DragonBall Super vs DragonBall GT

Which did you like more?

  • DragonBall Super

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • DragonBall GT

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • :cena :cena :cena

    Votes: 2 18.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

SSJ3 Gothic

Super Elite
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Red Ribbon Army
May 30, 2015
GT and it's not even close. Although there are a few parts of Super that I do like a lot.

SSJ3 Gothic

Super Elite
Staff member
Global Moderator
Red Ribbon Army
May 30, 2015
2kewl4u said:
Southern Gothic said:
GT and it's not even close. Although there are a few parts of Super that I do like a lot.
U6 tournament & the following Saga?

Close. It's BoG (movie) and U6 Saga.

>I thought BoG was a nice, simple reunion movie. It turned the formula on it's head by giving Goku a new transformation but having it mean nothing in the end. All the characters got at least a moment in the film to shine a bit.

>U6 is just a big, dumb Pokemon-style battle, but story wise it doesn't harm anything and serves as an excuse to show off the God level powers.

Black Saga actually started off good for a few episodes but then spun quickly out of control.

GT just has things I like all over the place. It's dumb in a lot of areas too, but at barely sixty episodes it's hard to get sick of it. Plus I find some of the bigger moments in GT to be more memorable.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Southern Gothic said:
2kewl4u said:
Southern Gothic said:
GT and it's not even close. Although there are a few parts of Super that I do like a lot.
U6 tournament & the following Saga?

Close. It's BoG (movie) and U6 Saga.

>I thought BoG was a nice, simple reunion movie. It turned the formula on it's head by giving Goku a new transformation but having it mean nothing in the end. All the characters got at least a moment in the film to shine a bit.

>U6 is just a big, dumb Pokemon-style battle, but story wise it doesn't harm anything and serves as an excuse to show off the God level powers.

Black Saga actually started off good for a few episodes but then spun quickly out of control.

GT just has things I like all over the place. It's dumb in a lot of areas too, but at barely sixty episodes it's hard to get sick of it. Plus I find some of the bigger moments in GT to be more memorable.
The movie is DragonBall Z. :CC :CC :CC

The dragged-out saga is DragonBall Super.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Until ToP I'd have said Super, but GT probably has less wtf moments and again by virtue of ToP being over a third of the whole series of the former, better pacing as well. I still find GT more boring, but it's probably easier to enjoy it if you skip the cancers of BSDB and the early shadow dragons. Super's better animated now that we've got (visually) great episodes like 114, and it probably has better fights if you turn your brain off, but it's still legit horrendous because it's somehow even less logical than half of Z's filler and probably has more negatives than even GT.

All in all, neck and neck but GT has better designs and somewhat less cancer even if the fighting, feats and dumb-fun enjoyability is worse. I'd rather REWATCH Super though because if I take the inconsistency to be a comedy rather than serious writing it's bearable for the most part other than the nonstop fodder fights in the ToP.

Future Warrior

Dec 12, 2015
Super. Both have trash tier writing but at least Super manages to entertain me.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
GT by far. At least some of it's ideas could be considered good but with bad execution, such as Baby's goals, SS4's primal aspect and contrast to Baby, the Evil Dragons and the permanent nature their battles had on the plot, etc. Meanwhile, I can't call any of Super's ideas good even on paper. The God hierarchy retcons the one established in Z even moreso than the Boo Arc already did, the FnF and Future Trunks Arcs were fanservice with dumb time resets and the ToP is a waste of time that has characters seem to develop before regressing completely. At least in GT, Vegeta, Gohan and to a lesser extent Piccolo showed some genuine growth. Only character I can say has had any sort of permanent development in Super is Kuririn.
That's not even going into the fact that GT has far more tension to it by default due to being a post-Z story where the direction you could take the characters was never certain, whereas most of the main cast of Super have predetermined roles due to it being set before the 28th Tenkaichi Budokai, making events that attempt to add suspense on the potential defeat of Goku and his allies such as the ToP being a complete joke.

GT's best arc, the Baby Arc, was still overall a better story than any of the arcs in Super due to expanding on a previously set up part of the lore, it's antagonist having an interesting concept, the supporting cast like Kibitoshits playing a role of significance without getting a power hax and the theme of a Saiyan VS Tsufurian finale being an interesting idea, even if not living up to it's full potential. Hell, at this point I'd consider even the Super #17 Arc to be better than most of Super (or at least the ToP) since whilst it copied ideas from previous material some such as the Fusion Reborn rehash at least felt like an expansion on those ideas (eg. having the villains each having their own scene and some minor victories for the supporting cast, rather than them all running away after Freeza is oneshotted) plus it at least had a minor character like #18 share as much of a role in the antagonist's defeat as Goku instead of just being a jobber to buy Goku time or plot armour him like everyone in the ToP's been. It at least didn't overstay it's welcome by being less than 10 episodes, rather than extending a pointless plot on for near 90% of GT's worth of episodes.

Also, GT has it beat in terms of artistic creativity by leagues. Furry Monkey Man >>> Blue hair dye and Spiky Dragon with a manly chin >>> Grey on steroids. Super has better animation at it's peak, though worse at it's lowest.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Yeah, GT's writing staff deserve a swift public execution but whoever's in charge of quality control/consistency in Super needs to be dragged in front of his kids and be shot in front of his kids and have his kids shot as well at this point. I'd still call GT more of a snoozefest and I honestly find even its more redeeming factors (e.g. the Baby arc, or the soundtrack) to be completely abysmal, but Super's lows have reached Tartarus levels some time ago.


Super Elite
Aug 13, 2016
When the years pass I think GT will far away be the winner. Dragon Ball Super really shows that GT's style isn't an outlier, but really how Japan sees Dragonball. The West sees the Frieza and Cell saga (Broly included to until 2014) and anything but that to be "non-canon."

GT has Baby saga, better plot, less outlandish garbage, and less filler. Everything GT got wrong Super doubled down on. So, GT wins handedly.

Thanks for Zamasu Super. :gay


High Class Warrior
Aug 9, 2016
I love the DragonBall SUPER Anime far more that DragonBall GT.
The increased power scaling.
The Gods Of Destruction.
The Angels
SuperSaiyan God RED & BLUE.....
The tournament of power
LimitBreakerBlue Vegeta
Bulma looks tons TONS BETTER.

Smurfin all of it.
To me DragonBall SUPER Rocks 2billion times more than DragonBall GT.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
VampireWicked said:
I love the DragonBall SUPER Anime far more that DragonBall GT.
The increased power scaling.
If anything, this is one of the worst things about not just Super, but Dragon Ball as a whole. The only way for a new threat to be greater than the last is to be far stronger than it, which is also the only way to defeat them. Therefore, the only way to show an increase in scale is through destroying bigger and bigger objects to the point of ridiculousness. In other words, 99% of the time the character with the higher battle power will win, leaving not much potential for interesting twists.
It also means any sort of legacy previous arcs had means little in the long run. The strength characters possessed in the classic battles of the series' original run seems far less spectacular when even low tier scrubs by Super standards can solo DBZ.

The Gods Of Destruction.
The Angels
Who do barely anything in the series and have little more than one main personality trait. Wouldn't say they're any better or worse than the likes of the Evil Dragons.

Just a palette swap. Even the most minimal of GT transformations had more going to them than a new colour filter.

SuperSaiyan God RED & BLUE.....
You find palette swaps a better design than SS4?

The tournament of power
The most poorly paced and written arc in the series. At least none of GT Arcs were stretched on far several times the length they needed to be.

The guy who makes even Yi Xing Long seem brimming with personality.

LimitBreakerBlue Vegeta
The definition of asspull power ups. SS4 at least had some internal logic behind it, and a far better design.

Bulma looks tons TONS BETTER.
Which is inconsistent with how she's shown only a few years later at the Tenkaichi Budokai.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Dealing with a teenaged son and newborn daughter can make a bitch really age. :troll :troll

SSJ3 Gothic

Super Elite
Staff member
Global Moderator
Red Ribbon Army
May 30, 2015
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Dragon Ball Super. The battles are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the transformations will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Toriyama’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these fights, to realise that they’re not just destructive- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Dragon Ball Super truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Zeno’s existential catchphrase “I will erase you,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Toei’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.


High Class Warrior
Aug 9, 2016
Captain Cadaver said:
If anything, this is one of the worst things about not just Super, but Dragon Ball as a whole. The only way for a new threat to be greater than the last is to be far stronger than it, which is also the only way to defeat them. Therefore, the only way to show an increase in scale is through destroying bigger and bigger objects to the point of ridiculousness. In other words, 99% of the time the character with the higher battle power will win, leaving not much potential for interesting twists.
It also means any sort of legacy previous arcs had means little in the long run. The strength characters possessed in the classic battles of the series' original run seems far less spectacular when even low tier scrubs by Super standards can solo DBZ.
The increase PowerScaling is the absolute best thing about it, because the strength characters possessed in the classic battles of the series' original run seems far less spectacular & that's why i prefer SUPER.

I agree strength alone shouldn't be narrated as the only solution in winning battles, & it wasn't.
That was shown through characters like Roshi, Krillin, Android16 & Android17.
Krillin's sparring with Gohan, Piccolo's loss against a bug.

They may not've beaten the BIG BAD but PowerScaling shouldn't have to remain at a less than spectacular level to pull off interesting twists, nor should it take a nose dive in a series where that's a key element simply based on that notion.

Captain Cadaver said:
Who do barely anything in the series and have little more than one main personality trait. Wouldn't say they're any better or worse than the likes of the Evil Dragons.
The Dragons are corny at best, & a completely ridiculously lazy idea at worst.
They've taken something that's another key element of the series & added a limitation to it.

What would've been next, Senzu Beans only work on sundays.

Captain Cadaver said:
Just a palette swap. Even the most minimal of GT transformations had more going to them than a new colour filter.
Yeah, fur & guyliner.
GoldenFrieza added an unexplored possibility to a popular character.

Captain Cadaver said:
You find palette swaps a better design than SS4?
It's not the palette swaps that has my interests but the increase in new potential it brings from the Saiyan God concept.

Captain Cadaver said:
The most poorly paced and written arc in the series. At least none of GT Arcs were stretched on far several times the length they needed to be.
The entire GT series was stretched beyond its necessary limitation.
The tournament of power added a battle royal to the DragonBall Univsere involving heroes or the strongest from different universes not simply fighting for a cash prize but fighting to continue existing while the all mighty Zeno watches & erasing each losing universe one by one.

The tournament of power gives a nod to Greek & Roman Gladiators fighting in arenas for survival.

Captain Cadaver said:
The guy who makes even Yi Xing Long seem brimming with personality.
When characters are that powerful they don't need a sparkling personality.
Jiren's demeanor does very well in conveying an intimating presence.

Captain Cadaver said:
The definition of asspull power ups. SS4 at least had some internal logic behind it, and a far better design.
SuperSaiyan God is a completely new idea to the DragonBall Universe.
SuperSaiyan 4 simply brought back the Saiyan tail & transformed. There's your asspull.

Captain Cadaver said:
Which is inconsistent with how she's shown only a few years later at the Tenkaichi Budokai.
Yet still looks billions of times better than the GT version.

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