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  1. SSJ3 Gothic

    Ginyu (Goku's Body) vs Dodoria

    Ginyu in Goku's body at his first battle power reading versus Dodoria. Who wins?
  2. SSJ3 Gothic

    TDKR Bane vs BvS Batman

    TDKR Bane vs Batfleck. >no armored exoskeleton for Bats, just regular suit and utility belt items (grappling hook, smoke bombs, et cetera) >no breaking Bane's mask Who wins?
  3. SSJ3 Gothic

    Most powerful self destruct?

    -Vegeta's Final Explosion -Cell's Self Destruct -The bomb inside 16, 17 and 18 Which explosion is more powerful?
  4. SSJ3 Gothic

    SSJ3 Goku (Boo’s Stomach) vs General Rild)

    Anime Goku here. Who wins? Who wins?
  5. SSJ3 Gothic

    Yamucha (Kaioken) vs Piccolo (BoDBZ)

    Kaioken Yamucha (BoZ) vs Weighted Piccolo (BoZ) Who wins?
  6. SSJ3 Gothic

    Ultra Ego Vegeta (battle damaged) vs Yardrat Vegeta

    Ultra Ego Vegeta after he fought Granola versus a fresh SSJBE Yardrat Vegeta. Who wins?
  7. SSJ3 Gothic

    SSJ Rose

    Any special multiplier here, or is it just SSJGSSJ for Freddy Mercury?
  8. SSJ3 Gothic

    Evil Janemba vs Gotenks Boo

    Who wins?
  9. SSJ3 Gothic

    Base Trunks (Mighty Mask) vs Piccolo (@17)

    Who wins?
  10. SSJ3 Gothic

    Controversial DB opinions?

    I was going to post this based on my own opinion alone but decided to make it a larger thread in case I'm not the only one who has an opinion that might not go over so easy in the so called "community". Not that it gets that bad around here, but I've needed to get this off my chest for some time...
  11. SSJ3 Gothic

    SSJB Tiers

    Would someone be so kind as to lay out the various versions of SSJB? I sometimes lose track of conversations when certain abbreviations are used. SSJB: the initial firm SSJBE: Vegeta’s transformation CSSJB: ??? PSSJB: Perfect SSJB??? I think I know what this stands for but I don’t know what it...
  12. SSJ3 Gothic

    Billy the Kid vs Dracula

    Who wins if this goes down in real life?
  13. SSJ3 Gothic

    Recoome vs Majin Vegeta

    Same fight only Vegeta is Majin. Who wins?
  14. SSJ3 Gothic

    Z Sword Gohan > Ultimate Gohan

    Just in terms of pure aesthetics. Wish we got more of him in battle. :galu VS
  15. SSJ3 Gothic

    Piccolo (M8) vs SSJ Gohan (M8)

    Both from Movie 8/Broly. Who wins?
  16. SSJ3 Gothic

    Trunks' Sword

    I like GT more than most. But is anyone else constantly disappointed that the opening credits teased Trunks using his sword and looking awesome only to never use it in the show? Then again, the GT opening credits are often better than the show itself. Always bummed me out. You'd think at some...
  17. SSJ3 Gothic

    Oozaru Goku (Saiyan Saga) vs Jeice

    Who wins?
  18. SSJ3 Gothic

    Evil Janemba vs SSJ2 Gotenks (Boo Saga)

    Who wins?
  19. SSJ3 Gothic

    Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero

    The title for the next movie was announced today.
  20. SSJ3 Gothic

    Golden Freeza vs SPC

    Golden Freeza vs Super Perfect Cell. Equal powers. Who wins?

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FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.
I stand with Mahmoud Khalil 🇵🇸