May 30, 2015
I just have: Broly LSSJ (M10)> Majin Vegeta / Goku SSJ2 (Boo)> / >> Kid Gohan SSJ2. So Broly LSSJ (M10) beats Goku SSJ2 (Boo) by little, while Majin Vegeta SSJ2 easily defeats Kid Gohan SSJ2.

Krilin probably wins, being slightly more powerful and better fighter.

Difference between Vegeta SSJB (Post Rosat) on Goku Black SSJR vs. difference between Toppo the Destroyer on Vegeta SSJB Evolution (Initial)?

Both are the versions of the Anime.

What difference is greater?


Dec 13, 2016
Spiral-Force said:
Keedounan said:
Vegeta stomps. Toppo was hyped up to be Hakaishin-Tier and has outright warped the World of Void, outdoing Jiren's (109) and Omen Goku's (110) feats of shaking it. Then Vegeta defeated him, even overpowering his Hakai with his own aura.
I'm talking about initial LB Vegeta. The one that was performing on the same level as SSJB KKx20 Goku against Jiren.

Keedounan said:
Jiren (3%) VS Golden Freeza
Jiren stomps.

SSJ2 Kid Gohan and SSJ2 Goku vs SSJ2 Majin Vegeta and M10 LSSJ Broly

Probably Goku then.

As for the other fight, Broly likely solos. M10 was only released 4 months after the reveal that Gohan got weaker, so M10 Gohan was probably stronger than his CG and M9 self.

Goku Black VS Vegeta is the bigger difference I think.

Anilaza VS Dyspo


May 30, 2015
I just have: Broly LSSJ (M10)> Majin Vegeta / Goku SSJ2 (Boo)> / >> Kid Gohan SSJ2. So Broly LSSJ (M10) beats Goku SSJ2 (Boo) by little, while Majin Vegeta SSJ2 easily defeats Kid Gohan SSJ2.

Krilin probably wins, being slightly more powerful and better fighter.

Difference between Vegeta SSJB (Post Rosat) on Goku Black SSJR vs. difference between Toppo the Destroyer on Vegeta SSJB Evolution (Initial)?

Both are the versions of the Anime.

What difference is greater?


May 30, 2015
Anilaza was at least 6x Goku SSJB, so Dyspo's Super Speed will not help him much. If I say Anilaza.

Toppo the Destroyer vs UI Goku (Initial)?


Dec 13, 2016
SIAD said:
Anilaza was at least 6x Goku SSJB, so Dyspo's Super Speed will not help him much. If I say Anilaza.

Toppo the Destroyer vs UI Goku (Initial)?

Toppo stomps. Not only he has a better feat than Omen Goku (warped the World of Void), but the latter lacks the punch needed to take the edge before his stamina drain kicks in.

Mastered Berserker Kale VS SSJ2 Kale and Cabba


High Class Warrior
Staff member
Forum Moderator
Sep 23, 2016
The help from Cabba tips the scales to Caulifla's favour.

SSJ4 Gogeta (Xenoverse 1) vs Champa

- Gogeta states that he may be able to beat Lord Beerus before a match between them commences
- Use Super's powerscaling for the statement


Dec 13, 2016
If the statement about the SSJ4 drawing the Saiyan to its utmost limit is anything to go by, SSJ4 Goku (Super scaling) alone should be able to stomp Beerus, let alone Gogeta.

SSJ4 Baby Vegeta VS Syn Shenron


High Class Warrior
Staff member
Forum Moderator
Sep 23, 2016
Keedounan said:
If the statement about the SSJ4 drawing the Saiyan to its utmost limit is anything to go by, SSJ4 Goku (Super scaling) alone should be able to stomp Beerus, let alone Gogeta.
I clearly said Super scaling for the STATEMENT. SSJ4 Goku has no chance if SSJ4 Gogeta isn't certain he can beat Beerus.


May 30, 2015
I think Baby Vegeta SSJ4 would win, since I have a giant multiplier for Baby Vegeta on Vegeta.

Toppo the Destroyer vs UI Goku (Initial)?

Who of the 2 is more powerful?


Low Class Warrior
Jun 28, 2016
Spiral-Force said:
supercat said:
Rild in his base form wrecks any form of Buu. Goku's statement about Rild being stronger than Buu likely means that Rild > all forms of Buu. What would be the point of using a character as a measuring stick, unless it was said character's full power that was being referenced?

If Rild was only meant to be stronger than Mr. Buu, Goku may have as well just compared him to Super Perfect Cell or Majin Vegeta.
I already know that Goku was most likely considering the strongest Buus in his statement. It wasn't worded in a way that suggested a big gap though, so Rilldo doesn't have to be placed much higher than Buuhan.

supercat said:
Since statements without conflicting remarks or feats are far pretty hard to refute, I feel a hypothetical battle between Base Rild and Buuhan would result in Buuhan losing even worse than he did against Vegetto.
SSJ Vegito was first surpassed by Super Baby 1, who stated he obtained the greatest of Saiyan power. If SSJ3 Goku was stronger than SSJ Vegito, then Baby's statement would have been unnecessary, especially since even Base Baby outclassed that version of Goku. SSJ3 Goku has more than enough power to one-shot Base Rilldo, as the latter was only a challenge for Base Goku, therefore Rilldo has no chance of replicating the domination that Vegito displayed in his fight with Buu. You didn't even answer the actual matchup, you answered for weaker versions of the specific characters I listed. You were also too late as it was answered by Keedounan quite a while ago.

As for Keedounan's matchup, Giran wins with his Merry-Go-Round Gum.

SSJB Kaioken x20 Goku vs Limit Breaker Vegeta

Super Baby Vegeta's statement could have had a multitude of meanings. For one, it could have simply meant that he notably surpassed the strongest power Goku had at the time; meaning, there's no reason there has to be some comparison / connection to Vegetto. SSJ3 Goku could have very well surpassed Vegetto awhile ago, seeing as how his mere base form was contending with an Uub that had been training with five years. So at the very least, wouldn't that mean Base Goku > Kid Buu? I doubt that SSJ Vegetto is 400x stronger than Kid Buu or any Buu for that matter, so it's reasonable to believe GT SSJ3 Goku > / = SSJ Vegetto on the extremely low end.

I didn't see the Buutenks absorbed part. Anyway, that would at most double Buuhan's power and wouldn't be of much help against Second Form Rild, much less Meta Rild.

So what, are you saying if one person already answers a question, I'm no longer allowed to? I thought this was an open discussion.


May 30, 2015
Toppo the Destroyer vs UI Goku (Initial)?

Who of the 2 is more powerful?

Ultimate Cell

High Class Warrior
Jan 3, 2017
UI Goku. Toppo was only Vegeta Royal Blue(whatever the fuck you call it.) which was only par with Kaio Ken X20 Goku. DBZ Krillin vs DBZ Vegeta on who has the bigger own count.


High Class Warrior
Staff member
Forum Moderator
Sep 23, 2016
supercat said:
Super Baby Vegeta's statement could have had a multitude of meanings. For one, it could have simply meant that he notably surpassed the strongest power Goku had at the time; meaning, there's no reason there has to be some comparison / connection to Vegetto.
If the purpose of the statement was to convey that he "notably" surpassed Goku, then Baby would have put emphasis on the power hierarchy. He expressed that his Saiyan power was the greatest, but didn't expand on that by saying it was the greatest "by far" or something along those lines, so Baby's declaration is redundant and lacklustre if you merely attribute the comparison to Goku. If I easily beat someone up whilst wearing heavy garments that restrict me from fighting to the best of my ability, then take them off and THEN state my superiority, my words wouldn't be worth much because the difference in levels would be evident from the fight. Same thing applies to Baby. Vegeta's memories were with Baby after his body was taken over, so I don't see any problem with factoring Vegito in the mix.

supercat said:
SSJ3 Goku could have very well surpassed Vegetto awhile ago, seeing as how his mere base form was contending with an Uub that had been training with five years. So at the very least, wouldn't that mean Base Goku > Kid Buu? I doubt that SSJ Vegetto is 400x stronger than Kid Buu or any Buu for that matter, so it's reasonable to believe GT SSJ3 Goku > / = SSJ Vegetto on the extremely low end.
The power difference between Vegito/Buuhan doesn't need to be anywhere near 400x. Rilldo commented that Goku wasn't even using half of his power, when it was revealed to him that Goku could go Super Saiyan. That would be a tremendous understatement if going by the 50x Super Saiyan multiplier. 2.5x, or maybe a little higher, would fit nicely with how Rilldo's quote was delivered. With that said, the Base Goku/Kid Buu chain that you questioned me about can work without going way out of bounds in terms of further power differences.

supercat said:
I didn't see the Buutenks absorbed part. Anyway, that would at most double Buuhan's power and wouldn't be of much help against Second Form Rild, much less Meta Rild.
If that's what you think, then ok. At least you've answered now.

supercat said:
So what, are you saying if one person already answers a question, I'm no longer allowed to? I thought this was an open discussion.
I never said that you were not allowed to. When we answer a matchup in this thread, it's usually the most recent one posted. Going back to old ones can disrupt the flow of the thread. The occasional moments in which people answer previous ones is due to them being ninja'd (when someone has answered what you were in the process of answering).


Dec 13, 2016
Spiral-Force said:
Keedounan said:
If the statement about the SSJ4 drawing the Saiyan to its utmost limit is anything to go by, SSJ4 Goku (Super scaling) alone should be able to stomp Beerus, let alone Gogeta.
I clearly said Super scaling for the STATEMENT. SSJ4 Goku has no chance if SSJ4 Gogeta isn't certain he can beat Beerus.

Alright alright.

Then Champa wins since I doubt Gogeta would be that much stronger than Beerus, if at all. So he'd be unable to finish off Beerus before the time limit kicks in. Plus, Champa has the Energy of Destruction's abilities that would give a hard time to Gogeta.

DBZ Krillin vs DBZ Vegeta on who has the bigger own count.

Easily Krillin even without taking into account fillers. Krillin got wrecked in pretty much all of his major fights, except the Saibamen.

Kid Chi-Chi VS Videl
- Chi-Chi isn't allowed to use her helmet.
- If Chi-Chi stomps, allow Videl to get helped by Mr Satan.

Ultimate Cell

High Class Warrior
Jan 3, 2017
Keedounan said:
Spiral-Force said:
Keedounan said:
If the statement about the SSJ4 drawing the Saiyan to its utmost limit is anything to go by, SSJ4 Goku (Super scaling) alone should be able to stomp Beerus, let alone Gogeta.
I clearly said Super scaling for the STATEMENT. SSJ4 Goku has no chance if SSJ4 Gogeta isn't certain he can beat Beerus.

Alright alright.

Then Champa wins since I doubt Gogeta would be that much stronger than Beerus, if at all. So he'd be unable to finish off Beerus before the time limit kicks in. Plus, Champa has the Energy of Destruction's abilities that would give a hard time to Gogeta.

DBZ Krillin vs DBZ Vegeta on who has the bigger own count.

Easily Krillin even without taking into account fillers. Krillin got wrecked in pretty much all of his major fights, except the Saibamen.

Kid Chi-Chi VS Videl
- Chi-Chi isn't allowed to use her helmet.
- If Chi-Chi stomps, allow Videl to get helped by Mr Satan.
Disagree with you on that.


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
Kid Chi-Chi VS Videl
- Chi-Chi isn't allowed to use her helmet.
- If Chi-Chi stomps, allow Videl to get helped by Mr Satan.

Chi-Chi stomps. Yamcha called her fearsome. I doubt he would say that if her Helmut was the only reason for her killing the dinosaur.

Chaozu and Yajirobe vs a Saibaman


Low Class Warrior
Jun 28, 2016

I feel like SSJ3 Goku by the time he faced off against Baby Vegeta had already surpassed SSJ Vegetto (Buu saga) given how powerful his base form started off. Even if, the 50x multiplier was reduced (though I find this very unlikely), SSJ3 should still be on the low end be 10x stronger than base for the transformation to elicit as much attention from Gohan and Goten as it did. And being ten times stronger than a warrior who is likely at least two times stronger than Kid Buu should at least be on par with SSJ Vegetto. This is why I was trying to suggest something along the lines of Baby Vegeta 1 > SSJ3 Goku > / = SSJ Vegetto > SSJ2 Goku > SSJ Goku > Base Goku > Kid Buu.

As for responding back to old posts, I had no idea. I'm used to a thread similar to this on another forum so I felt it was okay to go back. Thanks for the heads up though!

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
I see no reason to go against their V-Jump numbers, so the Saibaiman stomps them in terms of power. However, I believe the duo would win overall due to Chaozu's telekinesis, as well as his self-destuction causing Yajirobe to win by default if it's taken into account.

Pride Troopers (minus Jiren, Toppo and Dyspo) VS U6 Arc Piccolo
- Manga versions of all.

SSJ3 Gothic

Super Elite
Staff member
Global Moderator
Red Ribbon Army
May 30, 2015
Animelover5487 said:
Kid Chi-Chi VS Videl
- Chi-Chi isn't allowed to use her helmet.
- If Chi-Chi stomps, allow Videl to get helped by Mr Satan.

Chi-Chi stomps. Yamcha called her fearsome. I doubt he would say that if her Helmut was the only reason for her killing the dinosaur.

Chaozu and Yajirobe vs a Saibaman



Low Class Warrior
Jun 28, 2016
Android 17 (ToP) vs SSB Goku (RoF)

My speculation:

Android 17 wins with little to no difficulty. Why? The guy stood up to Toppo, who was implied to be on par with an unspecified level of Goku's Kaioken. On the low end, that would put Base Toppo at 2x Kaioken SSB Goku level, which is a tier that far surpasses any SSB from RoF, the Universe 6 tournament, and possibly even from the early part of Future Trunks saga, considering how much Goku has improved between each of those sagas.

I feel Android 17 is somewhere between SSJRose Goku Black and the SSB Vegeta that wrecked that version of Goku Black if not even stronger. Numerous feats support this.

Fought evenly with SSB Goku. Although both were suppressed, 17 looked like he was hardly trying. All around good indication that Android 17 is indeed on par with an SSB-tier fighter.

Pushed back Aniraza's attack a good distance before going right through it; this was an attack that was powerful enough to push back 5 SSB-tier fighters.

Gave Base Toppo a good fight. Though he was losing the beam clash towards the end, it was fairly even initially. When Frieza launched his blast at Toppo from behind, Android 17's blast from the front engulfed not only Toppo, but Frieza's blast as well.

Was able to contend with Jiren nearly as well as Kaioken x20 SSB Goku and the new SSB Vegeta, both of whom are likely leagues ahead of any of their previous incarnations from previous sagas.

Android 17 > SSJRose Goku Black > SSB Goku / Vegeta (early Future Trunks saga) = SSB Goku / Vegeta (Universe 6 tournament) > Golden Frieza (RoF) > SSB Goku / Vegeta (RoF) > Ritual Form Goku (against Beerus) >>>>>>>> SSJ Vegetto (Buu saga) > Buuhan > Buutenks > Ultimate Gohan (Buu saga) > SSJ3 Gotenks > Super Buu > Mr. Buu