Why are you still watching DragonBall Super?

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
You had no argument to begin with.


Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Fearless Super said:
Fantastische Hure said:
Fearless Super said:
That was your state after I was through with you, yeah. This entire "debate" was a CM Punk vs Mickey Gall level stomp.

but :bautista
Laughing it off after getting humiliated. I think this is one of those face-saving laughs, where you try to look like you are a good sport and can laugh it off, but in reality you are about to cry.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
Fearless Super said:
Fantastische Hure said:
That was your state after I was through with you, yeah. This entire "debate" was a CM Punk vs Mickey Gall level stomp.

but :bautista
Laughing it off after getting humiliated. I think this is one of those face-saving laughs, where you try to look like you are a good sport and can laugh it off, but in reality you are about to cry.

Cry about an argument of a cartoon show in internet?
I'm out of here!!!

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Fearless Super said:
Fantastische Hure said:
Fearless Super said:
Laughing it off after getting humiliated. I think this is one of those face-saving laughs, where you try to look like you are a good sport and can laugh it off, but in reality you are about to cry.

Cry about an argument of a cartoon show in internet?
I'm out of here!!!
You did get humiliated. :donovan :donovan :donovan

Jerk Store

High Class Warrior
Jun 15, 2016
Lol @ people like the authority on Neo who says they purposely didn't watch Japanese Super at all because they are waiting for the bluray, but then saw it on adult swim and realized nooooo, nooooo...... I'm not buying this!


Why would you even entertain the notion of buying something you're not even sure you'd like? You just like wasting money there, cowboy?

Authority is also one of those "don't watch it for free you filthy pirate, buy it!" Like Kaboom loves to do also. Like that ever works, like the person who is asking for streaming episodes is like "Well....... Alright then!"

Pfffft...... Those guys are idiotas! I wish he woulda never seen it on adult swim and wasted his money on it so he could throw a bitch fit and complain about all the money he lost on this shit because of his own self righteous stupidity.

I hate that shit. Lol

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Jerk Store said:
Lol @ people like the authority on Neo who says they purposely didn't watch Japanese Super at all because they are waiting for the bluray, but then saw it on adult swim and realized nooooo, nooooo...... I'm not buying this!


Why would you even entertain the notion of buying something you're not even sure you'd like? You just like wasting money there, cowboy?

Authority is also one of those "don't watch it for free you filthy pirate, buy it!" Like Kaboom loves to do also. Like that ever works, like the person who is asking for streaming episodes is like "Well....... Alright then!"

Pfffft...... Those guys are idiotas! I wish he woulda never seen it on adult swim and wasted his money on it so he could throw a bitch fit and complain about all the money he lost on this shit because of his own self righteous stupidity.

I hate that shit. Lol
:eek:dawg :eek:dawg :eek:dawg

agree abt Kabroom tho :alex2 :alex2 :alex2

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Smarks on wrestling keeps buying tickets, subscribing to the Network, buy merchandises and still complain about the product 24/7 lol. :donovan


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Jerk Store said:
Lol @ people like the authority on Neo who says they purposely didn't watch Japanese Super at all because they are waiting for the bluray, but then saw it on adult swim and realized nooooo, nooooo...... I'm not buying this!


Why would you even entertain the notion of buying something you're not even sure you'd like? You just like wasting money there, cowboy?

Authority is also one of those "don't watch it for free you filthy pirate, buy it!" Like Kaboom loves to do also. Like that ever works, like the person who is asking for streaming episodes is like "Well....... Alright then!"

Pfffft...... Those guys are idiotas! I wish he woulda never seen it on adult swim and wasted his money on it so he could throw a bitch fit and complain about all the money he lost on this shit because of his own self righteous stupidity.

I hate that shit. Lol

Dagon is like that too.

I'd buy it if the quality was undoubtedly better, like the translations or the image quality. But if it's available for free with high quality? Nah, I wouldn't spend my money on it.

I've got all the Dragon Ball mangas, but I sure wouldn't bother having Super.

Jerk Store

High Class Warrior
Jun 15, 2016
Exactly, ahill, and I agree with your POV 100% and will add that if I like it enough, I will still buy it cause those sites won't be around forever either.

I just hate it when those guys act like "Product SJWs" and feel the need to scold and condescend to people who are asking for free streaming, like it's going to change ANYONE'S mind as if people aren't aware that you can actually buy it.

First of all, Toriyama isn't a poor man, he may not be rich, I dunno really, but he clearly isn't poor, what with merchandise sales, video game sales, theatrical sales when BoG and FnF were in select theaters, people who do buy the manga and dvd's/blurays, which is still a lot, he isn't in danger of living on the streets any time soon, because even though people watch it for free online, a lot are also buying it, some doing both, so this "well if every one did it" shaking their finger at you nonsense doesn't fly, and it never will because that logic is a copout argument. Not everyone will buy it, yet at the same time, lots of people will because that's the world we live in. Reality...

"This is why we can't have nice things" what does that mean? What does that even mean other than being a cute phrase? Because I gotta say, I don't see all the free streaming and downloads of episodes and manga chapters over the years stopping Super from being created, and I doubt us watching shit for free is why Super sucks ass a lot of the time either, so what does that 2nd copout phrase accomplish?

Squat that's what...

So yeah, those guys and their logic can fuck off with that nonsense. No one wants to hear it, we are all aware you can buy it and it accomplishes nothing but you feeling somehow superior by telling people what they should do.


Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Jerk Store said:
Exactly, ahill, and I agree with your POV 100% and will add that if I like it enough, I will still buy it cause those sites won't be around forever either.

I just hate it when those guys act like "Product SJWs" and feel the need to scold and condescend to people who are asking for free streaming, like it's going to change ANYONE'S mind as if people aren't aware that you can actually buy it.

First of all, Toriyama isn't a poor man, he may not be rich, I dunno really, but he clearly isn't poor, what with merchandise sales, video game sales, theatrical sales when BoG and FnF were in select theaters, people who do buy the manga and dvd's/blurays, which is still a lot, he isn't in danger of living on the streets any time soon, because even though people watch it for free online, a lot are also buying it, some doing both, so this "well if every one did it" shaking their finger at you nonsense doesn't fly, and it never will because that logic is a copout argument. Not everyone will buy it, yet at the same time, lots of people will because that's the world we live in. Reality...

"This is why we can't have nice things" what does that mean? What does that even mean other than being a cute phrase? Because I gotta say, I don't see all the free streaming and downloads of episodes and manga chapters over the years stopping Super from being created, and I doubt us watching shit for free is why Super sucks ass a lot of the time either, so what does that 2nd copout phrase accomplish?

Squat that's what...

So yeah, those guys and their logic can fuck off with that nonsense. No one wants to hear it, we are all aware you can buy it and it accomplishes nothing but you feeling somehow superior by telling people what they should do.


AT is rich! $45 million! :troll

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Pocket - Gog~ said:
ahill1 said:
Gohan turning into a SSJ2

No, that was pure ass. I'm not even sure how people can even say they like it with a straight face.
Better than any power-up/transformation scene in DragonBall Super, that's for sure.


Super Elite
Apr 2, 2017
Fantastische Hure said:
Pocket - Gog~ said:
ahill1 said:
Gohan turning into a SSJ2

No, that was pure ass. I'm not even sure how people can even say they like it with a straight face.
Better than any power-up/transformation scene in DragonBall Super, that's for sure.

No. You're free to have your opinions, but Gohan's transformation into SSJ2 just does not work no matter what.

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