xenos5 said:
Mental training in general increases ki output (since the mind is an aspect of ki). This was shown with how Goku Black increased his ki by using Goku's movements and syncing his mind up better with his new body.
The actual intention of the mind training should be considered. Goku was particularly conscious of the things around him, due to wanting to make his sensing ability sharper. If you assume Goku got a power boost from that, even though such wasn't stated or implied, then you'd also have to believe that a power boost occured in every DB moment in which a character was in the process of sensing or attempting to sense someone. The Goku Black situation you mentioned is different because his ki increases were coming from the attacks he was taking.
xenos5 said:
I think you're confusing things. Black said something more akin to "i'm ashamed that i've just been humiliated by an appetizer like you" right before the rage boost. I don't think he called Vegeta an appetizer again after the rage boost.
He did.
xenos5 said:
We saw Vegeta beat the shit out of Black and pick him up by his hair. Black started fighting Vegeta again after that and was clearly still inferior. Either zenkai just can't boost him much higher at a certain point or the gap was too big.
After the hair grab and punch, the fight stopped until after Black's anger boost. There was no implied limit for Black's damage boosts.
xenos5 said:
Hit did not only fly away. He flew all the way back to universe 6. Goku didn't fly to another universe after the fight ended. And nothing indicated he could. Hit was shown to do it though so we know he had the reserves left to do so.
Hit looked just as exhausted as Goku after the fight, and unlike Vados (w/ Champa), he flew pretty slowly when he took off. Hit never specified that he was going back to Universe 6 immediately, so perhaps he took time to recover before heading back there.
xenos5 said:
I think we're going to have to agree to disagree on the front of post Future Trunks arc Goku's power in relation to post rage boost Black. I don't believe Black could destroy the pocket dimension without using every bit of his power in a kamehameha like Goku did.
Ok, but let me ask you something: If
you followed Black (peak) >>> Hit (Ep 72), would you still think that Black doesn't have a higher chance of winning? Because your judgement on this hypothetical battle seems to be based on Black being around the level of SSJB Goku (Ep 72), whereas mine isn't.
xenos5 said:
What? It's not visible. Goku has to close his eyes and focus INTENSELY on energy sensing to be able to dodge it. Sight is not enough. Black would be unable to see the invisible/intangible shockwave attack coming no matter what distance Hit fires it from. Especially considering it can be sent through rifts to close a distance extremely quickly and have an unpredictable trajectory. Black would not know he'd need to close his eyes and focus extremely hard on energy sensing.
Keeping your eyes closed and being extra focused helps to deal with Flash Fist, but that doesn't change the fact that the attack is actually visible, as seen from the scan that I posted before and the many other times it was displayed on-screen.
xenos5 said:
The fight ends when Black retreats. Hit would think it's over fly back to his universe and Black wouldn't be able to follow him as his saiyan body makes it so he needs oxygen and can't fight for long in the vaccum of space.
When Hit thought he successfully killed Goku, he still waited around. The OP didn't make any specific rules for this fight, so I assume this fight ends when one of them is KO'd or killed. Anyway, I doubt a scenario in which Black would be massively injured would even occur in this battle.
xenos5 said:
And? The clones would get in Black's way/be a hindrance if there were to be a close up fight between him and Hit. Hit could just timeskip or go into a rift to dodge and the clones would end up punching Black by mistake. Black would probably dispel them himself in that case.
As expressed previously, Black likes to let his clones fight
for him. Even if they fought
with him, Black's clones are shown to have decent team coordination, and never accidentally hurt themselves, so they should be capable of fighting efficiently with their master.
xenos5 said:
Hit doesn't enjoy fighting every fighter the way he enjoys fighting Goku. It would be pretty clear to see Black's malevolence and killing intent. And Hit's not going to not go for the kill against a fighter clearly trying to kill him.
Black's aura is hard to decipher on first meeting, as evidenced by how Piccolo, Beerus, Whis, etc. couldn't initially tell what Black was really like. With this considered, I doubt Hit would immediately know the type of person he's dealing with.