Yo so this is indisputable fact


Oct 10, 2015
Why is this concept so difficult for the people on this site. The galaxy has been torn apart. There are still some planets left. Why oh why, is this so difficult to comprehend? Broly is a Galaxy ruiner. If King Piccolo city nuke left several buildings around, would we not say he's not capable of ruining a city? This is madness. This is on par with the liberal madness infecting our country. I bet everyone who says that it takes Broly 1,000 years to blow up a Galaxy voted for Hillary.


High Class Warrior
Mar 6, 2016
First of all; I have already said i adhere to the interpretation that Broly was destroying civilizations; and Planet Shamo agrees with me.

Second; I'm not even american, i'm brazilian.


Super Elite
Apr 2, 2017
Tapion said:
The video you posted doesn't prove anything. First of all, it's from SethTheProgammer, which already invalidates it.

What's so bad about SethTheProgrammer?


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Tapion said:
First of all; I have already said i adhere to the interpretation that Broly was destroying civilizations; and Planet Shamo agrees with me.

Second; I'm not even american, i'm brazilian.

Then you change Hillary to Dilma.

Pocket - Gog~ said:
Tapion said:
The video you posted doesn't prove anything. First of all, it's from SethTheProgammer, which already invalidates it.

What's so bad about SethTheProgrammer?

I think this has something to do with his awful Cell-Buu Saga powerscale.


Oct 10, 2015
So Broly can destroy majority of life over the entirety of the Galaxy?


High Class Warrior
Aug 9, 2016
Tapion said:
Take it up with whomever created the Broly movie because Broly is stronger than given credit for.
The guy who created Broly, Takao Koyama, said in an interview that every movie villain was stronger than the one from the previous movie, which would put Movie 8 Broly below Bojack, who showed feats on par with Perfect Cell(Full Power). Therefore, Broly is at most around top-tier Cell Games powers.

Not to mention he said in the same interview that comparing Beerus to Broly would be like comparing a top-tier wrestler to a extremely amateurish one. And yet you try to put him at Super Saiyan God level.

1. To be absolutely clear Broly did not one shot a galaxy which i've already said.

YES Broly was attacking the Sourthen Section (better).

The Southern Galaxy**

Broly was enough of a serious threat to the Sourthen Section that the Kai of the North North Kai himself got involved.

Because he was worried for the civilization of his own galaxy.

Now if Broly was not seen as a serious threat to the Sourthen Section, to any of the other 3 Sections then why would another Kai get involved.

I have replied to this in my very first rebuttal, and yet you're repeating it. Please stop repeating things i've already replied to. If you feel the need to repeat it at least show a counter to my own reply first.

Broly was seen as a serious threat to the Southern Galaxy because he was destroying its civilizations, which would go against the Kais's duties. Not only you're putting words in my mouth("Broly was not seen as a serious threat to the Southern Galaxy") but you're not countering my rebuttals first.

You rely on herms
The most knowledgeable guy in the fandom, and the one who translated numerous guidebooks. Not to mention he happens to be a fluent Japanese speaker. You rely on youtubers who are actually taking some of their arguments from Herms's translations(out of context at that) which means you're technically relying on him as well. :tapion :tapion

continue using the same arguments both videos i posted have answered.

Neither of the videos have answered ANYTHING about my arguments. Provide the timeframe where that guy replies to my "civilizations" argument and where he replies to Paragus's implications in the movie itself, because i watched the video twice and found absolutely nothing countering that.

You're using the same arguments saying Broly isn't capable of such destruction on that level when North Kai getting involved while Broly is attacking another Section not his Section implies otherwise.

Getting involved because he was worried about his own galaxy's civilizations, since the galaxies don't have any kind of border stopping people from traveling to other galaxies.

Again how many planets make up a galaxy.
How many planets have civilizations on them? Because it would be a hundredth, probably far less going by any logic, or so of the total number of planets in a galaxy.

How many planets with surfaces shown destroyed compared to how many planets that's in a galaxy itself.
All planets in the universe have surfaces, so your statement doesn't make much sense.

Then why are you throwing Pre-Cell Games characters as if they've encountered Cell, trained for PerfectCell's tournament but take time off to screw around with Broly.

Because the strength of the main characters on the movies are taken from their strength in a specific saga, Movie 8's case being Perfect Cell Saga(in other words, a short time period before the Cell Games)

Before the Cell Games started both Goku & Gohan reached SuperSaiyan Full Powered.

That's the 1st time Gohan reached SuperSaiyan in the DragonBall Z series itself.
Pre-Cell Games is before that tournament started.
In Movie8 both Goku & Gohan are SuperSaiyans & SuperSaiyan Goku is more powerful than Gohan.

Movie 8 was released after Gohan was shown as a Super Saiyan in the anime, but before it was revealed he was stronger than Goku, which explains why Gohan<Goku in the movie. It hadn't been revealed yet.

Please think before you post then.
So you do admit Movie8 is its own separate dimension following its own logic in power scaling ?

Movie 8 follows the Perfect Cell Saga, therefore it's not it's "own logic". That's misinterpreting what Akira Toriyama said about the movies being a different dimension.

I'm posting Vegeta & Piccolo's power levels from Akira Toriyama's manga to show the difference in power levels if Movie8 followed Akira Toriyama's scaling. There's still a difference in power.

You're doing that under the opinion Broly can actually destroy a galaxy easily. You assuming he can do so doesn't prove anything in regards to the powerscaling, as i don't follow your opinion. :wink:

To better paint a picture of how the 4 Sections are set up.

A picture which was meant for the guidebooks and the manga, not the movies...

Then you can never ever ever make any arguments from your own assumptions or interruptions again.

Assumptions which are backed up by Herms's translations. Your assumptions are backed up by a picture taken out of context from Toriyama. Said picture was meant for the Daizenshuu and the manga, not the movies, which are different dimensions.

Go For It.
Cause he is providing a much better argument than you are, & till you specifically debate & debunk him face-to-face or video countering his video, i'm going with his arguments.

I hardly care about what you think about my arguments compared to his unless you can prove my arguments wrong. Which you haven't done yet.

Okay 1. Putting without adding who you are quoting doesn't give that member the alert notification.

Please use the proper quote BBCode when quoting another member so they can get the alert notification.

2. I honestly really don't care how much or how little you care because you're the one who hasn't proven Broly not to have a power level in that rang yet only repeatedly said what's done in the movie.

I've given you a much more compelling argument with many more valid points in two videos of which replied to & rebuttal every argument you've made which you cannot prove invalid in your total sum of posts here.

I keep repeating myself waiting to see you offering something worthwhile & so-far you haven't.

Untill you actually can prove Seth's points of view invalid & make his arguments just as worthless as yours are now, i'm sticking with his outlook.


Low Class Warrior
Apr 5, 2017
Syn said:
RSSJ Broly (M8) > Z-Fighters (CG)
LSSJ Broly (M8) = FP PC

SSj Broly (M8) > MSSJ Goku (Buu Saga)
LSSJ Broly (M10) > SSJ2 Goku (Buu Saga) > SPC

Ignoring the power up from RSSJ Broly which was confirmed by Paragus

Also by having Broly FPPC level ( who done nothing but get his ass kick) you are stating that Broly has the weakest transformation in saiyan history, as well as the idea being debunked by M10 showing that SSJ-LSSJ > SSJ - SSJ2.


High Class Warrior
Mar 6, 2016
Pocket - Gog~ said:
Tapion said:
The video you posted doesn't prove anything. First of all, it's from SethTheProgammer, which already invalidates it.

What's so bad about SethTheProgrammer?

That was just me joking around.

VampireWicked said:
I've given you a much more compelling argument with many more valid points in two videos of which replied to & rebuttal every argument you've made which you cannot prove invalid in your total sum of posts here.

I've replied to all of his points. You not acknowledging it doesn't change anything. Since you don''t want to admit you're wrong, i'll just stop replying to you. This is taking us nowhere.


High Class Warrior
Aug 9, 2016
Tapion said:
Pocket - Gog~ said:
Tapion said:
The video you posted doesn't prove anything. First of all, it's from SethTheProgammer, which already invalidates it.

What's so bad about SethTheProgrammer?

That was just me joking around.

VampireWicked said:
I've given you a much more compelling argument with many more valid points in two videos of which replied to & rebuttal every argument you've made which you cannot prove invalid in your total sum of posts here.

I've replied to all of his points. You not acknowledging it doesn't change anything. Since you don''t want to admit you're wrong, i'll just stop replying to you. This is taking us nowhere.
lol You're just repeating what i've told you did extremely poorly..........
VampireWicked said:
I've given you a much more compelling argument with many more valid points in two videos of which replied to & rebuttal every argument you've made which you cannot prove invalid in your total sum of posts here.
& now trying to walk away with the high ground as if you've accomplished something.
OMG LOL, wow.

Every argument you brought up he asked himself & answered & made a much better counter point to each point of denial that Broly is that powerful.

The second video a difference person added PerfectCell, made much better counter arguments.
You go with
Tapion said:
The guy who created Broly, Takao Koyama, said in an interview that every movie villain was stronger than the one from the previous movie, which would put Movie 8 Broly below Bojack, who showed feats on par with Perfect Cell(Full Power).
Therefore, Broly is at most around top-tier Cell Games powers.

Yea top top tier Cell Games when Broly walked through a Super Kamehameha like it was a breeze where PerfectCell gets the top half blown apart.
Or the fact the PerfectCell & Goku traded melee attacks with Goku holding his own.
But against Broly Goku got totally owned along with Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo.

And here's the full statement about Movie characters Bojack & Broly movie order & villain power.

It was stated by Takao Koyama, that when making Dragon Ball movies was that the next movie villain that Goku fought would always have to be at least stronger than the previous villain Goku fought. This may make him stronger than Movie 8 Broly.

However, in Bojack's case, due to his death when he sacrificed himself to save Earth, he never fought Goku (save for the brief moment in the film where Goku punched him), so this may not apply.

It should be noted however that Bojack does seem to follow the trend of being weaker than the villain of the next film as Movie 10 Broly managed to put up a decent fight against SSJ2 Adult Gohan, as well as the latter comparing Broly's Super Saiyan state in terms of power to their last encounter when Broly was a Legendary Super Saiyan.

So you either didn't watch both videos completely & would have no credible argument against them, or after the few times i've told you confront seth & make his points worthless as i eagerly awaited that back & forth, after saying you could you haven't.
Meaning you obviously can't prove any points made from either video invalid.

So yes you are getting nowhere & I am done with you.
Good day to you sir.


High Class Warrior
Mar 6, 2016
VampireWicked said:
lol You're just repeating what i've told you did extremely poorly..........

I literally couldn't care less about what you think of my performance in this debate. While i replied to almost every single part of your posts, all you did was repeat the same thing over and over while simultaneously failing to provide any kind of counterargument to my points whatsoever, and in the rare case where you did try to counter my points, i offered a rebuttal and you were back to square one; calling his arguments "more compelling", as if that meant anything to me, and failing to even interpret my points correctly.

now trying to walk away with the high ground as if you've accomplished something.
I've accomplished enough, since you failed to reply to my arguments. :tapion

Every argument you brought up he asked himself & answered & made a much better counter point to each point of denial that Broly is that powerful.

Let's review your arguments;
>>> Seth replied to all my points, even though at least three parts of my arguments aren't even mentioned on his video.
>>> Failed to provide the timeframe for when he countered my civilizations argument
>>> Failed to acknowledge the fact Seth's translations are taken from Herms, who just so happens to agree with me.
>>> Failed to acknowledge the movie itself, which has evidence for the civilizations theory, including Planet Shamo still existing and Broly's flashbacks.


Yea top top tier Cell Games when Broly walked through a Super Kamehameha like it was a breeze where PerfectCell gets the top half blown apart.

You're completely ignoring the context of the scene. First of all, M8 Goku<<Cell Games Goku. Second, Cell was massively suppressed. Third, Cell was caught completely off guard by the attack. And finally, the Kamehameha that blew up Cell's torso was Goku's strongest and most charged move until the Boo Saga. He took many minutes to gather the necessary ki in the manga, going as far as to lose almost all of his energy after releasing the attack. M8 Goku's Kamehameha didn't even dent his energy.

Or the fact the PerfectCell & Goku traded melee attacks with Goku holding his own.

With Cell being massively suppressed and Goku barely holding his own at that; to the point where Vegeta stated Goku had no chance of winning the fight, and Cell himself said that even if Goku ate a senzu and fought him again while his energy was low, he would only have a tiny chance of victory. Not to mention even Gohan, who was considerably stronger than Goku at this time, would never defeat Cell unless he unleashed all of his powers. In other words, you're wrong.

But against Broly Goku got totally owned along with Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo.

Movie 8 = Perfect Cell Saga. Therefore, the characters are not Cell Games level yet, rendering your point moot.

It was stated by Takao Koyama, that when making Dragon Ball movies was that the next movie villain that Goku fought would always have to be at least stronger than the previous villain Goku fought. This may make him stronger than Movie 8 Broly.

However, in Bojack's case, due to his death when he sacrificed himself to save Earth, he never fought Goku (save for the brief moment in the film where Goku punched him), so this may not apply.

Are you seriously twisting the interview that badly just because you don't want Broly to look weak? The only movie in the entire series where Goku wasn't the hero was Movie 9. It's more than clear that he meant the movies as a whole, because in twelve out of the thirteen original movies, only a single one hadn't Goku as the big hero. Therefore, when Koyama says "Goku", he means the "hero of the movies".

It should be noted however that Bojack does seem to follow the trend of being weaker than the villain of the next film as Movie 10 Broly managed to put up a decent fight against SSJ2 Adult Gohan, as well as the latter comparing Broly's Super Saiyan state in terms of power to their last encounter when Broly was a Legendary Super Saiyan.

Completely irrelevant to the discussion. I never mentioned Movie 10 nor do i intend to, as we are discussing Movie 8 and 9 here.

So you either didn't watch both videos completely & would have no credible argument against them, or after the few times i've told you confront seth & make his points worthless as i eagerly awaited that back & forth, after saying you could you haven't.

I don't need to confront anyone. I'm not debating with him; i'm debating with you. Therefore, i prove his points wrong when you present them in the debate. Please stop using him as a scapegoat, because it doesn't do anything other than making you look foolish.

So yes you are getting nowhere & I am done with you.
Good day to you sir.

If you can't disprove anything in regards to my rebuttal, yes, we're done here.
Have a nice day.


High Class Warrior
Aug 9, 2016
Tapion said:
VampireWicked said:
lol You're just repeating what i've told you did extremely poorly..........

I literally couldn't care less about what you think of my performance in this debate. While i replied to almost every single part of your posts, all you did was repeat the same thing over and over while simultaneously failing to provide any kind of counterargument to my points whatsoever, and in the rare case where you did try to counter my points, i offered a rebuttal and you were back to square one; calling his arguments "more compelling", as if that meant anything to me, and failing to even interpret my points correctly.

now trying to walk away with the high ground as if you've accomplished something.
I've accomplished enough, since you failed to reply to my arguments. :tapion

Every argument you brought up he asked himself & answered & made a much better counter point to each point of denial that Broly is that powerful.

Let's review your arguments;
>>> Seth replied to all my points, even though at least three parts of my arguments aren't even mentioned on his video.
>>> Failed to provide the timeframe for when he countered my civilizations argument
>>> Failed to acknowledge the fact Seth's translations are taken from Herms, who just so happens to agree with me.
>>> Failed to acknowledge the movie itself, which has evidence for the civilizations theory, including Planet Shamo still existing and Broly's flashbacks.


Yea top top tier Cell Games when Broly walked through a Super Kamehameha like it was a breeze where PerfectCell gets the top half blown apart.

You're completely ignoring the context of the scene. First of all, M8 Goku<<Cell Games Goku. Second, Cell was massively suppressed. Third, Cell was caught completely off guard by the attack. And finally, the Kamehameha that blew up Cell's torso was Goku's strongest and most charged move until the Boo Saga. He took many minutes to gather the necessary ki in the manga, going as far as to lose almost all of his energy after releasing the attack. M8 Goku's Kamehameha didn't even dent his energy.

Or the fact the PerfectCell & Goku traded melee attacks with Goku holding his own.

With Cell being massively suppressed and Goku barely holding his own at that; to the point where Vegeta stated Goku had no chance of winning the fight, and Cell himself said that even if Goku ate a senzu and fought him again while his energy was low, he would only have a tiny chance of victory. Not to mention even Gohan, who was considerably stronger than Goku at this time, would never defeat Cell unless he unleashed all of his powers. In other words, you're wrong.

But against Broly Goku got totally owned along with Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo.

Movie 8 = Perfect Cell Saga. Therefore, the characters are not Cell Games level yet, rendering your point moot.

It was stated by Takao Koyama, that when making Dragon Ball movies was that the next movie villain that Goku fought would always have to be at least stronger than the previous villain Goku fought. This may make him stronger than Movie 8 Broly.

However, in Bojack's case, due to his death when he sacrificed himself to save Earth, he never fought Goku (save for the brief moment in the film where Goku punched him), so this may not apply.

Are you seriously twisting the interview that badly just because you don't want Broly to look weak? The only movie in the entire series where Goku wasn't the hero was Movie 9. It's more than clear that he meant the movies as a whole, because in twelve out of the thirteen original movies, only a single one hadn't Goku as the big hero. Therefore, when Koyama says "Goku", he means the "hero of the movies".

It should be noted however that Bojack does seem to follow the trend of being weaker than the villain of the next film as Movie 10 Broly managed to put up a decent fight against SSJ2 Adult Gohan, as well as the latter comparing Broly's Super Saiyan state in terms of power to their last encounter when Broly was a Legendary Super Saiyan.

Completely irrelevant to the discussion. I never mentioned Movie 10 nor do i intend to, as we are discussing Movie 8 and 9 here.

So you either didn't watch both videos completely & would have no credible argument against them, or after the few times i've told you confront seth & make his points worthless as i eagerly awaited that back & forth, after saying you could you haven't.

I don't need to confront anyone. I'm not debating with him; i'm debating with you. Therefore, i prove his points wrong when you present them in the debate. Please stop using him as a scapegoat, because it doesn't do anything other than making you look foolish.

So yes you are getting nowhere & I am done with you.
Good day to you sir.

If you can't disprove anything in regards to my rebuttal, yes, we're done here.
Have a nice day.

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