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  1. Six Trails

    Pokémon Sun and Moon Discussion

    So instead of creating a new thread every time more information gets leaked, I thought it would be neater to keep all of the discussion in a single thread, which I will pin. I'll start it off with a discussion point. Does anyone else want Primal Reversions NOT to return in this game? 1. I'm...
  2. Six Trails

    More Pokémon Sun and Moon footage

    XW14HO7C1Dg So basically, the new legendaries' abilities are just fancy versions of Clear Body, and only one of them has a decent typing... Let's hope they have really good stats.
  3. Six Trails

    More Pokémon Sun and Moon footage

    XW14HO7C1Dg So basically, the new legendaries' abilities are just fancy versions of Clear Body, and only one of them has a decent typing... Let's hope they have really good stats.
  4. Six Trails

    Can Base Kids >>> #18 be justified?

    Disclaimer: If you intend to post in this thread about Freeza being stronger than Base Saiyans, don't. This thread is specifically for people who believe otherwise. Now, most people agree that Base Goten and Trunks aren't much higher than #18 since they didn't easily overwhelm her in their...
  5. Six Trails

    Wot is your favorite movie fight

    Mine is SS3 Goku versus Fat Janemba. That punch with the blue electricity is really kewl. :cage1
  6. Six Trails


    He's came up in a few versus threads recently, but I'd like to have an actual discussion on his strength. How strong is he? Can he be stronger than Pure Boo without it technically contradicting anything?
  7. Six Trails

    Best Calm Mind User

    No Ubers. I think Mega Latias is the best since she has reliable recovery in Roost/Recover, immunity to Knock Off, STAB Stored Power, and even Refresh to get rid of status. She even has a decent speed stat; even without investment, she can still outspeed up to positive-natured fully invested...
  8. Six Trails

    New DBZ PLs :et

  9. Six Trails

    Piccolo (Trunks arc) vs. Base Future Gohan

    Scenario 1: One-armed Gohan Scenario 2: Two armed Gohan Who the HFIL wins?! :cage1
  10. Six Trails

    Tenshinhan (Android arc) vs. Nappa

    Someone convince me that Tenshinhan is stronger. :et
  11. Six Trails

    Unaware Clefable vs. Magic Guard Clefable

    Which do you think is more annoying to go against? :cage2
  12. Six Trails

    May tier changes

    Celebi moved from OU to UU Honchkrow moved from UU to RU Gastrodon moved from RU to NU Aggron moved from RU to NU Conkeldurr moved from OU to UU Alakazam-Mega moved from OU to UU Altaria-Mega moved from OU to UU Quagsire moved from NU to OU Smeargle moved from RU to NU Mawile moved from NU to PU...
  13. Six Trails

    Mega Lucario vs. Mega Mewtwo X

    Mega Lucario - Hits harder thanks to Adaptability - Has access to better STAB moves and priority - 4x resistant to Stealth Rock Mega Mewtwo X - Has higher speed - Has higher defenses So which do you think is better? I prefer Lucario because I feel it's advantages are better than Mewtwo's.
  14. Six Trails

    New Mechanics in Sun and Moon

    Gen 5 to Gen 6 had quite a few changes with the Drizzle/Drought/Sand Stream nerf, the Knock Off buff, the Tbolt/Ice Beam/Flamethrower/Draco/some other move I might be missing nerf, and the addition of 10 points to a couple of Pokémons' BSTs. Are there any changes you expect or hope for in the...
  15. Six Trails

    Battle of Gawds Fill Out

    ***No Dragon Ball Super; Movie only*** Where you you place: Godku: Beers (70%): Beers (100%): Whis: My numbers: Godku: 6 Beers (70%): 7 Beers (100%): 10 Whis: 15 :cage2
  16. Six Trails

    Favorite Mega Evolution

    Favorite because it dominates in every metagame it's usable in (besides maybe VGC16 - have to wait and see).
  17. Six Trails

    Most Disappointing Mega Evolution

    Besides Mega Latios (since he is objectively the answer to this thread), which Mega Evolution is the most underwhelming/disappointing to you? For me it's Mega Heracross because it got an amazing Attack stat and good ability only to get it's Speed nerfed and put at an incredibly low Speed tier...
  18. Six Trails

    Vados vs. Whis

    Haven't been keeping up with DBS but from what I recall, Vados claims that she's the stronger of the two and then Whis says that was 1,000 years ago and that he's been training. So who's stronger? I prefer to think that Vados is still slightly stronger, though I'd be willing to change my opinion...
  19. Six Trails

    Hoopa-U banned from OU Any thoughts on this? Personally, I don't really mind as I never used Hoopa that often, though I don't think it actually needed to be banned. It'll probably...
  20. Six Trails

    "Raging" Vegeta

    Using only Battle of Gods (Movie 14; not Dragon Ball Super) prove Raging Vegeta > Evil Boo. Is it even possible?

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FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.
I stand with Mahmoud Khalil 🇵🇸