Since SS3 Goku only appeared once in the anime with his tail I wonder if this was just an animation oversight or if the design was deliberate. In video games like BT3 SS3 GT Goku’s tail is brown so I’m leaning towards it being an oversight/inconsistency in that one scene
Was browsing some of my old forum posts and thought this was one kind of interesting.
If Goten and Trunks could hypothetically turn SS2, would they collectively be strong enough to beat SPC?
Has anyone played these games? I recently started a new file in my let's go Pikachu to get a good nature on my Pikachu and beat it for the first time in about a week. Pretty underwhelming and a little too easy but there is some novelty to it I suppose.
I would be interested in a Let's Go Johto...
I know this is a fairly old topic with not much evidence or reasoning to really accurately gauge, but I'm still posting this anyway. :mikey
Do most people still believe he's weaker than SS2 Vegeta? I'd like to think he could at least be closer to SS3 Goku and Pure Boo. Sure he didn't stay to...
Old Kaioshin says that Goku and Gohan would be able to transform after fusing with the Potara. So that's established. But how would Super Saiyan look on this fusion? Would it get the full boost despite all of Gohan's power being brought out to base? Or could it maybe be a nerfed boost since only...
I think the Zamas saga and TOP could both easily be condensed into movies (maybe two parts for Zamas), and honestly think that would've been better because:
1.) It would cut out a lot of filler and useless fluff, as well as minimize contradictions/inconsistencies
2.) Have much better animation...
Not sure if anyone else saw this. I'm actually fairly excited. There's a demo out now that I haven't tried yet but I've heard there's no more restriction on you and your partner being the same type.
Quick TLDR;
- Remake of the original...
Is anyone still playing this? I just redownloaded it the other day. My friend code is 0099 4672 6292 if anyone wants to be friends. I send gifts daily.
My #1 memorable game file is my original FireRed. It was one of the first times I had ever completely finished a Pokemon game, got a Pokemon to level 100 legitimately (my Charizard starter), and also just one of my first Pokemon games (along with the RSE games). I probably had hundreds of hours...
Title. I used to watch it as a kid and liked it primarily because of Judai's HERO cards. I also found it easier to follow than the original anime. I am considering rewatching it subbed since I've only seen it dubbed and haven't watched it in years. What do you guys think?
Personally, I truly hate these cards and can't be bothered to learn how to play with them. They’re a big reason that I got out of Yugioh. I preferred when Fusion and Ritual monsters were used more. What do y'all think?
A lot of people think Yamcha being a cheater didn't make much sense, since he was always portrayed as a romantic while Bulma was the one always shown lusting over other guys (General Blue, Jackie Chun [just based on his name], Oolong when he was transformed into a handsome man). Some say making...
1. Yellow over Red/Blue
2. Crystal over Gold/Silver
3. Emerald over Ruby/Sapphire
4. Platinum over Diamond/Pearl
(not counting USUM since that's more of a "re-envisioning" rather than a copy with some tweaks)
Which of these four games do you think improved the most upon their predecessor?
Serious answers are preferred to shitposts like "t0ei nonsense".
I don't recall an explanation ever being presented in the anime or GT Perfect Files for why SS4 reverts Goku to his adult body. I've seen some say "SS4's power overpowers the wish from the Black Star Dragon Balls" but I find that...
Most agree that only Gotenks made immense GAINZ in the Room of Spirit and Time while Goten and Trunks only got a little bit stronger at best. This is understandable, since Piccolo had no reaction to Goten and Trunks and was still hoping for a miracle until they fused and he sensed Gotenks's new...
I use "Zamas", but if saying "Zamasu" then I pronounce it "Zama-soo" like the Japanese and English dub. However, whenever I hear people in real life say it, most of them say "Zah-MAH-soo". How do you pronounce it?