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  1. Papasmurf

    Are the Cell and Boo arcs too similar in structure?

    It can't be helped that the series is formulaic to an extent when a similar adventure/action shonen like OP generally follows the formula of Luffy and Zoro taking the top two dogs of the opposing force and winning under a time limit. But are the Cell and Boo arcs in particular too similar in...
  2. Papasmurf

    Gamma Burst Flash vs. Final Shine

    Which modification of Final Flash did you prefer?
  3. Papasmurf

    Gap between SSJ2 CG Gohan and SSJ2 Goku/Majin Vegeta

    Does it need to be any bigger than 1.1x?
  4. Papasmurf

    What would SSJ4 Gotenks look like?

    Would he have red hair like Gogeta, or a mix of purple and black like his base form?
  5. Papasmurf

    DB Daima manga incoming?

    From the looks of it chapter 100 basically only adapted the last 5 minutes of the movie and announced nothing of the next DBS arc, plus Toyotaro's done DB Daima promotional art. Do you think rather than them doing an EoZ saga or similar, they'll just adapt Daima instead?
  6. Papasmurf

    What would "SSJ3" Cell look like?

    Cell's appearance didn't change with his version of the SSJ2 form (likely because he has no hair), so how would he look if he attained his version of SSJ3? Identical to his SPC form, just lighter colored?
  7. Papasmurf

    Did the Vegeta-Trunks gap shrink during the first Rosat trip?

    Continuing an argument I had with Dagon on Discord. Here are the reasons why I believe the gap lessened after the 1st Rosat trip: Vegeta is more or less usually treated as the strongest of the SSJ trio pre-Rosat with Piccolo backing up this notion. Trunks is treated as solidly below Goku...
  8. Papasmurf

    Moro vs. Granolah

    Which arc sucked more ass?
  9. Papasmurf

    Which version butchered Goku's character more?

    The anime or the manga?
  10. Papasmurf

    Could Super Vegeta go SSJ3 if he wanted to?

    Or do you think he couldn't do it simply because he never bothered learning how?
  11. Papasmurf

    Was Vegeta SSJ or SSJ2 when fighting Gohan-Boo (anime filler)

    He shows lightning when attacking Boo on two occasions and was visibly enraged that Goku had held back his strongest form against him in their last fight, but on the other hand Goku's hairstyle and plain aura are that of a regular Super Saiyan. Thoughts?
  12. Papasmurf

    Will Slam Dunk get a remake anime?

    With just about everything getting remade or continued these days, do you think Slam Dunk will be reanimated following the success of The First Slam Dunk?
  13. Papasmurf

    Ask Kenshi

    Cbf to locate and bump the old thread Ask away
  14. Papasmurf

    Baby brainwashed Pan?

    Let's say that Baby brainwashed Pan to make Goku even more isolated, and took energy from her too. And for the sake of argument, let's say that the Super Saiyan God ritual would activate from 5 partial Saiyans giving energy to Baby, with their righteous original hearts meeting the requirements...
  15. Papasmurf

    Can a person with mortal Ki fuse with a person who is using God Ki?

    I mean, their powers may be equal (if performing the dance), but since the volume of God Ki would likely be far smaller due to how much more efficient it is, would the dance even activate?
  16. Papasmurf

    Why do the DBS transformations never seem to win their debut fight?

    SSJG - lost to Beerus SSJB - needed Whis' help to win, got cucked by a laser beam SSJBKK - Goku surrendered UI Sign/MUI - wore off and Jiren had to be defeated through a team effort. Even needed Oob's help to fully put down Moro UE - got cucked by Granolah and Gas alike SSJBE - got cucked by...
  17. Papasmurf

    Why does Dai Kaioshin seem to influence Boo more than any other absorbee?

    I mean, he was weaker than South Kaioshin after sealing Moro apparently, yet he and Good Boo by extension seem to be anchors to Boo's rationality and Good Boo's influence was even able to stop Kid Boo from attacking Satan when he was disconnected. Meanwhile, Piccolo's love for Gohan and Gohan's...
  18. Papasmurf

    Rose Black and Future Zamasu vs. SSJB Goku (pre-Mafuba), SSJB Vegeta (FT pre Rosat), and FPSSJ2 Trunks

    Let's say that FPSSJ2 Trunks keeps Future Zamasu at bay while the two SSJBs team up on Black. We never saw this fight happen in the manga because Trunks was cucked into staying on the sidelines, so what would happen?
  19. Papasmurf

    So is there even any explanation as to how Rob Lucci got so stupidly strong?

    Did he just bench 400 foot tall trees and drink lots of orange juice and do plenty of sit ups and push ups

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FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.
I stand with Mahmoud Khalil 🇵🇸