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  1. Six Trails

    #19 and Gero's limits

    If you do believe that they have a limit to how much Ki they can absorb, what do you think it is? Below #17 and #18 perhaps?
  2. Six Trails


    Why did Slowking move first??? (Turn 14)
  3. Six Trails

    Favorite Mega Evolution

    I'm split between three. Charizard-Mega-Y: I like it mainly because of its design, though I also find it good competitively, even if it is overshadowed by Charizard-Mega-X. Altaria-Mega: I like the design and Pixilate. Pinsir-Mega: Slightly biased towards it because of it being my first 5iv...
  4. Six Trails

    Freeza vs. Base Vegetto

    We know Freeza > Base Goku, but what about Base Vegetto? Can he trump the former emperor of the universe?
  5. Six Trails

    Flamethrower vs. Fire Blast

    Which do you prefer? Power or accuracy?
  6. Six Trails

    Favorite Deoxys form

    Which form of Deoxys is your favorite? For me, Deoxys-D is my favorite from an aesthetic standpoint, but Deoxys-S is my favorite to use in battle.
  7. Six Trails

    Spikes vs. Stealth Rock

    Which entry hazard do you find to be more of a hindrance?
  8. Six Trails

    Oob (Baby arc) runs a gauntlet

    This is Oob before fusing with Innocent Boo. He is healed before each match. 1. General Rild 2. Base Goku (Baby arc) 3. Hyper Mega Rild 4. SS3 Goku (Baby arc) 5. Base Vegeta-Baby Where does he stop?
  9. Six Trails

    What makes Kyurem-B so bad?

    What I don't understand is how Zekrom is Ubers, while Kyurem-B is only OU. First, let's look at their base stats. Zekrom HP: 100 Atk: 150 Def: 120 SpA: 120 SpD: 100 Spe: 90 Kyurem-B HP: 125 Atk: 170 Def: 100 SpA: 120 SpD: 90 Spe: 95 So, despite having slightly weaker defenses (which is...
  10. Six Trails

    Should Blaziken even be Ubers?

    This is Base Blaziken I'm taking about, not Mega Blaziken. I don't think it should be. I have a hard time setting up a Swords Dance because it's too frail to even take a hit, and it's Atk just seems too weak without Life Orb, which wears it down even faster on top of recoil damage from Flare...
  11. Six Trails

    SS Vegeta + SS Kid Gohan + Piccolo vs. SS Goku + SS Trunks

    All are their Android arc incarnations. Which team wins?
  12. Six Trails

    Kibitoshin vs. SS2 pre-Majin Vegeta

    Who wins?
  13. Six Trails

    Best Mega-Evolved Pseudo Legendary Pokémon

    So, I am currently making a team of 6 Pseudo Legendary Pokémon (excluding Goodra), and I am having trouble deciding which one should take up my mega slot. Besides Salamence, who should I use? Tyranitar, Metagross, or Garchomp?
  14. Six Trails

    Post your first/main Mystery Dungeon starters

    Include what form you evolved them to if you did. For me: Blue/Red Rescue Team Charmander -> Charizard Chikorita Time/Darkness/Sky Piplup -> Prinplup Cyndaquil -> Typhlosion Gates to Infinity Pikachu -> Raichu Axew -> Fraxure Super Chespin Oshawott I have yet to evolve in Super, but I...
  15. Six Trails

    Powersave services

    For anyone who owns Pokémon X/Y/OR/AS, I am willing to give out free powersave services. I do not gen Pokémon, but I can: - Make a Pokémon a shiny - Alter natures - Alter IVs - Alter EVs - Alter Pokéball caught in - Clone Pokémon/Items - Attain past events
  16. Six Trails

    Dabra vs. 7 Cell Juniors

    Dabra replaces Vegeta and Trunks (and the humans and Piccolo) at the Cell Games and takes on all 7 Cell Kids. He is not allowed to use his stone spit. Can he take all 7? Or is he overwhelmed?
  17. Six Trails

    Best Smeargle sets?

    Currently, I have: Smeargle @ Power Herb Ability: Own Tempo EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Boomburst - Giga Drain - Spore - Geomancy
  18. Six Trails

    Super Android #13 > Android #16

    Seems we were wrong all along.
  19. Six Trails

    How good are Tornadus and Thundurus?

    Smogon has them both as OU, though I never see anyone online using them. Are they good? Or is Landorus the only good one in the trio?
  20. Six Trails

    Panputto vs. Mummy-kun

    Who wins?

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FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.
I stand with Mahmoud Khalil 🇵🇸