Fantastische Hure said:
Fearless Super said:
What do you mean by name? GT didn't last because of it's name. Super last long because of it's quality and the fact it has lots of involvement of Toriyama as well.
No. DragonBall GT came right after DragonBall Z, so fans were like another DragonBall Series. They didn't know what they had until it was gone. Over a decade later a new DragonBall series is special, so now fans get a nostalgia rush. All DragonBall Super has going for it right-now is its name, other than that nothing. Had a good arc in the Trunks Saga though, even-though even that was non-sense at points.
Also like what's his name said, DragonBall Super has AT's involvement and is marketed appropriately of-course it's doing well.
Don't give me that bullshit, GT did have a good rating in their first episode but it fell off in episode 2 once the fans knew that Vegeta, Gohan and Goten aren't going to space which says the quality of the show man. Other animes like OP, Pokemon, Conan are still running not because the fans can't handle it but the quality of the show is enough for them to tune in which can't be same thing with GT.
DB Super is making billions of yens of merchandise and 2x of One Piece and that's because of GOAT.
At the end. you can whined and bitchin but the show is till going on and lots of fans watch it that's all matters. :elmo