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  1. Six Trails

    Bills vs. Nappa

    How long can Nappa's haxed durability keep him alive against the God of Destruction? :mikey
  2. Six Trails

    Which Cyborg 17 hax was worse?

    Super 17 in GT or 17 becoming God tier from beating up poachers in DBS? :mikey I vote for his DBS hax since it's even more of an absurd increase than Super 17's, and Super 17's can at least be partially attributed to HFIL Fighter 17 already starting off so strong.
  3. Six Trails

    "Trunks was shocked at Goku's frankness"

    Everyone is around to see Goku flat-out tell Vegeta he's way stronger than him, so why would Trunks's surprise at Goku telling Piccolo he's useless against Cell come from Goku's frankness? Would he expect Goku to treat Piccolo differently? Perhaps Piccolo really is above 50% Goku like the Cell...
  4. Six Trails

    Is Whis only 1.5x Beers?

    SSG Goku obviously isn't 60% of Beers in Super, but is Beers still 66% of Whis, since nothing contradicted it yet? What do y'all think? :mikey :giraffe :pyro
  5. Six Trails

    What was your favorite Budokai?

    In response to Captain Cadaver's challenge. :mikey Which Budokai in DB was your favorite? Mine is without a doubt the 22nd Budokai. I enjoyed things like the Crane School and Turtle Hermit rivalry, Roshi passing down the torch, and fights with Chaozu/Krillin and Ten/Yamcha. I don't care as much...
  6. Six Trails

    Was Gogeta a Super Saiyan God? :manabu2

    If we assume that off-screen, Pan donated some of her energy to Goku, it's possible Gogeta was a Super Saiyan God. Six pure-hearted Saiyans; Goku, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Vegeta, (and Pan) all contributed to his power, and he had red hair. So, was he was a Super Saiyan God? :manabu2
  7. Six Trails

    Cabbe vs. Boo arc opponents

    1. SS Gotenks (post) 2. SS3 Gotenks 3. Evil Boo 4. Ultimate Gohan 5. Gotenks-Boo 6. Gohan-Boo 7. SS Vegetto 8. SS3 Vegetto (Evil Boo isn't higher on this list for being stronger than Gotenks, but for having infinite stamina and regeneration) Round 1: Base Cabbe (U6 arc) Round 2: SS Cabbe (U6...
  8. Six Trails

    My 25th TB Power Levels :giraffe

    Goku: 90,000,000 SSj: 4,500,000,000 SSj2: 9,000,000,000 SSj3: 36,000,000,000 Vegeta: 80,000,000 SSj: 4,000,000,000 SSj2: 8,000,000,000 Gohan: 50,000,000 SSj: 2,500,000,000 SSj2: 4,000,000,000 SSj2 (enraged): 5,000,000,000 Goten: 450,000 SSj: 22,500,000 Trunks: 453,000 SSj: 22,650,000...
  9. Six Trails

    Which Burdock story do you consider canon?

    Using the term "canon" loosely here, but basically, which Burdock story do you accept in your own canon?
  10. Six Trails

    Is Lunch a Super Saiyan?

    When she sneezes, her strength increases, her ferocity increases, her hair turns blond, and her eyes turn green. So, is she the true original Super Saiya-jin? I think so. :manabu2
  11. Six Trails

    Movie 8 Goku could have killed SP Cell

    The power level of the punch Goku used to defeat Broly in Movie 8 was pretty high, but how high? To figure this out we'd need to look at a similar canon version of this event, Piccolo's kick on Frieza. Gohan and Krillin donated their Ki to Piccolo, allowing him to deliver a kick that dazed...
  12. Six Trails

    Pun vs. Romanization

    When translating a character's name, which do you think should be valued more: preserving the pun or preserving the romanization? For example, Turles and Tullece. ターレス ("Taaresu") is derived from レタス ("retasu"). "Turles" would technically be closer in pronunciation but "Tullece" preserves the...
  13. Six Trails

    Would Gogeta still be stronger than Super Yi Xing Long...

    If Goku hadn't surpassed his limits with Goten, Trunks, Gohan, and Oob's Ki? Not sure if it's stated or suggested anywhere, but I've seen people suggest Vegeta was also brought beyond his limits from the Bruits Waves. If that is the case, then would a fusion of regular SS4 Goku and SS4 Vegeta...
  14. Six Trails

    "That Kayoken attack is a nice trick"...

    gi0_GIAIYCk But I've encountered something just like it before. :kenshi
  15. Six Trails

    Does Gohan have SSjin 2 in GT?

    The only evidence I've seen is he said he was angry against Supa 17 and had a bang. Other than that I don't think anything suggests it. What do y'all think?! :shc
  16. Six Trails

    SSB Gogeta (ToP arc) vs. Geran

    If SSB isn't enough for Gogeta to win, then he can access Vegeta's Royal Blue form. Who wins?
  17. Six Trails

    Base Saiyans in the manga

    There's no statement of Goku absorbing the god Ki from Super Saiyan God in the manga and no Base/SS fight against Beers, so is it safe to assume that the manga Base Saiyans and thus most U6 characters aren't God level?
  18. Six Trails

    Favorite Goku gi

    What is your favorite gi that Goku wears throughout the whole series? Beginning of Dragon Ball gi Red Ribbon and Piccolo Daimao arc gi 23rd TB, Saiyan, and Namek arc gi Cell and Boo arc gi End of Z gi Resurrection F gi Dragon Ball GT gi I didn't get too specific with the different...
  19. Six Trails

    SS3 Kafla vs. Champa

    SS2 Kafla was strong enough to beat Goku but simply couldn't land a hit on him because of Ultra Instinct's defensive properties, right? So if she was 4x stronger (or however much stronger you think SS3 would make her), could she defeat her own universe's God of Destruction?
  20. Six Trails

    Can half-breeds become Super Saiyan 4?

    While there's nothing to suggest that half-Saiyans can't become Super Saiyan 4, do you think it's possible that it is only attainable by pure Saiyans? The GT Perfect Files basically state that it is a different line of transformations than the standard Golden-haired Super Saiyan forms and only...

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