Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Vegeta suggesting that Goku's superiority to him wouldn't be the case if he weren't a Super Saiyan would have me say Vegeta is at least above Namek Base Goku at that point.

SS3 Paragus (DBS Broly) VS Post-Nail Piccolo (no weights)
- No SS3 strain.
- Post-Zenkai Gohan can helps Piccolo out if he loses the first round.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
about even so gotta give it to piccolo. if gohan adds him then it's an easy win.

Pirate Chilled vs Vegeta (pre final Zenkai)

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Chilled would be lucky to even be as strong as the Vegeta who fought Reacoom. His lip bled when taking a punch from Base Bardock and the most he did to SSJ Bardock was superficial damage to his armour. He honestly doesn't need to be much higher than 20k.

Brojack runs the Boo Arc gauntlet.
- LSSJ M8 Broly and Super Bojack Potara fuse, getting the same boost as Kibitoshin did.
- Infinite fusion time.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
It's tough to gauge Kibitoshin's boost because Kaioshin and Kibito were far from each other to begin with and the Potara fusion doesn't require equaling powers firstly. Assuming it's the same boost granted to Kaioshin, then I'd say that Brojack doesn't get very far as going from >>> Piccolo to <= SSJ2 Majin Vegeta isn't that big of a boost. Applying the boost to the strongest of the fusees, Bojack, he'd be losing to fat Boo and powers past it.

Assuming the fusees take on the boost Kibito got, analysing from this side of the boost, then they'd be indeed a forced to be reckoned with in the Boo saga. Applying it to Bojack's power, Brojack would fall considerably behind SSJ3 Gotenks, but would still be able to take out his lower states.

Kuririn (fight against freeza) vs Captain Ginyu

-- No bodies switch allowed

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Hard to really gauge Kuririn when there are several flaws to the Vegeta + Kuririn + Gohan > Hypothetical transformed Freeza line of thinking. I'll just go with the V-Jump level for him at 75k, so Ginyu stomps.

Saiyan Arc Yajirobe VS BoZ Goku and Piccolo (no weights)
- Goku can use the Kamehameha, but Piccolo can't use the Makankosappo.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Yajirobe was given a 970 or so battle power by the Weekly Shonen Jump which doesn't contradict much of anything with the only info available in the manga being he is way above Kami, but slacked more in his training than the other earthlings. So given that, with the KMHMH whose BP is 924 being the highest power they could generate, Yajirobe has got this without problems, even more accounting for the fact that his durability is proven to be even above what his power would dictate with Goku when first meeting him noting he was the toughest guy he has ever met.

Chaozu (battle against vegeta and nappa) vs Piccolo (battle against raditz)

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Definitely Chaozu, given how nothing contradicts the 610 rating and the only techniques that would allow Piccolo to win (Makankosappo and maybe the Chobakuhatsuha) require him to charge them up in a stationary position, and the latter may not cause severe damage to Chaozu when he could take some damage from Nappa.

Cell Games SSJ Vegeta's Final Explosion VS SPC
- Same amp as in the Boo Arc.
- Regeneration isn't a factor. Assume it completely vaporises Cell if he can't endure it.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
While according to my beatifully crafted numbers Vegeta's disadvantage against SPC was a little bigger, it wasn't really by that significant of an amount and considering it vaporized Boo sans a few fragments, I'd say SPC would be at least badly injured and not in the condition to fight after it. Maybe you could argue that Boo's durability in regards to having parts of his body blown up is lower in general, but in this case it'd be the only piece of evidence to theorize how such attack would fare against SPC.

SPC + Zenkai runs the Boo arc gauntlet

-- SPC gets a Zenkai whose amount is similar to the one he got when turning into "SPC". How far does he get?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Considering the boost was nowhere near as great as SS2, with FP Perfect Cell having been far stronger than SSJ Gohan and still being weaker than his SS2 self, I'd say Cell would stomp the SS2s, but be at a clear disadvantage against Pre-Rosat Base Gotenks or Good Boo.

Saiyan Arc Yamuhan/Tencha runs the Namek Arc gauntlet.
- Metamoran fusion of Yamcha and Tenshinhan, getting the same boost as Pre-Rosat Gotenks (if you believe he got a greater boost post-Rosat).
- Fusion time applies, but resets after each match.
- Yamuhan can use the Kikoho, but only once.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Consulting my numbers and assigning the same boost pre RoSaT Gotenks got, that would make Tencha closing in on pre final Zenkai Vegeta and 1st form Freeza but still inferior, so they stop there. It's worth noting though that I abide by the lesser boost provided by the SSJ amp with fusions, so if I considered when calculating the boost how much stronger the SSJ state alone got for the kids post fusing, I'd get a considerably lower boost than if I looked into it from a pure base vs base perspective, which is what I did for this battle.

Super Cell Junior vs Goku SSJ (cell games)

--- the Cell Junior is conceived by SPC instead of pre Zenkai Cell.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Assuming the Cell Juniors' power was based on Cell's full power at the time, Goku still wins after a tough fight. If their power was determined from Cell's Real Speed level that he was using at the time, then SPC Jr. wins as long as it isn't engulfed by a Shunkan Ido Kamehameha.

Vic and Naraku (DBO) VS Base Gotenks (post-Rosat)
- These two Dark Namekians were capable of fighting against Pure Majins, which should be equal to Pure Boo.
- Gotenks' fusion time still applies. He can go SSJ if losing in base.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Assuming they aren't far from Kid Boo's realm, base Gotenks post RoSaT stomps given the large gap implied to be between him and Kid Boo, SSJ3 Goku. Surpassing the estimations Piccolo had for Gotenks, with green man going from believing it'd take a miracle for Gotenks to win to thinking he may cut it, with the Namekian already knowing the kids' potential for gains speaks tons to post room Gotenks power, specially when kid Trunks seems also to share Piccolo's "he might win it" sentiment.

Chi-Chi (23rd Budokai) vs Drum

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
I'd give it to Chichi, considering he could make Goku flustered when dodging her punches when his shouki and yuuki were depleted.

Oozaru Bardock VS Kuririn (Freeza battle)


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
I'm generally going by the 75,000 figure given to Kuririn at the battle against Freeza, while Bardock in the TV special was said to be close to 10,000, making his Oozaru state close to 100k. I think his speed might not be totally in balance with what a power of that realm should imply, but he has a considerable advantage over Kuririn enough that he could bypass this problem imo. But in-character though and assuming likely events, Kuririn may just cut his tail as he knows this flaw to the Oozaru state and Bardock might not protect it well enough if no Intel were given.

Trunks SSJ (mecha freeza arc) and Goku SSJ (post yardrat) vs Piccolo (battle against gero).

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Piccolo wins. He has quite a few techniques that can serve to knock his opponents back and use this as the opportunity to pick off both fighters on their own.

SSJ Badman Vegeta VS 100% Mecha Freeza & King Cold


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
I generally do have this Vegeta at Namek Goku's level, so his SSJ would be slightly below Mecha Freeza. With Cold and Freeza fighting together, the prince has no chance.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Hard to say. By what rules are established, the gains made from Earthly training should be pretty minimal after experiencing Kaio's, so Ten even getting to Ginyu's level is pretty doubtful. If taking into account DBZ Kakarot due to Toriyama's involvement, then he stands a chance when implying Ten's power a few months into the training could impress Base Goku, though the game also implies post-Boo Arc SS2 Vegeta could surpass SS3 Gotenks, so taking it with a grain of salt may be for the best. That said, nothing in the manga canon would suggest Tenshinhan can reach such a level (other than Gero's estimations which don't have the best track record).

Ultimate Namekian Piccolo runs the Super Gauntlet
- Piccolo fuses with Saonel and Pirina. With each fusion, their powers are added, then given the same multiplier fusing with Nail gave him.
- Round 1: Anime continuity. Round 2: Manga continuity


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Manga-wise, he gets up to God's level via scaling from the SSJs during the U-6 tournament, but anything beyond that is doubtful. I'd wager his anime self would be even lower in the scale as it doesn't contain the "less than 10% Blue being ~ SSJ" implications, though it has shown to be inconsistent with things like #18 not being instantly overwhelmed by Blue Goku and other minor instances requiring the usage of the Blue transformation, so it's always a grey area.

Goku and Vegeta (androids arc, pre RoSaT) vs future #18 and #17

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
I'd place even Future #18 above SSJ Vegeta, so the twins win with high-diff at most.

Kibito VS 100% Freeza
- Kibito can't use the Ssjin3 power that allowed him to fight Zamasu :troll
- Freeza's stamina drain still applies.

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