Search results

  1. Warmmedown

    Next arc is Hachinosu?

    Luffy hears about Garp and goes there. He teams up with Koby. He kills Blackbeard. Or if it's too early for BB's defeat, Luffy sends Zoro and Jinbei with Koby to fight Blackbeard. They may be strong enough to rescue Garp, but not to defeat Blackbeard.
  2. Warmmedown

    Blackbeard's third

    Which fruit's powers do you think he'll get, if any? I was thinking Brook, but nah because of needing to meet Laboon. He could kill an admiral. That could also show his strength, or the strength of his crew. It could be Green Bull. Fujitora wouldn't make sense, since it's too similar to the...
  3. Warmmedown

    Broggy and the other one vs Zoro, Sanji and Jinbei

    They don't have candle wax, so could they do it? Or do they need Katakuri's help? I guess these giants don't have conqueror's since they got stuck in DF candle wax, unless they've developed it since Whiskey Peak.
  4. Warmmedown

    Hobby anime/manga

    You lika the hobby anime? I liiike (said Borat). Did you do something from an anime? Or did you watch an anime to learn a hobby? +
  5. Warmmedown

    Blackbeard vs Luffy will be a team fight

    Do you think this could be the first team fight of One Piece? Rather than Luffy vs BB one vs one, I think BB will elect to take on Luffy with his crew supporting him. Because BB doesn't fight one vs one. Instead of everyone fighting separately like in other arcs, the SHs will try to stop BB's...
  6. Warmmedown

    Bepo is top tier? Minks crew is top tier?

    Is Bepo top tier while transformed? Or did he just catch them off guard? Wb all the minks transformed? Are they a top tier crew? Stronger than any yonkou crew? Also I only just learnt Bepo doesn't have a DF.
  7. Warmmedown

    Why isn't Big Mom rescuing Pudding?

    Big Mom, Katakuri, Cracker and the SHs can go and rescue them. Or maybe the marines can give permission for Koby to help too, and Helmeppo can sit on the sidelines. Bepo and Law too. They'd crush Blackbeard's crew and rescue Garp, Law's crew and Pudding.
  8. Warmmedown

    Why BB has three?

    Why does he have three guns? Three beard ties? Three heads on his flag? Only two feathers in his cap though. He does have a ribbon in his hair though. Three head decorations. BB is Blackbeard
  9. Warmmedown

    Yamato vs Kaku

    knowm sayin'?
  10. Warmmedown

    Soooo....was Kuina right?

    Was she? Zoro Mihawk Shanks Rayleigh Vista Law Fujitora Oden Ryuma
  11. Warmmedown

    How would THIS timeskip-inspired 11-man crew do in today's One Piece world?

    Vegapunk Rayleigh Mihawk Old man who taught Nami in the clouds Ivankov Heracles Dragon Shanba Sancrin Aladine Vivi's camel
  12. Warmmedown

    How would THIS 11-man crew do in today's One Piece world?

    Garp Fisher Tiger Calgara Norland Ryuma Judge Vivi's ancient ancestor queen Laboon Vegapunk Saul Kureha
  13. Warmmedown

    How would this 11-man crew do in current One Piece's world?

    Shanks Zeff Kuina Hiluluk Tom Nefertari Cobra Nico Olivia Fisher Tiger Yassop Bellemere Brook (alive) One Piece?
  14. Warmmedown

    Is it possible to power scale pokemon?

    Machamp's desciption says it can knock an opponent over the horizon. So what level of Machamp can do that? Is it only applying to level 100? Or can it do it at level 28 (minimum level for Ma-oneIforgothenameofeventhoIjustgoogledit to become Machoke, which trades to Machamp)? If a level 28...
  15. Warmmedown

    I wonder if it's possible to do Vegeta's explosion, but just halfway, so it's a reusable attack

    If it's possible to learn to open the door to the explosion, but then close it partway through. It would be a tremendously powerful attack that covers a large surrounding area for a while, but they shut it off before they totally run out of ki. They end up exhausted, but nothing a few days of...
  16. Warmmedown

    Most disturbing anime or manga scenes?

    Anime: for me it was from Claymore. There's a character's death early on that disturbed me. I even had a nightmare clearly inspired by the bitch that killed her (she transforms into a purple monster in the anime). Yeh then you've got chapter 23 of Parasyte/Kiseijuu. Made me feel nauseous, not...
  17. Warmmedown

    Did anyone else think the evil third eye Gomah wanted was Tien's eye?

    I thought it was gonna be that, but I guess it's not. I thought they'd reveal Tien's eye's origin, or have Tien possessed, have Tien's eye stolen or have Tien counter Gomah's eye. Maybe Gomah would be shocked that someone else already took the eye. Or there's a central "evil eye", than Tien's is...
  18. Warmmedown

    Golf anime - Sorairo Utility; Rising Impact; Tonbo; Birdie Wing; Beat Shot

    What's with the sudden influx of golf anime? There was also Birdie Wing a couple years ago 2025 Tonbo (2024): Rising Impact (2024) - @SSJ2 should recommend his boss adds 1:16 to the golf course. Might hurt revenue when half the members die though: Beat Shot: Watch Me Sink My Putz (is...
  19. Warmmedown

    Rank these based on ability to handle damage, based on feats and statements

    Kaido Luffy Wiper Akainu Aokiji Garp Bellamy Smoker Sanji Zoro Franky Usopp Chopper King Blackbeard Saturn Lucci Kaku Nami Robin Jinbei Kuma Sentomaru Law Kidd Whitebeard Big Mom Ivankov Crocodile Jozu Marco Yamato Doflamingo Baby guy from Doffy's crew Urouge Begg Bonny Sanji's toughest sibling...
  20. Warmmedown

    Rank these for durability, based on feats and statements

    Kaido Luffy Akainu Aokiji Garp Smoker Sanji Zoro Franky Usopp Chopper King Blackbeard Saturn Lucci Kuma Sentomaru Law Kidd Whitebeard Big Mom Ivankov Crocodile Jozu Marco Yamato Doflamingo Baby guy from Doffy's crew Pika Chu Daz Bones Bonny Urouge Iceberg Helmeppo the quality of being able to...

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FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.
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