss with other people who are more fun to discuss with.
Evil Vegeta said:I really shouldn't bother replying to him. He's a condescending prick and I don't need to waste my time.
The majority of your posts are nothing more than you spewing nonsense. Your opinion in general is![]()
It's pretty hilarious seeing you act like you're some type of voice of reason when you're wrong most of the time. A lot of people don't even bother replying to you because they know how idiotic your rebuttal will be and would rather watch water instead. That's far more entertaining. You have a healed Freeza in the androids' tier and seriously believe (your comprehension sucks btw) Trunks is incorrect in stating that Freeza is no match for him despite nothing contradicting it and the Daizenshuu even conforming to such idea. The Youtube community isn't even that dumb. The fact that you managed to surpass even that in idiocy shows you're unmatched in that regard.
"A power up in Yardrat was never mentioned ". Neither was Trunks being stronger than the androids. Didn't stop you from running with that shitty narrative, did it? Doesn't matter, though. My post bodied that entire narrative from beginning to end. It was fun. Shall I put together another nice post dismantling a shitty theory from you?
The majority of your posts are nothing more than you spewing nonsense. Your opinion in general is![]()
It's pretty hilarious seeing you act like you're some type of voice of reason when you're wrong most of the time. A lot of people don't even bother replying to you because they know how idiotic your rebuttal will be and would rather watch water instead. That's far more entertaining. You have a healed Freeza in Cell's tier and seriously believe (your comprehension sucks btw) Mecha Freeza is incorrect in stating that his power increased despite every single source saying otherwise. The Youtube community isn't even that dumb. The fact that you managed to surpass even that in idiocy shows you're unmatched in that regard.
"Drawn out Zenkais never happened". Neither did an invisible Kaio-Ken for several chapters. Didn't stop you from running with that shitty narrative, did it? Doesn't matter, though. My topic bodied that entire narrative from beginning to end. It was fun. Shall I put together another nice topic dismantling a shitty theory from you?"
Evil Vegeta said:Us "Western" fans don't give up easily, lol.
Grid said:It is truly a shame that you have your head so shoved up your nether pelvic region that you can't even contribute to an argument without coming off as an arrogant tool.
Who hurt you?
If you truly don't question that this topic can't evolve into another discussion, why don't you actually attempt to morph it into that instead of posting some crude insults? Maybe I'm just giving you too much credit and you don't have the mental capacity to form a coherent argument and that's why you have a bit of an edge to you. I'm nearly convinced that every single one of your toxic pessimistic posts are probably just an attempt to mask the fact that your logic is horrendous and even the dumbest of posters can see through this.
Why you care so much about a manga to make a grand spectacle every time you perceive someone to be wrong is beyond me, but it shows that you really amount to nothing but a cheap novelty that can be baited incredibly easy by pulling the string that's attached to your back.
I think I've spent enough of my time summing up your pathetic mental composure, so goodbye.
None of them are around now.p123 said:GridWon. Does he still have that forum? And Syn and all of them? Are they still around? What was that forum's name again that they had? Man it's been a long time since being there huh?
Now this VOR is getting personal. Let the shit slinging begin!
Castiel said:Quick question. What multipliers for the SSJin forms do you guys roll with these days?