xenos5 said:
Isn't that what happened? At least it felt that way to me.
^ They primarily fought in this area until Hit leaped off of one of the surfaces in the background and was punched all the way to the edge of the arena.
xenos5 said:
He doesn't really need to mention it again as it's obvious to the audience IMO.
I think it's more reasonable to believe Hit only used his true power in the final stages of his fight with Dyspo because this correlates well with other relevant events. To elaborate on this:
1. God Goku didn't seem to take much damage from Dyspo's quick burst attacks, and he was able to stop Dyspo from kicking him when he went SSJB, much to Dyspo's shock.
2. Goku was willing to fight Hit after their team up, which indicates that the level Hit was at when he was stomping Dyspo is something that SSJB Goku is at least relevant to. (And we know that Goku's battle power doesn't rise during a fight unless via SSJ boosts or Kaioken or on a rare occasion, a rage boost)
When you join the above factors with the fact that Hit and Goku rivalled each other around the end of the last saga, everything falls into place quite well.
xenos5 said:
No, Goku's eyes were closed and he was amping his energy sensing from what I saw.
He managed to dodge it with open eyes (albeit barely), but he leaped so far that he hit some trees. You can see this at 1:40 in the following video:
When you consider that Goku didn't fully understand the attack at that point, and that Hit had many ki duplicates in the area to confuse Goku at the time, and that Goku didn't know the attack could go through trees, he ought to be be capable of dodging it with his eyes open without as much trouble as before by the time they came out of the woods and fought in an open space. Of course, he didn't need to do that since closing his eyes makes dealing with Flash Fist easier for him, but that doesn't mean he couldn't have.
xenos5 said:
Angel's statements have been so reliable to the point where I see them on the same level as narrator statements tbh. Not a single statement from an angel has been disproven so far.
There isn't another scenario synonymous with this one regarding this particular Angel to judge her reliability with, and Flash Fist differs quite a bit from the invisible shockwaves we've seen many times in the series, so I'm ok with not taking her word for it.
xenos5 said:
I guess. Still i've had fun debating this with you, dude. Hope we can do it again sometime for a different matchup, maybe.
Sounds good.