Tier List (Manga)


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Tier 1 - Spopovich Tier

Tier 2 - Angel Tier

Tier 3 - Hakaishin Tier
Mastered UI Goku
SSJB Vegetto
Other Hakaishins

Tier 4 - PSSJB Tier
Merged Zamasu/PSSJB Goku/PSSJB Goku/Toppo/True Golden Freeza/Hit (ToP)/Cyborg #17
LSSJ Kale/SSJ Kefla/Gohan

Tier 5 - SSJB Tier
SSJB Vegeta (Bursts)
SSJ Rosé Black
SSJB Goku/SSJB Vegeta/SSJ Black (Zenkai)

Tier 6 - SSJG Tier
SSJG Goku/SSJG Vegeta/Hit (Full Power)/Beerus (BoGs, vs Goku)

Tier 7 - Middle Tier
SSJ2 Vegeta
SSJ Black

Tier 8 - SSJ3 Tier
Base Black
SSJ3 Goku
FPSSJ2 F. Trunks

Tier 9 - SSJ2 Tier
SSJ2 F. Trunks
SSJ2 Goku

Tier 10 - SSJ Tier
SSJ Caulifla
SSJ F. Trunks
SSJ Goku/SSJ Vegeta/SSJ Cabba/SSJB Vegeta (<10%)
Hit (Initial)
Freeza (True Form)
Frost (True Form)
Trio De Danger

Tier 11 - Base Tier
F. Trunks
Base Goku/Base Vegeta/Base Cabba
Pride Troopers
Frost (Assault form)
Frost (1st form)

Tier 12 - Top Z Tier
Enraged SSJ2 Vegeta
Chou Gohan
SSJ3 Gotenks
SSJ3 Goku (Pre God)

Tier 13 - Bottom Tier
SSJ Kids
Cyborg #18


Retired Staff
Sep 10, 2016
I disagree on Kefla/Gohan being ahead of PSSB Vegeta/PSSB Goku.

You also forgot Freeza, you scrub.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
I agree with most of this, apart from a few alterations...

1. I'd personally place LSSJ Kale slightly below the general PSSB crew, seeing as nobody ever contradicted Freeza stating he could handle her if he were more prepared. I guess you could use Vados implying Kefla to not be vastly stronger than Kale as evidence for the contrary, but whatever.

2. I'd say Hit ought to be on equal footing to the other 5 main PSSB tiers, if not above them by virtue of Time Lag. Even without his techniques, he seemed to be doing equally as well as Goku. Again, not a major issue.

3. Goku's desperate reaction when #17 was about to continue the fight would suggest #17 to be solidly above SSJ Galu imo.

4. 10% SSB Vegeta > SSJ Goku/Vegeta > SSJ Cabba should by enough to place them on different spots of the same tier rather than lumping them together. Whis only mentioned 10% SSB as having been surpassed once Goku went SSG and it seemed apparent Vegeta was holding back slightly against Cabba.

5. Any reason for placing Caulifa solidly above Goku and Vegeta in the same form?

6. The more throwaway Pride Troopers ought to be towards the low end of Base tier, their combined efforts were just barely enough to make Goku go SSJ and it was made apparent their teamwork is great enough to work incredibly against a far stronger foe as shown with Kale.

7. On a similar note, the Trio ought to be a lot higher, or at least leagues above the Pride Troopers' non-Big 3. After all, with far less fighters they were able to prove difficult to Base Gohan, who's feats indicate him to be on Piccolo's level, plus even when reduced to two, they were able to catch Gohan off-guard a few times. They ought to be either at the bottom of SSJ tier or top of Base tier imo.

8. Following on from that, there's quite a few ToP contestants that could be worth adding, such as many of Universe 9's fighters to SSJ tier. After all, some such as Hysopp proved a challenge to Piccolo and it required a decent amount of Frost's stamina to quickly take out several of them.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Galu was amazed at his GAINZ when they fought Jiren and he was doing just as well as PSSB Goku against him even before using Time Lag.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Void said:
I disagree on Kefla/Gohan being ahead of PSSB Vegeta/PSSB Goku.

You also forgot Freeza, you scrub.

Because of Kuririn's statement, right? Yeah, that's a tough one. Tho i lean more towards Gohan and Kefla being >> PSSJB because Kale herself was implied to be already closing on PSSJBs.

I did? :tapion2

Captain Cadaver said:
I agree with most of this, apart from a few alterations...

1. I'd personally place LSSJ Kale slightly below the general PSSB crew, seeing as nobody ever contradicted Freeza stating he could handle her if he were more prepared. I guess you could use Vados implying Kefla to not be vastly stronger than Kale as evidence for the contrary, but whatever.

2. I'd say Hit ought to be on equal footing to the other 5 main PSSB tiers, if not above them by virtue of Time Lag. Even without his techniques, he seemed to be doing equally as well as Goku. Again, not a major issue.

3. Goku's desperate reaction when #17 was about to continue the fight would suggest #17 to be solidly above SSJ Galu imo.

4. 10% SSB Vegeta > SSJ Goku/Vegeta > SSJ Cabba should by enough to place them on different spots of the same tier rather than lumping them together. Whis only mentioned 10% SSB as having been surpassed once Goku went SSG and it seemed apparent Vegeta was holding back slightly against Cabba.

5. Any reason for placing Caulifa solidly above Goku and Vegeta in the same form?

6. The more throwaway Pride Troopers ought to be towards the low end of Base tier, their combined efforts were just barely enough to make Goku go SSJ and it was made apparent their teamwork is great enough to work incredibly against a far stronger foe as shown with Kale.

7. On a similar note, the Trio ought to be a lot higher, or at least leagues above the Pride Troopers' non-Big 3. After all, with far less fighters they were able to prove difficult to Base Gohan, who's feats indicate him to be on Piccolo's level, plus even when reduced to two, they were able to catch Gohan off-guard a few times. They ought to be either at the bottom of SSJ tier or top of Base tier imo.

8. Following on from that, there's quite a few ToP contestants that could be worth adding, such as many of Universe 9's fighters to SSJ tier. After all, some such as Hysopp proved a challenge to Piccolo and it required a decent amount of Frost's stamina to quickly take out several of them.

1. Goku and Freeza's reaction to Kale powering up implies they were surpassed IMO. They pretty much shat bricks when she powered up.

2. That was a typo. I'll fix it.

3. But i already have #17 solidly above SSJ Goku :wtf

4. Vegeta called Cabba his equal. <10% SSJB Vegeta could be > SSJ Goku, but i don't think nothing contradicts them being equals. The only way this would be wrong would be if i had SSJ Goku > <10% Vegeta.

5. Yeah. Caulifla was stomping Cabba in equal forms, and Cabba is = Vegeta.

6. That's true. Goku only turned into a SSJ because he wanted to finish that quickly and fight Jiren. I'll put them as Base top tier, given how that wooden face Trooper could restrain him.

7. What feats imply Base Gohan was on Piccolo's level, exactly?

8. I would, but those guys are so fodder i don't even know their names. Plus no point in adding characters who lasted no more than a couple panels.


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
I also believe Kale's last power-up was enough to surpass CSSjB Goku and Golden Freeza.


Notice the lean stature. In her subsequent fight with an off-guard Freeza, she had him by the tail the entire time and was bashing him around constantly, not letting up until she threw him away. Freeza's words about being able to take her if he was serious from the start make sense.


Goku is able to catch her punch without much trouble and kick her in the gut to send her several feet away. It's clear he's above her at this point.


Here we see her beginning to give Goku trouble. He's visually straining to fend off her attacks, and is bewildered by her rising ki.


Kale has gone full blown Broly buff. Freeza's expressions pretty much says it all. Him and Goku are in shock of Kale's newfound power. Vados's statement about an unreasonable Kale being more worrisome than the tournament itself sort of implies to me that Kale is at least on par with the power Jiren used to stomp CSSjB Goku and Hit earlier. If that's the case, then it's perfectly reasonable for Kefla to have the same power as Kale but with the addition of Caulifla's skill. If it's not the case, I just assume Vados was speaking of Kale's potential to get even stronger and become unstoppable like her forefather Sir Brolington the Brute.

My chain is this:

Ultimate Gohan = SSj Kefla >~ Jiren (vs Goku/Hit) >> BSSj Kale (power-up 2) > CSSjB Goku ~ Hit ~ Golden Freeza > BSSj Kale (power-up 1) > BSSj Kale (initial) >>> Golden Freeza (fooling around) >>> Base Kale > SSj Caulifla

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
GreatSaiyaman123 said:
1. Goku and Freeza's reaction to Kale powering up implies they were surpassed IMO. They pretty much shat bricks when she powered up.
I think it just shows surprise more than anything. Nobody refuted Freeza stating he could take Kale if more prepared, something even backed up by his smirk after taking hits from her, plus her knocking into an off-guard Toppo and Vegeta did no damage to them.

3. But i already have #17 solidly above SSJ Goku :wtf
Typo. Meant SS3.

4. Vegeta called Cabba his equal.
5. Yeah. Caulifla was stomping Cabba in equal forms, and Cabba is = Vegeta.
Vegeta was blocking Cabba's hits with ease when both were fighting in SSJ though. Vegeta is fake news.

7. What feats imply Base Gohan was on Piccolo's level, exactly?
Jilcol was able to lock Piccolo in completely with whatever unseen help his allies provided, yet Gohan was still able to knock him away and would have defeated him if not for Hop.


Retired Staff
Sep 10, 2016
My chain is still
Jiren 1st power up > Jiren initial > Pseudo KK PSSB Galu > PSSB Galu/Veggie > Kefla ~ Gohan >~ Golden Cuckza > BSS Kale

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
If you use ~ as a substitute for = (even-though it just means around in this case) then Kefla admitted inferiority to Gohan.


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
my boy SIAD, give me your thoughts

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
It does, but h9rs can just easily say that they mean Kale who was losing power in the end since that's the only Kale they fought and not her at her peak but that's acting as if they never saw her full-power. On-top of that he whole statement would lose its impact if it just talked about power-depleting Kale.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Captain Cadaver said:
I think it just shows surprise more than anything. Nobody refuted Freeza stating he could take Kale if more prepared, something even backed up by his smirk after taking hits from her, plus her knocking into an off-guard Toppo and Vegeta did no damage to them.

His reaction to Kale's power up refuted it, plus there's Vados statement of Kale being a real threat if she loses control. Freeza saying he could handle Kale doesn't mean he could do it so easily, as Goku himself was having trouble fighting her.

Typo. Meant SS3.

#17 was about to fire a huge Ki blast on him though. That's pretty much the same reaction he had when Pure Boo did the same thing to him.

Vegeta was blocking Cabba's hits with ease when both were fighting in SSJ though. Vegeta is fake news.

He only blocked one hit. The last panel they were exchanging blows evenly.

Jilcol was able to lock Piccolo in completely with whatever unseen help his allies provided, yet Gohan was still able to knock him away and would have defeated him if not for Hop.

Fair enough, i guess. The way they're always together for the first part of the tournament may the a very loose implication they are close in power too.

:CC, what do you think about swapping the Pride Troopers and the Trio De Danger's position in the list? Is it accurate enough?

Kyo said:
my boy SIAD, give me your thoughts



May 30, 2015
Kyo said:
my boy SIAD, give me your thoughts

Jiren (Initial) seemed to dominate Hit and Goku PSSJB together in the same or better way that Raditz did with Goku and Piccolo together. Then Hit used his technique to return to Jiren slow and could dodge without much trouble to the latter, until Jiren did a Power Up and overtook Hit extensively with his attack.

 Jiren (Power Up) >>>> Jiren (Initial) >>>> Goku PSSJB + Hit.

 Then Vados declared that Kefla LSSJ was the strongest character in the ring. As for the power of Kale LSSJ, I have it behind the PSSJB for the reasons that CC says. Therefore I have Kefla >>>>>>>>>>>>> Kale.

 Kefla LSSJ> Jiren (Power Up) >>>> Jiren (Initial) >>>> Goku PSSJB + Hit.

 In Manga 39, Jiren seems to have a tremendous invisible Power Up because Goku using the PSSJB Pseudo Kaioken was confident of defeating Jiren and Beerus was more impressed by Goku's power than the amazing power of Gohan. The latter equaled Kefla LSSJ. Even so, Jiren did not move after receiving a few punches from Goku PSSJB Pseudo Kaioken.

 Being so big the difference between Goku PSSJB Pseudo Kaioken and Goku PSSJB, I would say that that Pseudo Kaioken could be an equivalent between a Kaioken 2-20x on the PSSJB.

Jiren (Start of Chapter 39) >>>>> Goku PSSJB Pseudo Kaioken> / >> Gohan (Current) = Kefla LSSJ> Jiren (Power Up) >>>> Jiren (Initial) >>>> Goku PSSJB + Hit.

  At the end of Chapter 39 Jiren can not even see the movement of UI Goku, but still has a lot of confidence in defeating him. Then Krillin says that at last the 2 fight seriously, therefore UI Goku was going to face Jiren, but the first lost the UI state and we know what happened. I would say Jiren did a tremendous Third Power Up.

Jiren (End of Chapter 39) >> UI Goku (Initial) >>> Jiren (Start Chapter 39) >>>>> Goku PSSJB Pseudo Kaioken> / >> Gohan (Current) = Kefla LSSJ> Jiren (Power Up)> >>> Jiren (Initial) >>>> Goku PSSJB + Hit.


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
I see. That is a very clear power chain, thank you.


Retired Staff
Sep 10, 2016
2kewl4u said:
If you use ~ as a substitute for = (even-though it just means around in this case) then Kefla admitted inferiority to Gohan.

She did admit inferiority despite fighting Chadhan evenly. She said she just couldn't compete with U7 Saiyans, which also implies she's inferior to all 3 U7 Saiyans.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Void said:
2kewl4u said:
If you use ~ as a substitute for = (even-though it just means around in this case) then Kefla admitted inferiority to Gohan.

She did admit inferiority despite fighting Chadhan evenly. She said she just couldn't compete with U7 Saiyans, which also implies she's inferior to all 3 U7 Saiyans.
The way I remember the quote I'd say maybe the other 2 are more ambiguous, but yeah.

Also agreed with the power-chain above saying that Kefla is leagues ahead of Kale.

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