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  1. Papasmurf

    Zamasu's Telekinesis

    Would it still affect Goku in his Blue form? Goku seemed to think getting caught in it would prove to be bothersome even in God, but the fact that even Merged Zamasu didn't try to use it on SSJB/PSSJBs and that Goku was only in SSJ when he was actually caught by it tells me that it might not be...
  2. Papasmurf

    SSJ4 Limit Breaker

    What's everyone's opinions on it?
  3. Papasmurf

    Green confirmed to have been mourning his Pokemon's death in the Lavendar Tower According to the official Japanese Pokemon website, Green (Blue) was mourning the loss of his Pokemon, to the point that he didn't even notice what was happening in the floor above. So it seems that rumor about his Raticate...
  4. Papasmurf

    Goku hit Vegeta with the Genki Dama at FP?

    Let's say Goku didn't lose most of the Genki Dama energy and hit Vegeta with it. How does this change the events of the series?
  5. Papasmurf

    Which is the more fucked up tournament? (DM-wise)

    Between Duelist Kingdom and Battle City, which one is more messed up in terms of fucked up moderation? Duelist Kingdom's track record: Tells the field power bonus only to winners of the Japanese championship like Haga at first, forces those who drop out before the finals to row their way back...
  6. Papasmurf

    Super #17 arc vs. FnF arc

    Which arc is worse?
  7. Papasmurf

    Did Inuyasha copy Berserk?

    If you think of the following as parallels: Guts - Inuyasha Onigumo/Naraku - Cripple Griffith/Femto Casca/Potato Casca - Kikyou/Kagome Dragon Slayer - Tessaiga Then the similarities are pretty obvious. Obviously most would agree Berserk is the better and more epic series, and Takahashi took...
  8. Papasmurf

    What would happen if Boo absorbed Granolah?

    Would he still die when his lifespan runs out in a few years? Keep in mind that Gotenks' time limit in both SSJ3 and Fusion don't seem to apply when he is connected to Boo.
  9. Papasmurf

    Kaiba was defeated in a Shadow Game more than any other character

    Manga-wise, Kaiba was beaten in two Shadow Games against Yami Yugi, one Shadow Game by Pegasus, and once again defeated by Dark Diva/Aigami in Darkside of Dimensions. Anime-wise, he lost to Yugi in episode 1, lost to Pegasus, and was again defeated by Dartz, resulting in him facing a Penalty...
  10. Papasmurf

    Would SSJ4 have been more badass if the shirts were still destroyed after they reverted?

    I noticed that in the Dragon Ball Heroes manga adaptation, Xeno characters who reverted to base from SSJ4 retained the shirtlessness. Would this have made SSJ4 more badass, and Goku and Vegeta more badass in turn? Kid Goku only went shirtless a couple of times in GT and both times he was badly...
  11. Papasmurf

    Shisami (high on 3 red bull cans) vs. Namek Piccolo (Orange)

    Who wins? :cage2
  12. Papasmurf

    Berserk 371 out now Its a shame the chapters aren't longer, but it's good that Guts is getting some character development and things are taking a turn for the dark again.
  13. Papasmurf

    Kaioshit told Gohan about Boo's ability to absorb people?

    Discuss... :shin
  14. Papasmurf

    Can GER kill Ultimate Kars?

    Technically, you could consider Kars arriving at the "truth" of the outcome of regenerating to be something GER can negate similar to him preventing Diavolo from dying and thus putting him in an infinite loop. Opinions?
  15. Papasmurf

    Best rivalries in manga and anime?

    Like Hector's thread, but srs I'd say Guts/Griffith (Golden Age only) Tekkaman Blade/Tekkaman Evil (Space Knight Tekkaman Blade) Vash/Knives (Trigun) Light/L (Death Note) Joe Yabuki/Tooru Rikiishi (Ashita no Joe) Char/Rei (Mobile Suit Gundam) Akira Fudo/Satan (Devilman)
  16. Papasmurf

    Which forms are a character's "signature" form?

    With Goku I'd say regular SSJ is his signature due to him using it the most, plus he stopped using SSJ3 in Super for the most part and Blue is just a recolor of it. He still hasn't used UI long enough for it to be his signature form. In GT SSJ4 is definitely his signature form though. Gohan's...
  17. Papasmurf

    Could an energy-absorption type android absorb Hakai?

    Or would they just be destroyed by coming in contact with a Hakaishin's energy?
  18. Papasmurf

    At what point does the choshinsui start to have no effect?

    We know the lore about it unlocking every bit of your hidden power is just hot air, and Piccolo didn't even think of drinking it to unlock his potential in the Super Hero movie nor did Karin ever offer it to anyone, so it must have become obsolete during Z. But at which point precisely do you...
  19. Papasmurf

    SSJBE's Ki Drain

    How much higher is it than Perfected Blue? Discounting the anime where it was suffering from invisible Senzu PIS.

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FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.
I stand with Mahmoud Khalil 🇵🇸