Why are you still watching DragonBall Super?

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Because the show is great and for ENTERTAINMENT and shouldn't be analyzed it like DBZ. You may say it sucks but the fact it's on top 10 TV ratings every week and still making a lot of money implies that Super is entertaining.

Those who wants to analyze everything can fuck off since the show towards to the kids where inconsistencies don't matter but it does for the adults who should stop watching if it bothers them.

Jeff Styles

May 31, 2015
To see it if get any better. Some episodes it does, others episodes made me question why the hell am I watching this again.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Im sure that everyone will bitchin and complain if the DBZ episodes airs too. They're gonna claim that "it doesn't feel like Dragon Ball anymore like we grew up and loved".

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Yeah, but that series had great moments all over the show. This had only very, very few. The children watch it excuse doesn't work, fearless dip-shit. We also watched DragonBall Z and still like the show even now, but don't DragonBall Super and I'm sure it's not only because of nostalgia.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
- Seeing the salt it creates in the fanboys
- Memes such as Quality Galu VS Bills
- The manga not being published regularly and being far behind.
- 2nd Opening is catchy.
- It being the only major discussion of the franchise that isn't either beating a dead horse or pretentious overthinking nowadays.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
Yeah, but that series had great moments all over the show. This had only very, very few. The children watch it excuse doesn't work, fearless dip-shit. We also watched DragonBall Z and still like the show even now, but don't DragonBall Super and I'm sure it's not only because of nostalgia.

You watch DBZ because you were kids at that time and didn't bother of lots of inconsistencies like huge power ups, contradictions, story-telling etc., now that you're a grown up person [based on your photo I saw] the show isn't for you anymore. Also the fact that you watched it on FuniDub version which you grew up with and not the Jap version hence you'll find a hard time watching Super right now on Jap sub.

DB/Z/S is, was, will always be targeted to the kids and they watched it that's all matters. Those who are fans of DBZ but can't watch Super because it suck but guess what? The show isn't for you anymore and move on and find something else that can satisfy yourself. :donovan

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Fearless Super said:
Fantastische Hure said:
Yeah, but that series had great moments all over the show. This had only very, very few. The children watch it excuse doesn't work, fearless dip-shit. We also watched DragonBall Z and still like the show even now, but don't DragonBall Super and I'm sure it's not only because of nostalgia.

You watch DBZ because you were kids at that time and didn't bother of lots of inconsistencies like huge power ups, contradictions, story-telling etc., now that you're a grown up person [based on your photo I saw] the show isn't for you anymore. Also the fact that you watched it on FuniDub version which you grew up with and not the Jap version hence you'll find a hard time watching Super right now on Jap sub.

DB/Z/S is, was, will always be targeted to the kids and they watched it that's all matters. Those who are fans of DBZ but can't watch Super because it suck but guess what? The show isn't for you anymore and move on and find something else that can satisfy yourself. :donovan
No, dip-shit. :donovan :donovan :donovan

I didn't watch the Funi-Dub growing-up please don't make assumptions. I also like the Japanese version, so again please don't make stupid fucking assumptions. DragonBall Super is just not on the level of its predecessors. Fact.

DragonBall Z was good and was for children. DragonBall Super sucks.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
Fearless Super said:
Fantastische Hure said:
Yeah, but that series had great moments all over the show. This had only very, very few. The children watch it excuse doesn't work, fearless dip-shit. We also watched DragonBall Z and still like the show even now, but don't DragonBall Super and I'm sure it's not only because of nostalgia.

You watch DBZ because you were kids at that time and didn't bother of lots of inconsistencies like huge power ups, contradictions, story-telling etc., now that you're a grown up person [based on your photo I saw] the show isn't for you anymore. Also the fact that you watched it on FuniDub version which you grew up with and not the Jap version hence you'll find a hard time watching Super right now on Jap sub.

DB/Z/S is, was, will always be targeted to the kids and they watched it that's all matters. Those who are fans of DBZ but can't watch Super because it suck but guess what? The show isn't for you anymore and move on and find something else that can satisfy yourself. :donovan
No, dip-shit. :donovan :donovan :donovan

I didn't watch the Funi-Dub growing-up please don't make assumptions. I also like the Japanese version, so again please don't make stupid fucking assumptions. DragonBall Super is just not on the level of its predecessors. Fact.

DragonBall Z was good and was for children. DragonBall Super sucks.

OK, I was wrong about that. But not entirely wrong, the show is targeting the kids and they're watching it that's all matters. If you don't like it don't watch it simple as that. If you can't help yourself and watches it then that's your problem.

And why do you call me dip-shit? Did I pissed you or something? It's not like i'm calling you something shit.

Jerk Store

High Class Warrior
Jun 15, 2016
You barley figured out Hure doesn't like you bro? I figured that out a long time ago. Every time he replies to you he gives you shit ton of attitude. Lol

Hure may be passionate in his hate for Super, but his attitude towards it isn't nearly as bad as weaktrulydies and Rashid.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
I honestly don't think the "we were kids" applies here. Nowadays I still enjoy watching Dragon Ball and even look up for amazing scenes like Gohan turning into a SSJ2, Vegeta's death... DBS? Notta. It may be good entertainment-wise, but I don't feel the kind of excitement I did when watching DB. It seems like an entirely different series, with different theme songs, different characters characterization, everything that made DB look cool on my eyes isn't presented anymore in Super. I can't give a detailed explanation of why, but that's just what I feel when watching both.

And "consistency" is also probably not the case here, as I was presented to DB by the anime and still really did enjoy the Boo saga, whereas its level of inconsistency is off da chains due to being Boo saga and having TOEI hands on it... but like I said, I still enjoyed it, mainly due to its cool moments, like Vegeta's death and growth as a character, Goku's return and so.

As for why I still watch it? I am probably in the same boat as Kenshi. Besides, it's still Dragon Ball (or a pseudo-DB). I doubt I'd watch it if it were an entire new serie, if that were the case I'd probably have dropped it in the BoG's saga lol.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
ahill1 said:
I honestly don't think the "we were kids" applies here. Nowadays I still enjoy watching Dragon Ball and even look up for amazing scenes like Gohan turning into a SSJ2, Vegeta's death... DBS? Notta. It may be good entertainment-wise, but I don't feel the kind of excitement I did when watching DB. It seems like an entirely different series, with different theme songs, different characters characterization, everything that made DB look cool on my eyes isn't presented anymore in Super. I can't give a detailed explanation of why, but that's just what I feel when watching both.

And "consistency" is also probably not the case here, as I was presented to DB by the anime and still really did enjoy the Boo saga, whereas its level of inconsistency is off da chains due to being Boo saga and having TOEI hands on it... but like I said, I still enjoyed it, mainly due to its cool moments, like Vegeta's death and growth as a character, Goku's return and so.

As for why I still watch it? I am probably in the same boat as Kenshi. Besides, it's still Dragon Ball (or a pseudo-DB). I doubt I'd watch it if it were an entire new serie, if that were the case I'd probably have dropped it in the BoG's saga lol.
Honest responsed. It does feels different and probably because of society where the blood are toned down and seems more comedy than actions like Z.

Jerk Store

High Class Warrior
Jun 15, 2016
The nostalgia factor is what keeps us watching despite all the complaining. Not that we never complained about stuff in DB/Z, but it's like every episode has some issues, and very little pay off when cool things do happen.

The ones I feel bad for are the new fans who are introduced to the franchise through Super..... Like people who started with GT...... Luckily though, if they like Super, they are guaranteed to love the original!


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Jerk Store said:
Luckily though, if they like Super, they are guaranteed to love the original!
Damn true! I had a friend who just saw the Baby saga of GT and found really cool, saying he didn't see a moment as awesome as Goku turning SSJ4. Then I used to think "wow, wonder how he'll react when seeing the Cell Games and Gohan turning into a SSJ2".

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
The reason I'm talking to you like that is because you passive-aggressively tried to make yourself sound superior to myself. If you read your previous post you can see for yourself. It's not that I'm talking to you that way because I want to not like you. You just make me do it.

As for above nah. I don't think Super-Saiyan 3 Goku's transformation is nearly as kewl or memorable. Gohan's might be my favourite ever (alongside Goku's from Namek).

Also completely agree with ahil. The stupid "it's for children" argument doesn't work. I can still watch DragonBall and DragonBall Z without boring myself to death.

Future Warrior

Dec 12, 2015
Dragon Ball Z/Dragon Ball is meant for teenagers I thought, while Super is for an even younger audience?