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  1. Six Trails

    Base Fused Zamas

    How strong would Fused Zamas be if Future Zamas fused with Base Kakarot Black? Would he go far in the ToP? :manabu2
  2. Six Trails

    Do we have any idea of the power rankings for the Angels?

    Besides the implication of Vados being slightly stronger than Whis, do we have any idea if any Angels are stronger than Vados or weaker than Whis?
  3. Six Trails

    Gorus vs. Whis

    This Fusion is made through EX Fusion, but for the sake of this thread we'll assume that Gorus is formed via the Potara in this match, since that's the only way Goku and Beers could actually fuse. Could the Saiyan/GoD Fusion beat Whis?
  4. Six Trails

    Did DBS create more timelines in the FT arc?

    I'm a little confused here. Black is from a different timeline than Future Trunks and the Present Z Warriors, and the Zamas that fuses with Black is from Trunks' timeline?
  5. Six Trails

    What are some wacky beliefs you used to have about Dragon Ball?

    The wackiest thing I ever believed is probably when I thought Freeza and Cell were brother and sister. :cena I was young and watching GT on Toonami (or maybe Adult Swim) and saw Freeza and Cell fighting Goku in HFIL and assumed they were siblings for some reason... I also thought Freeza was a...
  6. Six Trails

    Monster Zamas or Multiple Zamas?

    Do you prefer the anime where Fused Zamas is only semi-immortal and his body mutates into that hideous purple form... or the manga where there are multiple Fused Zamas because of his immortal body resisting him defusing? :shc
  7. Six Trails

    Who could Fused Zamas and Vegetto beat in the ToP?

    Who are the strongest fighters that Base Vegetto, Fused Zamas, and Super Saiyan Blue Vegetto could beat in the Tournament of Power? Anime- and manga-wise, if it makes any difference.
  8. Six Trails

    Gogeta in the Future Trunks arc

    Do you all think using Gogeta in the Future Trunks arc would've been a better idea than using Vegetto and retconning the Potara's properties? Or maybe would you have preferred no Fusion at all?
  9. Six Trails

    Dragon Ball Fusions

    Has anyone else played this yet? It's actually pretty fun and has some cool and funny Fusions. I picked Earthling as my race. :facepalm
  10. Six Trails

    Vegetto Red vs. Gogeta Blue

    Super Saiyan God Vegetto vs. Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta Who wins?
  11. Six Trails

    How strong would Cyborg 35 be?

    Since 17 and 18 would have perfect compatibility according to Beers, how strong would their Fusion be, compared to other ToP characters? Would they be stronger than Fusion Zamasu?
  12. Six Trails

    How strong is Boo arc Tenshinhan?

    Chapter: 502 (DBZ 308), P7.1 Context: Boo talks to Goku after knocking out Tenshinhan Boo: “…That guy just now was apparently quite a master, but he was reduced to that state in just 1 one kick...” Gotenks-Boo considers him quite a master and used his feat of knocking out Tenshinhan to...
  13. Six Trails

    Character outfits/designs you'd like to see as alternate costumes

    What are some character designs that, in your opinion, don't get enough attention in video games? A few I would like to see: 1. Gohan's Kaioshin outfit This could easily be used as an alternate costume for Teen Gohan or Ultimate Gohan (though I'd prefer Teen Gohan so you could use SS/SS2 2...
  14. Six Trails

    Timeline Discussion Thread

    Timeline 1 (Main Timeline) Age 763 * Cell (Timeline 3) travels back in time Age 764 * Trunks (Timeline 3) travels back in time and kills Freeza and King Cold Age 767 * No. 19 and No. 20 appear * Trunks (Timeline 4) travels back in time to help the Z Fighters fight the Artificial Humans Age 774...
  15. Six Trails

    Could Goku and Ultimate Gohan even fuse?

    Chapter: 469 (DBZ 275), P6.1-7 Context: after Goku laments that Gohan and Vegeta are dead Goku: “So you know about it, Dende…! That’s right, some people from Metamor who I met in the afterlife taught me that art…It’s a merging technique which can only be performed if two people are fairly close...
  16. Six Trails

    What do you think sensing Ki feels like?

    Compared to other senses, would you say Ki sensing is more specific? For example, I can tell if something is louder than something else, but not by exactly how much, especially if both things are extremely loud. Would you say Ki sensing is similar in that aspect?
  17. Six Trails

    End of Z fill-in

    Curious on everyone's opinions on EoZ powers. It seems like more people (myself included) nowadays only lean towards Base Goku > Good Boo rather than Base Goku ~ Pure Boo. Let's see some numbers for: Goku: ~ SS: ~ SS2: ~ SS3: Vegeta: ~ SS: ~ SS2: Gohan: Good Boo: Pure Boo...
  18. Six Trails

    Further Proof of Gohan training in GT

    The GTPF should be enough on the matter, but Vegeta's statement seems to imply only Goten and Trunks slacked in their training. Just more ammunition for the naysayers I suppose.
  19. Six Trails

    Six Trails watches DBS

    Yes, I am actually going to do this. I really don't want to start at Episode 1 though. Does anyone have a good starting point for me?
  20. Six Trails

    Fat Boo = Evil Boo

    Gokuu only attributes the fact that Boo absorbed Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Pikkoro to him suddenly becoming stronger, not him transforming into Evil Boo. There was also no power-up ever stated when Gray Boo transformed into Evil Boo. Since Fat Boo and Evil Boo have the same components, they...

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