He comented they should gang up on him, so he sure has knowledge about his power. And after Yakon is killed, he coments on how strong the saiyans are, not on how he overstimated the warriors Babidi gathered.
He commenting they should gang up on him doesn't mean he has exact knowledge on his strength. It just means he takes Yakon as a very powerful warrior and wants to take a cautious demeanor against him. Like I said, he saw how Yakon was giving base Goku problems and how Goku was almost cut weren't it an after image(?), so that's why he wished to gang up on him.
Again, Kaioshin wished to gang up on Yakon after hearing first handed how the one fighting Yakon is able to defeat Dabura and after sensing SSJ2 Gohan... is Yakon > Dabura then? Above SSJ2 Gohan then? It just shows Kaioshin wants to take the safest approach even though he should logically know the enemy shouldn't have been a problem.
If he's so cautious, why he doesn't fire a ki blast and kills Yakon? He's seeing him struggling with Base Goku, who he can sense pretty well, right there. Instead, he just yells that they should attack together.
Because he is just not thinking rationally. He is seeing those warriors as a real threat, even though they shouldn't
logically be. If he is thinking straight and isn't letting his fear towards Boo influence his critical thinking, why doesn't he sit there and say "Ohh, I don't need to worry, Vegeta said every one of them can defeat Dabura, then Goku can obviously easily defeat him..."? Or why doesn't he sit there and relax since the power he sensed from Gohan in the Budokai is more than enough to get the job done? Or, even better, why doesn't he just paralyze Yakon (he obviously should have been able to, considering he was able to hold Gohan ssj2 back in place) so Goku could land the finishing blow? We can at least agree that paralyzing Yakon is something he should have been able to.
He thought the Saiyans were understimating Babidi's warriors though, as he insisted to Vegeta he shouldn't fight alone.
Yeah, and he said Babidi was known for gathering the strongest fighters around the World. He didn't know how strong they were.
I don't think Shin having PSTD to anything related to Boo works, as he's not afraid of Spopovich and Yamu and completely ignores Pocus when he first shows up.
Him not being afraid of Spopovich and Yamu isn't a good argument to use because he knew they were just being used to gathet energy for Babidi and were never anything special, even moreso when freaking Videl could break his neck with one kick. In fact, he mentioned they are only being used, despite later stating that Babidi gathers the strongest fighter around the Universe:
So he obviously doesn't give Spopovich and Yamu the same respect he does Babidi's fighters...he knew they were just the trigger for the plan, let's put it that way.
Now, if he knew exactly how strong Yakon and Pui Pui were, he would have known the Z warriors could easily handle them. Right? Right? If he was thinking straight, that is.
He flat out says Babidi has no power and he's gonna slam him (?) on his own, so no.
So no what? You saw that he still seemed to be somewhat worried about Babidi's powers while saying that he'd pin him down, right? But that honestly can be taken either way, and doesn't strengthen any position, so I don't think it's worth using, honestly.
Gohan at the Budokai is all sort of fucks. First Shin thinks Dabra is endgame even though he's one shot fodder to SSJ2 Gohan, then he coments on how he held Gohan back, then Goku and Vegeta have no clue about his power implying he never transformed at the Budokai, then Kibito recognizes the SSJ transformation. Most of the things related to Gohan's transformation at the Budokai are too hard to correlate with the rest of the Arc.
Which just shows how poorly executed things are. Fact is, he still remembers Gohan's power at the Budokai, he didn't forget it, knows Dabura isn't that much of a big deal to Vegeta and Goku, yet still wants to gang up on Babidi's warriors. His chosen of actions is anything but rational (or you could take it as rational considering he wants at all costs to prevent Boo from awakening, dunno).
"Depending of the user, the method of using it". We saw that wasn't the case with Chaozu and Kaioshin though, as both had to keep their hands directed to their opponents when using it:
Like you know, it's the same with Kaioshin. If anything, the different one would be General Blue, who doesn't even have to make use of his hands, looking at his opponents is already enough:
That should be the part regarding the "method of using" Daizenshuu ought be basing it on. Now regarding the effect, it might have to do with Chaozu's paralyze art causing a stomachace into the target, like shown in the image displayed above, which isn't apparent in both General Blue and Kaioshin's paralysis art, hence the "different effect", not a "different effect"in a form of "Kaioshin's paralysis art can affect opponents whose gap over him is way wider than Chaozu", no. So, 0 about Kaioshin's paralysis art being more special than our pale midget bruh.
Easily? He passed out from destroying the blast. Piccolo did the same thing to deflect Gohan's blast when Freeza pushed it back and didn't faint like Shin, and he looked way worse than him.
He passed out because he had already taken out a hell of a beating from Boo (well, maybe not a "hell", but at least enough to injury him considerably and make him motionless), the same way Kaioshin died after paralysing Dabura in future Trunks' timeline in Toyotaro's manga... whilst the process of destroying the blast and paralysing Dabura could have accelerated the proccess, the main reason was obviously how beaten up he was.
Piccolo changed the blast's trajectory, which isn't quite the same thing, nor was Piccolo as beaten up as Kaioshin.
There's one in Super when Goku or Vegeta couldn't lift some weights due to a bad position, but that's it. Nobody made note of Kibito not being on a adequated position, so it's likely a power issue.
Well, like I said, you can try asking that on Kanzenshuu or neoseeker, but as we agreed it shouldn't affect the Kaioshin >> Piccolo statement.
BTW, since you agreed with Kaioshin >> Piccolo and has already said it's the most likely scenario, why are you so adamant with Babidi's warriors being outclassed by Kaioshin? Are you running with Babidi's warriors >> Kaioshin >> Piccolo now?