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  1. Pocket-Gog~

    Goku Black(anime) V Goku Black(manga)

    Who would win? Round 1: The two Goku Blacks are equal in power. Round 2: The two Goku Blacks have their Zamasu's providing support.
  2. Pocket-Gog~

    Janemba V Pure Boo

    The battle to decide which out of the two is the greater force of destruction. Takes place in Supreme Kai's world. Round 1: Boo doesn't have his regeneration. Round 2: Janemba doesn't have his portals. Round 3: The two are equally as strong.
  3. Pocket-Gog~

    Goku(anime) V Goku(manga)

    Both Goku's are from their respective version of the Future Trunks arc, they both want to fight each other to see who's the better fighter. Round 1: Both Goku's are fighting as SSJG. Manga Goku can employ the strategy he used against Hit, and release the power of SSJB in short bursts. Round 2...
  4. Pocket-Gog~

    Mecha Freeza V Future Trunks

    Power wise this is Future Trunks after he just arrives from the future to stop Freeza. Scenario: Freeza takes Trunks's threat seriously and powers up to full. Round 1: Freeza fights Trunks aline. Round 2: Freeza and King Cold fight Trunks together. Round 3: Trunks, and Yardrat Goku work...
  5. Pocket-Gog~

    Goten and Trunks V Android 18 and 17

    Android 17 and 18 V Trunks and Goten. Takes place in the Strongest Under the Heavens. Goten and Trunks haven't trained in the hyperbolic time chamber. Round 1: Android 17 and 18 are their future counterparts. Round 2: Trunks and Goten can't go SSJ. Round 3: It's normal Android 17 and 18...
  6. Pocket-Gog~

    Dabura V Majin Boo

    Equal power levels obviously. The Great Demon King has been wrong by Majin Boo, but can he get his revenge? Round 1: Majin Boo doesn't have his regeneration. Round 2: Majin Boo doesn't have his candy beam. Round 3: Dabura doesn't have his stone spit.
  7. Pocket-Gog~

    King Cold V Super Saiyan Goku

    His son may have performed well against the legendary Super Saiyan, but how well would King Cold perform? Goku is as strong as he was when he first turned SSJ.
  8. Pocket-Gog~

    How would you handle Goku and Vegeta

    Goku and Vegeta are both incrediably stale characters at this point in time, repeating the same tired tropes time and time again. However, this isn't a thread to discuss that, instead it's a thread on how you could keep them interesting post Boo arc. What new character arcs would you give them...
  9. Pocket-Gog~

    How is Son Goku so badly flanderised?

    Super is really bad with written characterisation. However, I want to focus on Goku for this, discounting everyone else in particular. Why is Goku so flanderised in Super? His character is incredibly simple. Araki summed it up in Manga Theory and Practise, Son Goku cares deeply about his...
  10. Pocket-Gog~

    Hokuto no Ken's message.

    Done to complete C.C's challenge, I apologise that it was so late. Hokuto no Ken is considered to be the manliest anime under the sun. Why wouldn't it be thought so? It's about hyper buff martial artists roaming about a post...
  11. Pocket-Gog~

    DBS Manga Powa Level list

    Rules, I'll be ignoring the canonical power levels, the realm of the Gods is so unfathomably gigantic that the numbers would be ridiculous. Battle of Gods: Goku (Base): 1 Goku (Super Saiyan): 50 Goku (Super Saiyan 2): 100 Goku (Super Saiyan 3): 400 Goku (Super Saiyan Goddo): 10,000 Vegeta...
  12. Pocket-Gog~

    Will Broly's power surpass Whis?

    Following Dragon Ball tradition, the next villain's power always surpass the villain of the last arc. We also have confirmation that Broly's power is also greater than a GoD. So is he going to be stronger than Whis?
  13. Pocket-Gog~

    Why haven't some characters aged?

    Why haven't certain characters aged? It's one of my favourite elements of the original manga, seeing them grow up and change over a period of time. However, that's completely absent in Super, pretty much every character is dead locked in a young age. Obviously this is because their most...
  14. Pocket-Gog~

    Anime Kefla V Anime Future Trunks Vegetto

    Vegetto and Kefla are both at full power, this is Vegetto from the Future Trunks arc. Vegetto doesn't have Kaio Ken.
  15. Pocket-Gog~

    One Piece's Melodrama.

    Uh, I got challenged by C.C, and I gotta complete it. So, I consider One Piece to be overly melodramatic. I would consider that to be hypocritical considering Hokuto no Ken is a favourite of mine, and that's as melodramatic as it comes. But, uh stick with me here, it has been literal years...
  16. Pocket-Gog~

    Fixing Super

    This thread is a rip off of C.C's thread on fixing GT in conception, all credit goes to him for this idea. Fixing Super is a momentous task. However, I do want to see how we'd do it given the chance, and how much our rewrites would differ from each other. Also, feel free to completely throw out...
  17. Pocket-Gog~

    How well did BSDB emulate the first Hunt for the Dragon Ball arc?

    It's no big secret that Black Star Dragon Balls was trying to recreate the tone and feeling of the first arc of Dragon Ball, down to regressing shrinking Goku down into a more nostalgic child form, and outright copying the whole hunt for the Dragon Ball's but on a universal scale. Did it do a...
  18. Pocket-Gog~

    My Dragon Ball Super Review (manga)

    I decided to go and experience Dragon Ball Super as a whole. However, I couldn't be bothered with the anime considering it'd take me hours to get through it all. This'll be strictly a manga review for every major arc barring the ToP as that hasn't finished yet. Battle of Gods Arc; 1/10 I...
  19. Pocket-Gog~

    Favourite teacher?

    Son Goku and his friends have progressed throughout the story, gaining loads more strength, however none of them would have gotten where they are now by themselves. So, out of every teacher they've received who is your favourite? Please explain why too.
  20. Pocket-Gog~

    Roshi runs the Super gauntlet

    With the hilarious confirmation that Roshi can use UI, this was only inevitable. :Paladin Round 1: Super Saiyan God Goku (BoG) Round 2: Golden Freeza (RoF, no stamina drain) Round 3: Hit (end of his match with Goku at Universe 6) Round 4: SSJR Goku Black. Round 5: Merged Zamasu Round 6...

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