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  1. Warmmedown

    Best DBZ AI (artificial intelligence) trailers?

    This is good. They did Piccolo dirty tho, I don't know who the humorously shocked woman is or why the rain dripping off Vegeta's face is so thick, as if he's slobbering in anticipation of the fight. Here's one with ridiculously handsome actors and a smokin Chichi. I don't know most of the...
  2. Warmmedown

    "Destroying the cliché is more of a cliché itself"

    What are examples of this in manga, anime or any other fiction? Where a particular subversion or deconstruction of a cliché or trope has became so common it became a cliché itself? Or a particular fiction cliché was subverted in various ways so often that the original cliché became more less...
  3. Warmmedown

    Forgetting/mispronouncing name trope

    Shows with this trope? DB Daima has Goku doing this repeatedly. I don't think he's ever done it before. Is he getting senile? It's kinda dumb. I know Gintama's done it sometimes. Demon Slayer Inosuke: Luffy does it all the time
  4. Warmmedown

    Luffy introducing himself in several languages

    Wtf is up with the Italian one
  5. Warmmedown

    Um, would you like some juice?

    Take notes from Popo on how to conduct diplomacy. If King Vegeta had said this to Freeza, maybe their planet would still be there.
  6. Warmmedown

    What do Namekians do and value?

  7. Warmmedown

    Did Future Goku kill Freeza?

    He usually doesn't willfully kill, at least in adulthood (I always assumed he was too stupid against the RRA).
  8. Warmmedown

    Why didn't they build a healing chamber on Earth?

    Are they stupid? Well, Goku is and Vegeta isn't as stupid, but he's the type to not care. They probably never told Bulma about it. Ok and Trunks blew up Freeza's ship. In the future I wonder if Goku blew up Freeza's ship when he defeated Freeza on Earth. If Goku didn't destroy the ship, they...
  9. Warmmedown

    Best filler character

    Icarus? Marron? Icarus adds much more to Gohan's story and character than Marron does to Krillin's or Roshi's. Legit was his first friend. Pretty sad he never existed, if Toei Gohan was teleported into the manga. It's like that toy power in One Piece.
  10. Warmmedown

    Zoro fought swordsmen, Luffy fought an idiot,

    Zoro fought Ryuma, Kaku, Ohm, Cabaji, Hatchan etc Luffy fought captains and fellow idiots (Wapol, Foxy) Sanji fought Absalom who's a fellow pervert Brook fought swordsman Ryuma, also fought a supernatural being in zombies Chopper - doctor or cervidae Usopp - sharp-shooter, costume, an oversized...
  11. Warmmedown

    Who has the most genki energy?

    Kami? Mr Popo? Kaioshin? Or does everyone have the same amount? That could be a villain - he grows plants and bacteria for food, but secretly he's growing them to make a genki dama. He absorbs it and fights the Z fighters. The movie ends with Vegeta and Goku realising they can eat the farm's...
  12. Warmmedown

    Can ki be stored?

    Can ki be stored inside something like a capsule or gun, for later use?
  13. Warmmedown

    What's it like inside a capsule? Has a living being ever been inside one?

    Could be used to defeat Cell. That's a good movie. Some astronauts are transporting a capsule to the sun, but it accidentally gets opened and contains Imperfect Cell. It's basically Alien though. They could train inside the capsule. Or use it to sneak up on a villain. Put Goku inside the...
  14. Warmmedown

    Would you rather have a PL of Freeza but when you sneeze it goes back to 5, or rather have a consistent PL of 21st Budokai Goku

    You're also on a CIA hitlist for the first 2 years and have to fly to a new country every 3 months. Plus you need to win 5 Olympic sports or you'll get a PL of 3. You also need to traverse the lion, komodo, bear, gorilla, elephant, giraffe and rhino enclosure in the zoo, while wearing an old...
  15. Warmmedown

    Would you accept looking like Shu for a PL of 5000

    Would ya After a few years there's a risk I'd end up killing someone who calls me a bitch, so imma say no. Plus you'd end up attracting furries.
  16. Warmmedown

    Can Yajirobe suppress his ki?

    He was watching Goku vs Vegeta. Most likely he wasn't there by coincidence. So was he not close enough for Nappa or Vegeta's scouter to pick him up?
  17. Warmmedown

    Baby Vegeta vs Goku Black vs purple Vegeta

    Which ripoff seems stronger?
  18. Warmmedown

    DB Super vs GT power levels

    Which of these universes is stronger?
  19. Warmmedown

    How far can the power pole/nyoibo extend?

    It's made to reach Kami's lookout, but it can reach the moon, which must be several times further up from the Earth's ground level. Is it mentioned in a guidebook how far it goes? Can it go to Namek? Lol.
  20. Warmmedown

    Who would you say are the Z fighters

    Does Roshi count as one? I guess not, since he doesn't fight in Z. What about Yajirobe? Goten and Kid Trunks? Android 18? Mr Popo? Kami? Kaioshin? What about in DB Super? Is Buu a Z fighter? Mr Satan? Android 17? Android 18? Yamcha? Chazou? Is anyone from another universe a Z fighter?

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