
Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Piccolo Daimao ravaging that city and stating that such was just a light demonstration of his powers seems already a feat that can compete with Whitebear'd feats on Marineford, with him being able to destroy the facility when using his most powerful attacks. I don't see a weaker OP character competing against someone who could fingerflick the power that could make a city go poof all while not trying his hardest. Kami defeats Luffy easily, even adding in Katakuri.

22nd Budokai Tenshinhan vs Alabasta Zoro

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
ahill1 said:
Piccolo Daimao ravaging that city and stating that such was just a light demonstration of his powers seems already a feat that can compete with Whitebear'd feats on Marineford, with him being able to destroy the facility when using his most powerful attacks. I don't see a weaker OP character competing against someone who could fingerflick the power that could make a city go poof all while not trying his hardest.
That was a fairly small city Daimao destroyed, and Pica already presented some feats that were Mountain+ level:

22nd Budokai Tenshinhan vs Alabasta Zoro
Zoro oneshots, even enduring a Kikoho. Tenshinhan has no reason to be above Large Building level and with the Kikoho, he's Multi-City Block level at best. Zoro in general is already MCB level via-scaling from Luffy's feats against Crocodile (his first punch alone from the Gomu Gomu no Storm overpowering the Desert Spada and the full attack in general was on the upper end of this tier).

Zamasu VS Dyspo
- Manga versions of both.
- Present Zamasu. Assume there's no difference in power between present and future Zamasu if you didn't already.


Dec 13, 2016
Considering how easily Dyspo was dancing around ToP SSJ2 Goku and 17 sustained some damage when he fought him, I'd consider it a stomp in his favor unless he drops his guard long enough for Zamasu to lock him with his Telekinesis.

Hit VS CSSJB Vegeta
-Manga for both
-Assume Hit has access to the same assassination techniques as the anime version.
-If Vegeta gets stomped, he revives himself with a ki blast and continues the fight with full intel on Hit's techniques.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
That was a fairly small city Daimao destroyed, and Pica already presented some feats that were Mountain+ level:
Piccolo also stated such was a small demonstration and that he could destroy the world if he wanted to (although not in one attack, obviously). That seems to go in hand with Sengoku stating Whitebeard has the power to destroy the world, pretty similar statements. I'd say placing them on par seems fine.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
ahill1 said:
Captain Cadaver said:
That was a fairly small city Daimao destroyed, and Pica already presented some feats that were Mountain+ level:
Piccolo also stated such was a small demonstration and that he could destroy the world if he wanted to (although not in one attack, obviously). That seems to go in hand with Sengoku stating Whitebeard has the power to destroy the world, pretty similar statements. I'd say placing them on par seems fine.
Both of which are obvious hyperbole not referring to a single attack when Daimao's best attack only destroyed a city and the V-Jump entry suggests that 23rd TB Goku's Super Kamehameha is at best capable of destroying the moon; whilst Whitebeard's abilities make a planetary cataclysm via chain reaction not that difficult to achieve and his best feats have only been somewhere between Large Island and Small Continent level.

Keedounan said:
Hit VS CSSJB Vegeta
-Manga for both
-Assume Hit has access to the same assassination techniques as the anime version.
-If Vegeta gets stomped, he revives himself with a ki blast and continues the fight with full intel on Hit's techniques.
Assuming this is ToP Hit, he stomps regardless of Vegeta's intel. His power was already on par with PSSB Goku and his Time Lag was capable of affecting a Jiren neither of them could do anything against together. Add in his anime techniques such as his shockwaves and Vegeta has no chance.

Topspo VS Jiren (VS SSBE Vegeta)
- Toppo and Dyspo use the Potara fusion, achieving the same boost Kale and Caulifla did when becoming Kefla.
- Manga versions of all characters.
- If Topspo wins, Jiren can use his full power.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
CC said:
Both of which are obvious hyperbole not referring to a single attack when Daimao's best attack only destroyed a city and the V-Jump entry suggests that 23rd TB Goku's Super Kamehameha is at best capable of destroying the moon; whilst Whitebeard's abilities make a planetary cataclysm via chain reaction not that difficult to achieve and his best feats have only been somewhere between Large Island and Small Continent level.
Whitebeard's feats on Marineford weren't as impressive as you're making them out to be either. He destroyed the facility and torn it two, separating the pirates from the marine guys. He didn't even get to destroy the entirety of Marineford, only ravaging it like Piccolo did with his Bakurikimaha. Like I said, destroying the world can still hold weight if it doesn't refer to an attack in specific. Since there're two similar statements regarding their feats, having Whitebeard at that Piccolo's level isn't a stretch, specially since Piccolo Junior who although stronger isn't leagues and league apart, could destroy the moon with a casual blast. Piccolo Daimao would also destroy a city from time to time to instill terror into the population, so he can claim feats on par with what WB has shown at Marineford imo. If weighted Piccolo can destroy a natural satellite which takes up a quarter of Earth's diameter and Kami shouldn't be that below that level via scaling, G4 Luffy isn't competing against him imo.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
ahill1 said:
Whitebeard's feats on Marineford weren't as impressive as you're making them out to be either.

specially since Piccolo Junior who although stronger isn't leagues and league apart, could destroy the moon with a casual blast.
That only shows BoZ Piccolo is tiers above them. Battle powers don't provide linear scaling. If they did, 1st form Freeza being only 106,000x stronger than a regular human shouldn't even make him a planet buster.
That, and 23rd TB Piccolo's best feat was a Small Country level attack from his strongest attack, of which he certainly didn't care about holding back the environmental damage.

I would advise continuing this in a versus topic pertaining to it in specific if wishing to, since this topic by design isn't meant for singular discussion to continue for much more than 1-2 posts.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
That only shows BoZ Piccolo is tiers above them. Battle powers don't provide linear scaling. If they did, 1st form Freeza being only 106,000x stronger than a regular human shouldn't even make him a planet buster.
That, and 23rd TB Piccolo's best feat was a Small Country level attack from his strongest attack, of which he certainly didn't care about holding back the environmental damage.

Even when not scaling power levels linearly, Kami can't be that much below that level when he should be feasibly above Tenshinhan, who's probably inferior to even Popo. It also goes in line with him going toe to toe with Piccolo in the 23rd Budokai when this latter was wearing his cape and turbant.

As for WB, while his earthquake could be felt in remote islands, the feats actually displayed on Marineford, shown to us in page, wasn't that impressive to contend with top tiers from part 1, I'd say. I'd again point out to Marineford's facility not being completely destroyed, only ravaged. So while his power can affect distant islands, it seems the feats he can claim while applying that power to a a single area aren't out of the realm of part 1.

Although yeah, moving this discussion to an appropriate thread would be better.


Dec 13, 2016
Captain Cadaver said:
Topspo VS Jiren (VS SSBE Vegeta)
- Toppo and Dyspo use the Potara fusion, achieving the same boost Kale and Caulifla did when becoming Kefla.
- Manga versions of all characters.
- If Topspo wins, Jiren can use his full power.

Since it seems Kefla wasn't any stronger than Kale (Vados seems to think she merely combines Kale's raw power with Caulifla's fighting instincts), I'm afraid Topspo wouldn't win if he had their (lack of) boost.

Assuming they did get stronger, though, I'd say Topspo wins until Jiren goes-all-out.

CSSJB Vegetto VS The twelve Hakaishins
* Vegetto lasts 5 minutes.
* In the first round, no one fights to kill, so the Hakai and Spirit Sword are prohibited. In the second round, everyone goes all-out.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Round 1 - Vegetto wins. 5 minutes is more than enough, given how the ToP portrays even less time as a lot for a fight between far lesser characters. With how sub-par the Hakaishin are in terms of teamwork (to the extent even them all targeting Beerus couldn't bring him down and he even got the better of about 3 of them at once), a far stronger Vegetto definitely takes this.

Round 2 - The Hakaishin probably win as they have far greater mastery of Hakai as well as sealing techniques, not to mention their own unique techniques. Vegetto would probably beat most of them before being brought down though.

Post-Karin Kuririn VS Taopaipai
- Kuririn from the 21st TB goes through the same training with Karin as Goku did, making proportional gains.
- If Kuririn loses, have him face Akkuman instead.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Loses to Tao Pai Pai as there seemed to be a bigger gap between Goku and Kuririn at the 21st than between Goku and Tao, for sure. Roshi swiflty took out Kuririn once he got serious, whereas against Tao Pai Pai, Goku had to visibly put effort into his attacks and defense, got hit by Tao Pai Pai when both were serious and Tao's all out assault had an effect on him. Against Akkuman it's harder to answer... Goku one-shotted Akkuman when he got serious, which also happened to Kuririn during his fight against Roshi, someone who's Goku's equal. I'd still give it to Kuririn though if the Aku-Mite is banned, as Goku knocking Akkuman, whose body got partially through the wall, seems more impressive than Roshi's feats against Kuririn at the Budokai.

Nappa vs Paragus

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Assuming Nappa is limited to his ~4k level he used prior to Goku's arrival, Paragus wins due to superior power and not being susceptible to standard psyche-out tactics as Nappa often is. If Nappa uses the power he did against Goku, however, he stomps.

1st form Hildegarn VS South Kaioshin Boo
- Boo has intel on Hildegarn's abilities, whilst Boo's regeneration is banned.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Boo has the power to take this out if he doesn't get too confident on his defense and lets a significant portion of his body tp be blown out, which I think he wouldn't with the knowledge that he isn't so immune physically.

Gotenks SSJ3 vs South Kaioshin

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
I'd say via-scaling in assuming South Kaioshin Boo = Pure Boo + South Kaioshin that SK ought to be not too far behind Gotenks. With his battle experience, he can probably outlast Gotenks until the SS3 form saps away at his stamina.

DCAU Justice League VS Post-Choshinsui Goku
- Group consists of the core members (ie. the Pre-Unlimited roster). They have intel on Goku's power, whilst Goku has no intel on them.
- Goku starts off at the level he was at when he killed Drum, but can go all-out if necessary.
- Round 1: Regular stats. Round 2: Speed equalised.


Jan 27, 2016
Well, I have no idea who would win this match and since it's been almost three weeks I'm guessing no one else does either. So, gonna skip it for the sake of reviving this thread if that's okay.

Majin Vegeta, SSJ2 Goku, SSJ2 Gohan, SSJ Goten, SSJ Trunks, Piccolo, Dabura and Supreme Kai vs Janemba.

Round 1: Fat Janemba
Round 2: Super Janemba

If the team gets stomped horribly then add Mr. Buu to their team. All the characters are at their Buu arc pre-training levels.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Fat Janemba gets gang raped by the team, Super Janemba stomps them all with or without Mr. Boo.

SSJ Broly (DBS) vs. base Kefla, SSJB Galu, and SSJG Vegeta (anime)


Dec 13, 2016
Broly has easily defeated two SSBs by turning Super Saiyan in the movie. A SSB aided only by two SSG levels is a stomp. Goku's only hope is to use Kaioken, and even then, this might not even be enough.

Base Broly (DBS) VS Base Kale (Manga)


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Base Broly fought post-ToP SSJ Vegeta well enough to force him to turn SSJG, and later powered up more through fighting Galu so I give him the edge here.

Lssj Broly (DBS) vs. Quitela

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Broly wins. Whilst roughly equal to Beerus in power, Quitela hasn't shown to possess any unique skills beyond the standard Hakaishin abilities and Broly's power is known to constantly rise.

SSJ Vegetto (FT Arc) VS ToP Gohan
- Manga versions of both.
- Vegetto can go SS2 if he gets stomped.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
SSJ2 Vegetto utterly stomps, SSJ Vegetto would be a good fight and would most likely just barely win through better skill.

General Blue vs. Sai (Hikaru no Go) vs. 4th form Freeza vs. Yuda (HnK) in effeminacy contest

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Who the fuck is this
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