1. I used to be a One Piece hater or a One Piece incel. I realized I had to tone that down a ton, mainly to see it for what it really is... peak fiction.
2. It's the perfect length. I mean it's over 100 volumes now. That's great! Not even the likes of Naruto, Bleach, or Gintama are over 80...
For me it's Junji Ito. He draws super funny expressions and has hilarious set ups and punch lines to his jokes, I think.
Whose your fav gag Mangaka though?
Where I finally get around to watching all of Super. :kenshi
Before I start I have to ask, should I bother watching the first two arcs? I may as well start at the beginning. :idk
I've been thinking for a bit, but after looking back on the series I've noticed a trend that has been present after a certain point in the story. Goku and his friends (Vegeta) have been quietly retconned by Toriyama and Toyo, at the start of the story Goku showed that he and Beerus's combined...
I have considered this fact deeply and I have come to the conclusion that Vegeta is the ultimate jobber in all of Dragon Ball Super. He has not won a single fight against any main antagonist in any arc so far. Every time he has fought against the main antagonist of an arc Vegeta has messed the...
My favourite had to be the acting mini game in Black and White 2, I spent hours just trying to get the right scenarios. The stories were also surprisingly dark too.