Search results

  1. Six Trails

    Overrated Pokémon in OU

    Which Pokémon do you not think are not good enough to be in OU and are only in OU because of their usage stats? My picks are Conkeldurr, Celebi, Jirachi, Mew, Starmie, and maaaaaybe Sylveon. Still undecided.
  2. Six Trails

    Favourite Special Sweeper?

    What's your most trusted special sweeper in OU? (Linoone is not allowed.)
  3. Six Trails

    Favorite Tier

    Which tier/metagame is your favorite? Mine is usually either OU or Uber, but I've currently become interested in Battle Spot Singles. Mainly because I can use Mega Salamence and Blaziken.
  4. Six Trails

    WiFi Battling

    So is anyone here into that or what? :wat
  5. Six Trails

    Would you like it if...

    Would you like it if in the new games, more natures were created, and they would now raise two stats while also lowering two stats (as opposed to only raising and lowering one)? Or would that be too much?
  6. Six Trails

    Random Question Thread

    So instead of creating a new thread whenever I have only one or two small questions to ask, I though it'd be better to have a dedicated thread for small/unimportant questions. I'll start off with one. Why can't Garchomp learn Dragon Dance?
  7. Six Trails

    Expected Mega Evolutions for Pokémon Sun and Moon

    What Pokémon do you expect (or want) to get a new mega evolution in the new games? For me: - Dragonite - Goodra - Johto, Sinnoh, Unova, or Kalos starters - Haxorus - Hydreigon - Slowking - Pyroar To be honest, most of those are more wants than expectations, but I have no idea what to expect. I...
  8. Six Trails

    Physical or Special Mega Altaria?

    Which one is more common? Which one (in your opinion) is better?
  9. Six Trails

    My problem when making tier lists

    So, I'm not sure if this happens to anyone else, but when making tier lists, I always have trouble separating tiers/characters. For example, let's take Fat Boo, SS3 Goku, and SS Gotenks. I do think Fat Boo and Goku are in the same tier, I do think Goku and Gotenks are in the same tier, but I...
  10. Six Trails


    Has anyone here tried VGC before?
  11. Six Trails

    Gero's Gate vs. Budokai Wall (GT)

    According to the GT Perfect Files vol. 2, the gate to Gero's lab is made of Katchin, the hardest metal in the DB universe. This random wall at the tournament was able to withstand blows from GT Base Vegeta (who's stronger than Gohan-Boo and likely even SS Vegetto by the S17 arc). Clearly both...
  12. Six Trails

    Fat Boo (initial) vs. Perfect Cell

    Both are stronger than Teen Gohan, but weaker than Majin Vegeta and Goku. Who wins? :wat
  13. Six Trails


    @Uchiha Which set do you like better for Gliscor? Gliscor @ Toxic Orb Ability: Poison Heal EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD Careful Nature - Swords Dance - Earthquake - Knock Off / Protect - Facade / Protect Gliscor @ Toxic Orb Ability: Poison Heal EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def Impish Nature -...
  14. Six Trails

    SS Future Gohan (1-armed) vs. Android #19 (initial)

    For this scenario, Gohan is aware of #19's absorption capabilities and won't be incompetent enough to give #19 any energy. Who wins?
  15. Six Trails

    Make an OU team out of these Pokémon

    Here is every OU and UU Pokémon I have in my Omega Ruby. Given all of those Pokémon, what 6 would make for the best OU team? (The items listed in the sets are the items I usually use, but I am open to suggestions for different items.)
  16. Six Trails

    Base Goku (M2/Baby arc) vs. Goku/Gohan (Potara fusion)

    A Goku/Gohan Potara fusion is more than enough to defeat Gotenks-Boo in base, and Base Goku is stronger than Gohan-Boo. So who wins?
  17. Six Trails

    Can this be used to prove Trunks > Freeza?

    There's a small group who try to argue that Trunks wasn't actually stronger than Freeza or Namek SS Goku (usually for the sake of being conservative), but I think I found an argument to refute that. Goku decided not to teleport to Earth because he felt Trunks' Ki. If Trunks was actually weaker...
  18. Six Trails

    What generation did you start competitive battling?

    Did anyone do competitive battling back in the BW/B2W2 days? Or did everyone here start with XY/ORAS?
  19. Six Trails

    GT cast (BSDB arc)

    If you could pick the three people who went out into space into the first arc, who would you pick? For this scenario, Trunks won't be required to be apart of the crew to fly the ship. You can pick any three people. Personally, I'd pick Oob, Goku, and either Trunks or Goten.
  20. Six Trails

    Life Orb Feraligatr vs. Charizard-Mega-X

    Which one hits harder?

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FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.
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