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  1. Pocket-Gog~

    One Piece will never end.

    Oda will die before he finishes this series, why are you still following it? :shc :shc :shc
  2. Pocket-Gog~

    Watching Fate/Stay Apocrypha

    It's pretty bad so far, but watching with a friend makes it decent. Plus it's got good waifus. :ahshit :ahshit :ahshit
  3. Pocket-Gog~

    Thoughts on the card game?

    I've never played competitively or done much, but I've had a few games a few years ago. The cover art of the cards was always cool. Your thoughts?
  4. Pocket-Gog~

    Favourite One Piece world building?

    Oda is pretty great at world building in One Piece. :sure Lotsa events criss cross and intercept, characters are revealed to be inspired by other characters. Sometimes a character is responsible for something in the past. What is your favourite example of this? :rape1
  5. Pocket-Gog~

    GOAT Moro; how original is he?

    With the latest villain of DBS being a GOAT, as well as taking inspiration from Freeza, Boo, and King Piccolo. What would be his most unique traits to have him set apart from them?
  6. Pocket-Gog~

    Roshi V Boo.

    Manly GAINZ version for each character. Both of the characters are from the manga. :panties
  7. Pocket-Gog~

    Where will the series go?

    Following hints from the oracle fish that Goku and Vegeta will only ever end up as rivals for Beerus we can assume that either Beerus gets stronger, or they cap around his tier of strength. Besides that, what do you think the series will do after the Moro arc? Where will it go?
  8. Pocket-Gog~

    Eva's V Hirudegarn

    No trolling her, stats have been equalised. :troll Hirudegarn V Eva 01, Eva 02, and Eva 03. Round 1: Eva's are connected with the umbilical cord and have full support from Nerv. Round 2: Eva's are not supported by Nerv. Round 3: Eva's are on internal power supply. Bonus round: Eva 01 has...
  9. Pocket-Gog~

    Speculation on how the Moro arc will end?

    I'm personally thinking they seal him away or beat him with MUI.
  10. Pocket-Gog~

    Gog watches Evangelion

    Up to episode 6, blown away so far. General thoughts; Shinji reminds me of Pucket, Shinji occasionally disturbs me, Misato's gud, Rei's unnerving so far. The mechs are awesome, and the Angels are cool and varied. I do wonder how they're so similar to humans, but that's definitely a spoiler.
  11. Pocket-Gog~

    DBS Daikaioh and South Supreme Kai V Super Saiyan Blue Goku and Vegeta.

    With the latest arc enlightening us on how strong these Kaioshin really are, considering they could go against Moro in his prime and not get one shot. :rape But are they strong enough to defeat SSJB Goku and SSJB Vegeta, who Moro described as ants compared to his prime? :manabu
  12. Pocket-Gog~

    Gon V Base Goku

    Equal powa levels. Goku is Boo arc in terms of techniques, he can't use Kaio Ken or Super Saiyan. The match takes place in Heavens Arena, both fighters are in character.
  13. Pocket-Gog~

    Thoughts on the evolution of JoJo within the first 4 parts?

    I personally think it took until part 4 for JoJo to really gain it's identity, but what do you think?
  14. Pocket-Gog~

    Thoughts on part 8 of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure?

    So far it's pretty much just a better version of part 4. However, it is a step down from part 7.
  15. Pocket-Gog~

    Why did Beerus have any interest fighting the SSJG?

    Sure it made sense in BoG where we knew nothing of the other universes, as well as SSJG Goku being strong enough to push Beerus to using 70% of his power. However, now it doesn't make any sense. Why would Beerus have any interest in fighting a weakling like SSJG Goku? Why not just go over to...
  16. Pocket-Gog~

    What's the deal with SSJR in the manga?

    How does SSJR work in the manga? Goku Black says it's because of a god turning Super Saiyan Blue turns the hair pink, but Zamasu isn't technically a God, he's still a Kaioshin apprentice. And what determines a God, Goku can use God Ki, can even transform into Super Saiyan God, so why isn't he...
  17. Pocket-Gog~

    Gog reads Rurouni Kenshin

    MC looks gay.
  18. Pocket-Gog~

    Raditz just took Gohan.

    Raditz comes onto Earth, it goes similarly as it did in the canonical timeline. However, Raditz when he takes Gohan doesn't bother staying on Earth and leaves immediately, maybe Gohan shows off his amazing potential which triggers the change. He doesn't find out about the Dragon Balls, and...
  19. Pocket-Gog~

    Has Toriyama forgotten how to write character arcs?

    Has Toriyama forgotten how to write character arcs? In the original run of Dragon Ball, we had Krillin's development, Roshi's arc of letting the next generation take over, Gohan, Tien, Piccolo, Vegeta and even Majin Boo. However in Super there's nothing. Even characters like Zamasu, who Toriyama...

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