
High Class Warrior
Staff member
Forum Moderator
Sep 23, 2016
Yeah, "eventually" is in Herms' translation and not Viz. But that word can be used quite loosely, so I don't see how it changes anything here. For example, someone could start something and "eventually" finish it an hour later.


High Class Warrior
Aug 9, 2016
Spiral-Force said:
This description actually fits what you've been doing. Yet instead of taking this as a learning experience, you choose to stay at a level in which you're just easy to pick-apart.
I have lots of stuff to do so I couldn't follow up.
Now please watch your condescending tone with or I will take offense.

Spiral-Force said:
Unless you can show me evidence of Frieza merely referring to base form, your point remains ineffectual, as does your question. When someone makes a bold claim that is proven to be false, it remains false regardless of what may have influenced them to make the claim. Even in the face of Super Saiyan Goku, he still couldn't accept defeat or inferiority.
How would Frieza be referring to anything beyond Base when he may have only heard of the SuperSaiyan legend & has never seen anything beyond Base.
What else is there for him to refer to.

Spiral-Force said:
Except they don't since you've shown no evidence that the EoZ events are obsolete. The Super version of Uub wasn't even part of the discussion until you irrelevantly brought him up.
I wasn't the one who mentioned Uub to begin with.
Unless you're speaking of someone else here, then who are you talking about?
Spiral-Force said:
By Z's end, Base Goku fought on equal terms with an opponent he said could possibly beat Mr. Buu, then later commented that he is as amazing as expected.

Spiral-Force said:
Not an excuse, just the truth. And since Goku is a "much lesser being" like you said, this augments my point that it's not something Beerus should care about correcting. Whis scales even higher than Beerus, so the same applies to him.
That would not stand in DragonBall as there would have been a comment made either out loud, quietly to or from Whis, or some noted thought of the situation.
Or used to further mock Goku's inferiority.
If it wasn't true then it would not've been worth mentioning at all in any version.

Spiral-Force said:
Your attempt at rhetoric just backfires since it lacks substance and sincerity.
Blah Blah Blah, The same can be said about each of your posts so lets drop the nonsense of telling each other who worthless their posts or arguments are,
Shall we.


High Class Warrior
Staff member
Forum Moderator
Sep 23, 2016
VampireWicked said:
I have lots of stuff to do so I couldn't follow up.
Now please watch your condescending tone with or I will take offense.
You should have continued with whatever else you were doing instead of reviving this thread, because from what I can see from the rest of your post, you're basically just rehashing the same old blather as before. If you want to get offended by a genuine observation that you can learn from, then that's on you. If anything, that just works to my advantage in the debate.

VampireWicked said:
How would Frieza be referring to anything beyond Base when he may have only heard of the SuperSaiyan legend & has never seen anything beyond Base.
What else is there for him to refer to.
This is besides the point. Irrespective of whatever his thought pattern was, he did not put any limiters on his statement when he said Saiyans could not match him, and he was proven wrong. Someone may conclude something and find their reasoning to be solid in their head, but none of that changes anything when they get outright refuted.

VampireWicked said:
I wasn't the one who mentioned Uub to begin with.
Unless you're speaking of someone else here, then who are you talking about?
Strawman. I distinctly said you brought up Super Uub first, which is correct. This is another example of you seeing what you want to see instead of what's actually there.

VampireWicked said:
That would not stand in DragonBall as there would have been a comment made either out loud, quietly to or from Whis, or some noted thought of the situation.
Or used to further mock Goku's inferiority.
If it wasn't true then it would not've been worth mentioning at all in any version.
These are all just your assumptions and hold no real weight. You speak as if you have authority over how these characters should act or react. You so desperately want to force out a power scale over how a character looks to another character. I'm sure there are many other fans like you that think something should have happened in a certain way or should have been scrapped from the story altogether, but those thoughts have no effect on what's already been executed.

VampireWicked said:
Blah Blah Blah, The same can be said about each of your posts so lets drop the nonsense of telling each other who worthless their posts or arguments are,
Shall we.
You try to reverse what I said back at me, but that doesn't work because it only applies to you. You can drop it if you want, but the point stands.


High Class Warrior
Aug 9, 2016
Spiral-Force said:
You should have continued with whatever else you were doing instead of reviving this thread, because from what I can see from the rest of your post, you're basically just rehashing the same old blather as before. If you want to get offended by a genuine observation that you can learn from, then that's on you. If anything, that just works to my advantage in the debate.
I'm not here to debate, never was. I don't cut through topics like they're some stupid game of one upping the next person I get into an argument with as if I'm desperately seeking some self satisfaction & acknowledgement.

That does nothing but ruin & all enjoyment of it.

I like the Material, & because of that I'm willing to hold a conversation on it, you wanna continue at a reasonable rational level then like I said please watch your condescending tone with me or I will take offense.

Spiral-Force said:
This is besides the point. Irrespective of whatever his thought pattern was, he did not put any limiters on his statement when he said Saiyans could not match him, and he was proven wrong. Someone may conclude something and find their reasoning to be solid in their head, but none of that changes anything when they get outright refuted.
No he didn't place any limiters on his thought process, he just wasn't expecting it to happen right then & there.

For all intents & purposes Frieza was right in that no Saiyan could have beaten him, as he has killed an entire planet of Saiyans in their Base Form the very idea of he being responsible for the appearance of a SuperSaiyan standing in front of him never crossed his mind.

And if that never happened, if Frieza took advantage of the situation & finished Goku off earlier, We both know he could have.
Then anything involving Goku winning or even surviving chances are they wouldn't have happened.

So I'll give him that, he was right but he let his strong disbelief get the better of him & it cost him greatly.
Or maybe not.

If it wasn't for that then maybe he would never have been motivated enough to train & achieve his Golden Form.

Spiral-Force said:
Strawman. I distinctly said you brought up Super Uub first, which is correct. This is another example of you seeing what you want to see instead of what's actually there.
Show me the post.

Spiral-Force said:
These are all just your assumptions and hold no real weight. You speak as if you have authority over how these characters should act or react. You so desperately want to force out a power scale over how a character looks to another character. I'm sure there are many other fans like you that think something should have happened in a certain way or should have been scrapped from the story altogether, but those thoughts have no effect on what's already been executed.
If it held no truth, you really believe that there would be no correction made especially when it bares no significance to the situation at hand.

Spiral-Force said:
You try to reverse what I said back at me, but that doesn't work because it only applies to you. You can drop it if you want, but the point stands.
Telling me it applies to me, I say it applies to you, Blah Blah Blah.
That gets nobody nowhere so lets not let pride get in the way & drop the nonsense.


High Class Warrior
Staff member
Forum Moderator
Sep 23, 2016
VampireWicked said:
I'm not here to debate, never was. I don't cut through topics like they're some stupid game of one upping the next person I get into an argument with as if I'm desperately seeking some self satisfaction & acknowledgement.
That does nothing but ruin & all enjoyment of it.
I like the Material, & because of that I'm willing to hold a conversation on it, you wanna continue at a reasonable rational level then like I said please watch your condescending tone with me or I will take offense.
A debate is a discussion about a subject on which people have different views (https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/debate). We clearly hold different views, and we've been discussing them. You may also have some personal reasons as to why you're taking part, but I don't recall anyone asking for them. My intent is not to be condescending, but if that's how you take my "tone", then that's your problem. In any case the central focus should be the argument itself, and your side of it just doesn't stack up.

VampireWicked said:
No he didn't place any limiters on his thought process, he just wasn't expecting it to happen right then & there.
For all intents & purposes Frieza was right in that no Saiyan could have beaten him, as he has killed an entire planet of Saiyans in their Base Form the very idea of he being responsible for the appearance of a SuperSaiyan standing in front of him never crossed his mind.
And if that never happened, if Frieza took advantage of the situation & finished Goku off earlier, We both know he could have.
Then anything involving Goku winning or even surviving chances are they wouldn't have happened.
So I'll give him that, he was right but he let his strong disbelief get the better of him & it cost him greatly.
Or maybe not.
If it wasn't for that then maybe he would never have been motivated enough to train & achieve his Golden Form.
You just wasted your time by writing all of this. So many "if" statements, yet no evidence that he was right. It's quite simple: Frieza said no Saiyans could match him, and this was proven wrong by Goku. Even when he was getting dominated by Super Saiyan Goku, he claimed that he will never lose, which Goku also proved wrong by defeating him. You're trying to add layers and twists to a basic, arrogant statement that turned out to be false.

VampireWicked said:
Show me the post.
You already quoted it before, but I'll show it again anyway:

Spiral-Force said:
Except they don't since you've shown no evidence that the EoZ events are obsolete. The Super version of Uub wasn't even part of the discussion until you irrelevantly brought him up.

^ Clear as day.

VampireWicked said:
If it held no truth, you really believe that there would be no correction made especially when it bares no significance to the situation at hand.
I don't need to believe anything. A "correction" not being made doesn't change the fact that it was merely just an analysis of appearance, which alone can be deceiving. Piccolo, for instance, pointed out this flaw after Krillin's initial reaction to Frieza's final form.


In any case, Goku's overall power was insignificant to Beerus until SSJ God happened. So you're just nitpicking here.

VampireWicked said:
Telling me it applies to me, I say it applies to you, Blah Blah Blah.
That gets nobody nowhere so lets not let pride get in the way & drop the nonsense.
This just sounds like you want to stay in your bubble, free from criticism, but whatever.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Tbf Beerus seemed to be picking and examining Goku's body. That may be his way of assessing his strength and capabilities. I'd also question the statement's validity and reason to be there if if weren't meant to be true, either, although I acknowledge the original manga's clues dicating otherwise.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
ahill1 said:
Tbf Beerus seemed to be picking and examining Goku's body. That may be his way of assessing his strength and capabilities.
Considering he never uses this to examine the capability of others after this, I doubt it's his way of getting an accurate estimate. If anything, him judging such external aspects when taking the former sentence into account would serve more to the line of thought of it being a surface level assessment based on the difference in Goku's two appearances.

I'd also question the statement's validity and reason to be there if if weren't meant to be true, either, although I acknowledge the original manga's clues dicating otherwise.
Considering it was completely excluded from the manga, that seems to serve as a sign of it not being that relevant.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
CC said:
Considering he never uses this to examine the capability of others after this, I doubt it's his way of getting an accurate estimate. If anything, him judging such external aspects when taking the former sentence into account would serve more to the line of thought of it being a surface level assessment based on the difference in Goku's two appearances
Well, it it were his way of judging Goku's appearence, wouldn't looking at his hair satisfy already?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
That is a fair point. However, it is questionable if that would be enough when Beerus has only seen Goku's SSJ form and is looking for the Super Saiyan God. Super Saiyan also has increased muscle mass from what we've seen of their transformations, so that may have been a telltale sign to Beerus this was indeed Goku's base form and a level below his Super Saiyan state.


High Class Warrior
Staff member
Forum Moderator
Sep 23, 2016
ahill1 said:
Tbf Beerus seemed to be picking and examining Goku's body.
His body is part of his appearance, so this doesn't need to be mentioned.

ahill1 said:
That may be his way of assessing his strength and capabilities. I'd also question the statement's validity and reason to be there if if weren't meant to be true, either, although I acknowledge the original manga's clues dicating otherwise.
Even so, it's not a reliable form of assessment since looks can be deceiving. Plus, he didn't follow suit with that form of assessment when Goku powered up with his Super Saiyan states. In Dragon Ball, questionable statements appear every now and then, that's why it is important to apply critical thinking when that happens.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Spiral-Force said:
Is his body not part of his appearance?
Yeah, but again, wouldn't the hair be a give away? He saw Goku's blond/yellow hair on his crystal ball, so seeing a black hair should give it away it isn't the same person appearence wise.
Even so, it's not a reliable form of assessment since looks can be deceiving. Plus, he didn't follow suit with that form of assessment when Goku powered up with his Super Saiyan states. In Dragon Ball, questionable statements appear every now and then, that's why it is important to apply critical thinking when that happens.
I think when Goku transformed into a SSJ, his chi was already enough for Beerus to know where he stacks up. Since it can be made a case for Goku to be suppressed there while standing around in base, perhaps Beerus needed a closer look on his body to extract what it was really capable of, as it wasn't fully reveled up and chi sensing couldn't be applied as when Goku went to SSJ.


High Class Warrior
Staff member
Forum Moderator
Sep 23, 2016
ahill1 said:
Yeah, but again, wouldn't the hair be a give away? He saw Goku's blond/yellow hair on his crystal ball, so seeing a black hair should give it away it isn't the same person appearence wise.
Beerus' assessment was in regard to battle, not about whether or not that was actually Goku. That's why he expected Goku to transform into what he saw from the SSJ Goku vs Frieza footage.

ahill1 said:
I think when Goku transformed into a SSJ, his chi was already enough for Beerus to know where he stacks up. Since it can be made a case for Goku to be suppressed there while standing around in base, perhaps Beerus needed a closer look on his body to extract what it was really capable of, as it wasn't fully reveled up and chi sensing couldn't be applied as when Goku went to SSJ.
This is not about what Beerus' intention was; it's about the validity (or lack thereof) of his analysis. Beerus was obviously trying to size Goku up, but that doesn't mean his efforts were efficient. Beerus' comment was delivered in a way that indicates an impression that he had, as opposed to a clear-cut power statement. And of course, as you mentioned, there's a case for Goku being suppressed at the time.


High Class Warrior
Aug 9, 2016
Spiral-Force said:
A debate is a discussion about a subject on which people have different views (https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dicti ... ish/debate). We clearly hold different views, and we've been discussing them. You may also have some personal reasons as to why you're taking part, but I don't recall anyone asking for them. My intent is not to be condescending, but if that's how you take my "tone", then that's your problem. In any case the central focus should be the argument itself, and your side of it just doesn't stack up.
Let me be more clear some like you can understand.
I know what a debate is, I'm not here to hold an argument with you.

You wanna argue rant & rave, not my thing.
You wanna hold different points of view then by all means I'm up for it.

Spiral-Force said:
You just wasted your time by writing all of this. So many "if" statements, yet no evidence that he was right. It's quite simple: Frieza said no Saiyans could match him, and this was proven wrong by Goku. Even when he was getting dominated by Super Saiyan Goku, he claimed that he will never lose, which Goku also proved wrong by defeating him. You're trying to add layers and twists to a basic, arrogant statement that turned out to be false.
Obviously I'm wasting my time if you refuse to accept a point of view different from your own.
It's not false when Base Goku never beat him.

Spiral-Force said:
You already quoted it before, but I'll show it again anyway:
Wasn't me who brought up Uub.
Spiral-Force said:
By Z's end, Base Goku fought on equal terms with an opponent he said could possibly beat Mr. Buu, then later commented that he is as amazing as expected.
1st page You're the last post, who are you referring to there.

Spiral-Force said:
I don't need to believe anything. A "correction" not being made doesn't change the fact that it was merely just an analysis of appearance, which alone can be deceiving. Piccolo, for instance, pointed out this flaw after Krillin's initial reaction to Frieza's final form.
In any case, Goku's overall power was insignificant to Beerus until SSJ God happened. So you're just nitpicking here.
You're using Krillin's assmuption compared to a God Of Destruction's not to mention an Angel's observation.
It's not me nick picking as it is you believing your own delusion.

Spiral-Force said:
This just sounds like you want to stay in your bubble, free from criticism, but whatever.

If I wanted to be free from criticism I wouldn't be here, it's not the criticism that bothers me.
It's the argumentative self-righteous members that gets on my nerve.

Anyway it doesn't matter I found what I was loking for, so you & whomever can interpret it however you wish.
Don't care.


Akira Toriyama said:
I thought, “Do I really have to keep going?” Even when Cell ended, it still didn’t feel like it could end. So before the Boo story arc began, I said “Once this next thing wraps up, I want to end it no matter what.” Because I thought there was no way for any stronger guys to pop up, or for Goku to get any stronger than he already was.

Toriyama was wrapping it up so a Saiyan hit a Level Cap.
It doesn't imply Base Saiyans were weaker or even stronger than 50%-100% Frieza, but it gives Toriyama room to set that line for Base wherever he wanted to.
When he started Battle Of The Gods, DragonBall Super, it makes sense that he'd establish a Base Saiyan limit or Cap 50%-100% so they can in Super build & increase using new training methods from there.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Spiral-Force said:
Beerus' assessment was in regard to battle, not about whether or not that was actually Goku. That's why he expected Goku to transform into what he saw from the SSJ Goku vs Frieza footage.
Yeah, that's what I'm standing for. I don't think Beerus examining Goku's body means the assessment was in regards to his appearence not matching what he saw in the crystal ball.
This is not about what Beerus' intention was; it's about the validity (or lack thereof) of his analysis. Beerus was obviously trying to size Goku up, but that doesn't mean his efforts were efficient. Beerus' comment was delivered in a way that indicates an impression that he had, as opposed to a clear-cut power statement. And of course, as you mentioned, there's a case for Goku being suppressed at the time.
Wouldn't a statement contradicting Beerus be presented then? I know that Kaio-sama may have found rude to correct Beerus, but I don't see why Goku wouldn't speak up for his abilities to defeat Freeza even in his base state, even moreso when he seemingly wasn't understanding the threat that was besides him, with Kaio having to correct him in speaking properly.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
ahill1 said:
Wouldn't a statement contradicting Beerus be presented then? I know that Kaio-sama may have found rude to correct Beerus, but I don't see why Goku wouldn't speak up for his abilities to defeat Freeza even in his base state, even moreso when he seemingly wasn't understanding the threat that was besides him, with Kaio having to correct him in speaking properly.
The tense of Beerus' statement is a bit ambiguous with Beerus either meaning he doesn't believe Goku could beat Freeza as he currently is or that he doesn't believe Goku defeated Freeza in the form he was in at the time. Assuming it were the latter, Goku would have no need to correct him when that is correct, as Goku didn't defeat Freeza in his base form.

Speaking of correcting someone on the power scale if necessary, that further adds to the evidence of Base Saiyans > Freeza due to the Tarble OVA, of which we know is canon to both BoG and the Super anime's continuities. Goku says that two people as strong as Freeza would be perfect for the kids and that Freeza can't really be considered an impressive villain anymore, yet doesn't make any correction of Abo and Kado's strength being less than what Freeza was capable of when Base Goten and Trunks stomp them.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
ahill1 said:
Wouldn't a statement contradicting Beerus be presented then? I know that Kaio-sama may have found rude to correct Beerus, but I don't see why Goku wouldn't speak up for his abilities to defeat Freeza even in his base state, even moreso when he seemingly wasn't understanding the threat that was besides him, with Kaio having to correct him in speaking properly.
The tense of Beerus' statement is a bit ambiguous with Beerus either meaning he doesn't believe Goku could beat Freeza as he currently is or that he doesn't believe Goku defeated Freeza in the form he was in at the time. Assuming it were the latter, Goku would have no need to correct him when that is correct, as Goku didn't defeat Freeza in his base form.

Speaking of correcting someone on the power scale if necessary, that further adds to the evidence of Base Saiyans > Freeza due to the Tarble OVA, of which we know is canon to both BoG and the Super anime's continuities. Goku says that two people as strong as Freeza would be perfect for the kids and that Freeza can't really be considered an impressive villain anymore, yet doesn't make any correction of Abo and Kado's strength being less than what Freeza was capable of when Base Goten and Trunks stomp them.
Well, I don't exactly remember Beerus' dialogue, but didn't he say Goku couldn't have possibly defeated Freeza or somewhat along those lines? Sounds like he was referring to Goku's capabilities as a whole rather than just a fact that happened.

In the special, Tarble is the one who initiates the comparison and he should have had only 1st form Freeza in mind, so I don't think it means much.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
ahill1 said:
Well, I don't exactly remember Beerus' dialogue, but didn't he say Goku couldn't have possibly defeated Freeza or somewhat along those lines? Sounds like he was referring to Goku's capabilities as a whole rather than just a fact that happened.
The statement was that he doesn't believe Goku could defeat Freeza as he is now/in his current state, though the wording of the sentence in Japanese makes it ambiguous if he's saying he suspects Goku didn't beat Freeza in his base form or if he believes he can't. The wording you provided isn't within the original script, so I suspect it may be something added to different dubs of the scene.

In the special, Tarble is the one who initiates the comparison and he should have had only 1st form Freeza in mind, so I don't think it means much.
Goku has more knowledge of what kind of power Freeza is capable of, yet never corrects Tarble by saying Freeza is far stronger than he realised or that his peak was far above what Abo and Kado were capable of, hence why I found it relevant to bring up with your point about Goku not correcting Beerus.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
CC said:
The statement was that he doesn't believe Goku could defeat Freeza as he is now/in his current state, though the wording of the sentence in Japanese makes it ambiguous if he's saying he suspects Goku didn't beat Freeza in his base form or if he believes he can't. The wording you provided isn't within the original script, so I suspect it may be something added to different dubs of the scene.
Well, can you post the whole statement verbatim from the Japanese version? That way we'll have better grounds for discussion. That's something new to me though, I've never seen someone making a point about the line possibly indicating what transpired vs Freeza rather than Goku's capability in that form as a whole. Not saying this is a reach, though.
Goku has more knowledge of what kind of power Freeza is capable of, yet never corrects Tarble by saying Freeza is far stronger than he realised or that his peak was far above what Abo and Kado were capable of, hence why I found it relevant to bring up with your point about Goku not correcting Beerus.
Sure, but since Tarble was the one who initiated the comparison, everything should align to that, not to what Goku stated. Tarble thinks it's 530,000 and we don't get redirected to final form Freeza only because Goku was the one who made the comparison, the comparison align to what Tarble introducced.

About Goku not correcting Tarble, the situation seems a little different as Beerus was making a direct assessment to his capabilities, so a correction in that instance would come off more naturally.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
ahill1 said:
Well, can you post the whole statement verbatim from the Japanese version? That way we'll have better grounds for discussion.
Beerus states: "Ima no kimi ni wa taosu so nai kedo" in Battle of Gods and "Ima no kimi de wa tote taosu nai kedo" in Super. To translate that literally, the former would be "You now couldn't defeat (Freeza)" whereas the Super version I believe is closer to "As you are you couldn't defeat (Freeza)." Some translations apply this to Beerus referring to his "current state" rather than current power, which isn't an inaccurate interpretation as the statement without context is more vague.

Sure, but since Tarble was the one who initiated the comparison, everything should align to that, not to what Goku stated. Tarble thinks it's 530,000 and we don't get redirected to final form Freeza only because Goku was the one who made the comparison, the comparison align to what Tarble introducced.
The thing is, Goku hasn't presented knowledge that people were unaware of Freeza's greater forms. From his perspective, he'd have no reason to limit his assessment to just Freeza's 1st form. Moreover, limiting them to Freeza's 1st form makes no sense from what we're shown within the special, seeing as how Goten/Trunks are undoubtedly superior to Namek Goku in equal forms, yet still had some initial difficulty with Abo and Kado's Zanzoken.

About Goku not correcting Tarble, the situation seems a little different as Beerus was making a direct assessment to his capabilities, so a correction in that instance would come off more naturally.
I wouldn't say the focus not being him would change his attitude at all. After all, we've seen Goku has no qualms immediately validating or correcting the assessments of others, saying Piccolo indeed would be useless against Cell and doubting Shin's belief Gohan could beat Boo.


High Class Warrior
Staff member
Forum Moderator
Sep 23, 2016
VampireWicked said:
Let me be more clear some like you can understand.
I know what a debate is, I'm not here to hold an argument with you.
You wanna argue rant & rave, not my thing.
You wanna hold different points of view then by all means I'm up for it.
Regardless of how you feel or what you want, what we've been doing here is debating by the very definition of it. If that is not what you are here for, then you're free to disengage from the debate; no one is forcing you to keep arguing—you're doing that on your own accord.

VampireWicked said:
Obviously I'm wasting my time if you refuse to accept a point of view different from your own.
It's not false when Base Goku never beat him.
The only way you can come to the conclusion that his statement is not false is by altering his statement in a way that suits your subjective viewpoint. The problem with that approach is that it is not realistic or sensible; it's rooted in fabrication and faulty reasoning.

VampireWicked said:
Wasn't me who brought up Uub.
Spiral-Force said:
By Z's end, Base Goku fought on equal terms with an opponent he said could possibly beat Mr. Buu, then later commented that he is as amazing as expected.
1st page You're the last post, who are you referring to there.
Anyone with functioning eyes can see that that refers to Uub at the period of Z's end. There is no mention of Super in that quote at all. Again, I specified that you brought up Super Uub first. You can't wiggle your way out of what's plain to see.

VampireWicked said:
You're using Krillin's assmuption compared to a God Of Destruction's not to mention an Angel's observation.
It's not me nick picking as it is you believing your own delusion.
This is a pretty weak angle on your part. Ok, so Beerus is a deity and is higher on the hierarchy... so what? He's not characterised as being infallible or omniscient; to assume he's right just because of his status is what's delusional. Whis didn't reinforce Beerus' observation in any way, so he has no business being mentioned here. Beerus judged Base Goku in a way that the series identifies as being undependable, so his analysis can be challenged. You're indeed nitpicking.

VampireWicked said:
If I wanted to be free from criticism I wouldn't be here, it's not the criticism that bothers me.
It's the argumentative self-righteous members that gets on my nerve.
Considering you were deadset on the criticism being dropped, you clearly wanted to relieve yourself of it. What really gets on your nerves here is being faced with someone that can see through your shaky arguments and headcanon, and that doesn't require being "self-righteous". Being "argumentative" isn't necessarily a bad thing tbh. I'm not arguing with any ill-intentions or responding angrily; just defending my arguments and countering your points.

VampireWicked said:
Anyway it doesn't matter I found what I was loking for, so you & whomever can interpret it however you wish.
Don't care.
Akira Toriyama said:
I thought, “Do I really have to keep going?” Even when Cell ended, it still didn’t feel like it could end. So before the Boo story arc began, I said “Once this next thing wraps up, I want to end it no matter what.” Because I thought there was no way for any stronger guys to pop up, or for Goku to get any stronger than he already was.
Toriyama was wrapping it up so a Saiyan hit a Level Cap.
It doesn't imply Base Saiyans were weaker or even stronger than 50%-100% Frieza, but it gives Toriyama room to set that line for Base wherever he wanted to.
When he started Battle Of The Gods, DragonBall Super, it makes sense that he'd establish a Base Saiyan limit or Cap 50%-100% so they can in Super build & increase using new training methods from there.
I've seen this statement before; it doesn't change anything. If you look closely, Toriyama had these thoughts prior to when the Buu Arc story even began. Considering Majin Buu was a villain that surpassed Cell, and that Vegeta stated Goku was superior to Cell Games Gohan (who was the strongest Z fighter at the time), those thoughts do not reflect the final product. And with the amount of "no limit" statements that are sprinkled across the franchise regarding Saiyans in general, there isn't intended to be a completely definitive limit of any kind.

ahill1 said:
Yeah, that's what I'm standing for. I don't think Beerus examining Goku's body means the assessment was in regards to his appearence not matching what he saw in the crystal ball.
Ok, no problems then.

ahill1 said:
Wouldn't a statement contradicting Beerus be presented then? I know that Kaio-sama may have found rude to correct Beerus, but I don't see why Goku wouldn't speak up for his abilities to defeat Freeza even in his base state, even moreso when he seemingly wasn't understanding the threat that was besides him, with Kaio having to correct him in speaking properly.
Not necessarily, since even if there was, that wouldn't change his first impression. To put it into perspective, you may form an impression of someone you meet; your thoughts about them may change as you get to know them more, but that was still your initial impression nevertheless. Now, if you want to attribute a precise power scale to his statement, it should be considered that Goku didn't power up within base and was previously concealing himself before coming out to greet the visitors, so it's doubtful that this confirms anything concrete about Base Goku's complete power. As for Goku's lack of correction, you could argue that he just didn't care since Frieza was old news to him or that he was being simple-minded since the scene in general presented Goku as being kind of slow mentally.

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