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  1. Six Trails

    Movie 6 Power Discussion

    A few points to discuss: * How strong are Goku and Vegeta? * How strong is Piccolo? * How strong is Metal Coola? All relative to manga powers of course. I think Goku and Vegeta equal and also weaker than their Android saga counterparts, mostly because I think they should be weaker than their...
  2. Six Trails

    Power of the Kaioshins

    We know that all of the Kaioshins (North, West, South, and Dai) were stronger than East Kaioshin, and we can assume that South Kaioshin is probably not too much weaker than Pure Boo, based on the statement of him somehow being absorbed. But how about North Kaioshin, West Kaioshin, and Dai...
  3. Six Trails

    EoZ Piccolo vs. CG Super Saiyans

    How would Big Green fare in each of these matches? 1. SS Trunks 2. SS Vegeta 3. SS Trunks + SS Vegeta 4. SS Goku 5. SS Gohan This is not gauntlet style. Each match is separate and each fighter always starts at full power. Personally, I think he would clear Round 2 with moderate difficulty.
  4. Six Trails

    Suppressed Piccolo ~ Humans

    I just reread the whole scene, and I'm curious where this idea comes from? Gero sees Gohan, Krillin, Tenshinhan, and Piccolo and says absorbing all of their power would allow him to beat Vegeta. The only thing I'm getting from that is Gero (Gohan, Krillin, Ten, Piccolo's Ki) > Vegeta. Gero...
  5. Six Trails

    Goten Age Inconsistency

    If the Cell Games take place on May 26th Age 767 and the 25th TB takes place on May 7 Age 774, then how can Goten be 7 years old by the 25th TB if he was born after the Cell Games which is slightly under 7 years before the 25th TB? :kenshi Trunks should also be 7, unless he was already older...
  6. Six Trails

    Six Trails' Battle Powers List

    Saiyan arc Son Gokū (Kakarotto) ~ full power: 416 --- Kamehameha: 924 -- weighted: 334 post 5 month Kaio-sama training ~ full power: 8,000+ ~ Kaioken x2: 16,000+ ~ Kaioken x3: 24,000+ ---+ Kamehameha: 27,000+ ~ Kaioken x4: 32,000+ ---+ Kamehameha: 36,000+ Piccolo ~ full power: 408 --- 1st...
  7. Six Trails

    Base Vegetto vs. 100% Freeza (Namek)

    We all know that Beers said Base Saiyans can't beat Freeza, but is the power of Potara enough to close the gap here? I think Vegetto might be able to edge out a win because of Freeza's strain. What do you guys think? :dawae
  8. Six Trails

    SS3 Goku (EoZ) vs. SS Gogeta (Boo arc)

    Who wins? I think Goku reasonably surpassed SS Gotenks, but how would he fare against SS Gogeta?
  9. Six Trails

    Did Gotenks suffer from any strain when using SS3?

    Is it possible that Gotenks didn't suffer any strain from Super Saiyan 3, but instead just had his fusion time shortened? I know it was only ever stated in GT that SS4 shortened Gogeta's fusion, but does it seem plausible for Z that perhaps fused Saiyans don't suffer the stain of SS3 and instead...
  10. Six Trails

    SS4 Gogeta vs. Zeno

    Gogeta obviously wins this, but does Zeno at least put up a good fight? :manabu
  11. Six Trails

    Favorite Game Music

    What are your favorite songs from the Pokémon games? Here's some of mine: Yeah, I think Gen 5 is definitely best music wise.
  12. Six Trails

    How strong is Base Vegetto?

    How strong does everybody consider Base Vegetto from the Black arc? Using other Super characters to compare him to would be preferable.
  13. Six Trails

    The Saiyan King's name

    Since The King is never named in the manga, we can't actually be sure of what his name is. I don't think it's Vegeta. :shillary
  14. Six Trails

    For those who think Gohan was a SS2 against Dabra...

    I'm not sure if this point has been brought up before, but: Goku wasn't able to transform into a Super Saiyan at will at first, and said that he needed a lot of practice. I don't think any reasonable person would try to argue that Gohan practiced transforming into a Super Saiyan 2 a lot during...
  15. Six Trails

    Mega Sableye banned from OU

    Smogon isn't loading on my computer, so I can't provide a link, but :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm.
  16. Six Trails

    SS Goku (M5) vs. SS Trunks (Trunks saga)

    Who wins? I could see this going either way, though I would be willing to give Trunks the edge. I consider 5th form Cooler to be equal to Mecha Freeza, and Goku seemed to have a bit of difficulty with Cooler's Supernova while Trunks easily caught Freeza's (I am aware that scene is...
  17. Six Trails

    Battle Powers List (GT)

    Reference numbers Gotenks ~ Super Saiyan 3: 6,000,000,000,000,000 Son Gohan ~ Ultimate: 9,000,000,000,000,000 Evil Boo ~ Gohan absorbed: 15,000,000,000,000,000 Vegetto ~ Super Saiyan: 180,000,000,000,000,000* * Changed from Z list to fit with statements from GT Ultimate Dragon Balls...
  18. Six Trails

    Best HERO archetype?

    Which HERO archetype is the best in a competitive dueling setting? Elemental, Masked, or Evil Heroes? Also, are Neos-based decks viable?
  19. Six Trails

    Do the purple Potara even do anything to custom characters?

    Like the Goku Type/Vegeta Type/Etc Type equips in Sparking! Meteor. Do they even affect how your character plays? DBZAOTA482 You seem pretty good at this stuff.
  20. Six Trails

    Rate this OU team

    I think it's pretty good.

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FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.
I stand with Mahmoud Khalil 🇵🇸