How strong do you think Coby is? How strong do you think he'll be when we next see him fight?


Jun 4, 2015
Straight after the timeskip. Say he was allied with the SHs at Sabaody, where does he fit in as a fighter? Does he beat a pacifista? I'd guess he was a stronger fighter than anyone at Enies Lobby (not really seen him fight), but idk where he'd fit post-skip.

What about now, post-Wano?

I think he'll be really strong. His progress might be the fastest in the series - from maybe less strong than a weaponless Syrup Village Usopp to being quick enough that Luffy used gear 2nd. And post-skip he pushed an underwater torpedo off course and did Soru precisely and quickly enough to catch a falling rock that he'd just created by smashing a massive stone. And he did all that without breaking a sweat. A great physical foundation.
He has really strong foreseeing haki, to the point where he can probably track dozens of people at once and can tell which of his attacks hurt or worried the opponents. It's so strong it could be a weakness too, since in a group fight it might be hard to focus if he's keeping track of his allies at the same time. He's being taught by a haki expert so his armament haki will come along quickly. Idk if he'll have conqueror's though...he wasn't brave or determined compared to those with it, but then again he was brave for someone that weak and intelligent (Luffy is stupid). Nami doesn't have it and she's very brave, but she's not fully a leader type or the type to face everyone head-on (I'd say Usopp is more so. He would've fought Kuro head-on even without Luffy imo).

I just read he was sent to capture Hancock? So he must be strong asf then lol. Maybe he's like Sanji-level? Or maybe he was just sent as a first contact but not expected to be able to capture her (if she fought him, it'd be used as justification for sending someone actually capable of capturing her).


May 30, 2015
It wouldn’t surprise me if he actually surpassed Smoker at this point. LOL.