What are the dumbest things you've heard DBZ fans say ab

Six Trails

May 30, 2015
Oh yeah, I can't stand trouts who say Tenshinhan at the 23rd is weaker than Young Daimao becuase the Daizenshuu or Weekly Jump says Daimao is 260, which is higher than Ten's BOZ number.


Super Elite
Jun 10, 2015
Uub wouldn't exist without the drgonballs- some YouTube guy that should rewatch the last episodes

I wonder who was stronger at this point ( CG ) SSJ Gohan or SSJ Vegeta - YouTube guy who obviously wasn't looking at Vegeta's face

Kid Gohan SSJ2 = 1.8mil no way he could beat broly- some db wiki guy who cant use common sense and follows video Game names and logic.

Why didn't Goku just IT cell some random place in space- YouTube guy that clearly doesn't know what IT is

I live in japan and I asked Akira toryama a question (ironically the same one he was arguing about with someone else...) and he said kid Buu is stronger than the one that absorbed gohan.- Professional YouTube Bullshitter

Trunks would have a hard time beating Frieza without his sword - some neoseeker guy

Hercule isn't strong ( human wise ) he just thinks he is- some db wiki guy

Vegeto and Gogeta are like the same thinng- YouTube guy

Gotenks was weaker than super buu- neoseeker guy

Gohan might have been able to beat Buutenks if he didnt bring up Goten and piccolo- some db wiki guy that only watches anime and ignored manga proof

Base Vegeto was beating up Buuhan with ease why are you comparing him to mystic gohan- db wiki idiot

Goku had a better performance with Buutenks then Gohan so he's better- guy that knows nothing bout the manga

Goku was ready to fight Buutenks so he's stronger - same guy ^

Goku's line in wrath of the dragon was if I don't do it who will implying he is the strongest- ^ same guy

If Goku didnt beat Broly his power would increase so much he might be able to beat a super sayain 3 so his power is atleast SSJ2 Gohan cell games in movie 8- I think some db wiki guy

bardock is the og ssj- guy that thinks eob is cannon

Goku wouldn't go super sayain if Frieza killed gohan- a lot of idiots that don't realize that even if Gohan did not trigger Goku's ssj Frieza clearly intended to kill everyone there so Krillin would die eventually.

Cell is 900mill- neoseeker guy (newbie)

Goku was like 450 mill and 16 was like 400mill- same guy^

Super Saiyan Overlord1007

High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Lord Saiyajin said:
What a douche.

Dumbasses is more like it.

Skillz_Zippy said:
Uub wouldn't exist without the drgonballs- some YouTube guy that should rewatch the last episodes

Uub existing has nothing to do with the Dragonballs.

Skillz_Zippy said:
I wonder who was stronger at this point ( CG ) SSJ Gohan or SSJ Vegeta - YouTube guy who obviously wasn't looking at Vegeta's face


Skillz_Zippy said:
Kid Gohan SSJ2 = 1.8mil no way he could beat broly- some db wiki guy who cant use common sense and follows video Game names and logic.

People who follow video game logic are really some of the worse....

Skillz_Zippy said:
Why didn't Goku just IT cell some random place in space- YouTube guy that clearly doesn't know what IT is

I think most fans who've only seen the anime don't know what it really is.

Skillz_Zippy said:
I live in japan and I asked Akira toryama a question (ironically the same one he was arguing about with someone else...) and he said kid Buu is stronger than the one that absorbed gohan.- Professional YouTube Bullshitter

I hate when people say this shit. You live in Japan and just so happen to come across Akira Toriyama on the street, at the supermarket, coffee shop, manga store, the bathroom you just so happened to find him and interview him...

Skillz_Zippy said:
Trunks would have a hard time beating Frieza without his sword - some neoseeker guy

The Sword doesn't make the man, Trunks kicked ass without his sword.

Skillz_Zippy said:
Hercule isn't strong ( human wise ) he just thinks he is- some db wiki guy

Dragonball Wiki people. Them being there should say all that needs to be said.

Skillz_Zippy said:
Vegeto and Gogeta are like the same thinng- YouTube guy
YouTube people. Although aren't they technically the same person since they're made from the same people?

Skillz_Zippy said:
Gotenks was weaker than super buu- neoseeker guy
Don't plenty of people believe this who are manga readers?

Skillz_Zippy said:
Gohan might have been able to beat Buutenks if he didnt bring up Goten and piccolo- some db wiki guy that only watches anime and ignored manga proof

Dragonball Wiki people folks!!! Gohan fought back and was hiding just because.

I'd go further but the stupidity of these people drained me.

Super Saiyan Overlord1007

High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
I was on YouTube I think I was on Vegito1089's Cell vs. Broly video and some guy said Broly would stomp Cell and Byrrus even. So I comment and tell him it's a toss up for who'd win between Cell and Broly but Byrrus could fall asleep and his snoring would make Broly's head explode. Than he goes on a tangent and starts calling me names, saying.

"I've been watching DBZ since I was a "youngin" so I know what I'm talking about. You must not have experience it the way I did if you're saying stupid shit like this"

I told him I was maybe 3 when Toonami first aired DBZ and I've been a fan my entire life basically, I read the manga so I think I know my stuff or at least all that you really need to know regarding a character's power however Broly not existing in the manga you can only go by his feats in the anime and he really did nothing to suggest he's taking on Byrrus and winning let alone Cell. Than he goes on with more names saying he know more than I do when it's obvious that he doesn't than just says it's his opinion that Broly can beat Byrrus. Even though before Battle of the Gods was released it was said that Byrrus was second to Whiss in the Z series and before hand Vegetto held the title of most powerful Z character and you already had quite a list of people who's pluck Broly's head off his shoulders like a feather.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Swag_Master said:
"Ichigo would obliterate Goku in just Bankai because Goku's too stupid to acknowledge that, 1, and 2, he'd never get close enough to punch him. Flash step is at least 30x faster than instant transmission"
- TheCryptidman
This one still takes the cake for me beyond any of the other ones in terms of stupidity. Putting aside the idiocy in thinking Ichigo has a chance against any Z version of Goku, the part that really pushes it up there is thinking that Shunpo is faster than Shunkan Ido at all. Even ignoring that if it was, the Soul Society Arc would've lasted a few minutes, how can anything even be faster than something that's literally instant?

Someone give me some good facts to take in. I think this one caused my brain to go into intellect deprivation.


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
I really hate the one about Trunks and his sword. It's such a blatant attempt to nerf Trunks, most of the time in an effort to minimalize numbers.


Super Elite
Jun 10, 2015
@Supersayainoverlord1007 manga readers believe superbuu is stronger than Gotenks but there are translations even in the manga that suggest other wise.
Like Goku saying hell beat him before Gohan even finishes his unlock or Piccolo flat out saying Gotenks is atleast on par with him making Buu mentally damaged, slightly


May 30, 2015
Gogeta SSJ4 can destroy the universe in an instant and can destroy a Vegetto SSJ4 Multiverse instantly.

Super Saiyan Overlord1007

High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Right now I'm arguing with this guy who believes Broly is a legit galaxy buster. Other people have been telling him that that was a dubbing error but he won't listen and still insist the English dub is right on Broly's destruction levels.


Jun 3, 2015
Super Saiyan Overlord1007 said:
Right now I'm arguing with this guy who believes Broly is a legit galaxy buster. Other people have been telling him that that was a dubbing error but he won't listen and still insist the English dub is right on Broly's destruction levels.
Though you gotta give him props for effortlessly popping a planet, canon or not. Imagine if he actually put effort...

<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">He could blow up...two planets!!!11!1</div>

Super Saiyan Overlord1007

High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
I myself think Piccolo could beat Goten although not as easily. From what I've seen on YouTube these days most people put on Frieza's level or weaker. They refuse to listen when you tell them that he isn't that weak. After the ROSAT I put Goten and Trunks on 50% SSJ Goku level and I don't put Piccolo much stronger inbetween the Cell Games and Buu Saga. Although I think the kids can beat him with teamwork.

That video Guliver posted yeah...

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